IBM Fellows

Fellows are the standard-bearers for IBM’s technical and scientific leadership

Matt Huras

Distinguished Engineer
IBM Hybrid Cloud
Bachelor of Applied Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
Master of Engineering, Computer Engineering, University of Toronto

Matt is Chief Architect for DB2 LUW, an IBM Master Inventor with 54 granted U.S. patents, a prolific public speaker and member of the International DB2 Users Group Hall of Fame.

Don’t be afraid to throw out what doesn’t work and replace it with what does — you can expect to do that regularly.

Current project that excites you most?

I’m very excited about the work I’m doing that integrates IBM’s in-memory analytic query and transactional processing capabilities into a single technology — allowing complex queries, operational reporting, or other deep analytics at speeds beyond an order of magnitude faster than previous technologies. This ability to act with such speed on the latest data, with no latency, fosters new types of hybrid applications and allows our clients increased business agility, simplicity and cost efficiency.

Advice for tackling tough problems?

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that problems that seem daunting at first end up seeming almost trivial in hindsight, so don’t let problems that seem insurmountable slow you down. If you don’t know where to start, ask around and learn what you can from others, but pick a starting point quickly, and then learn and continually apply what you learn. Don’t be afraid to throw out what doesn’t work and replace it with what does — you can expect to do that regularly.

Greatest influence in your life?

I’ve had great teammates at IBM over the past 30+ years — people with talent, a strong work ethic and a desire to make a difference in the world. The experience of working with them, and learning from them, has probably been the single largest influence on me. Early in my career, I was quiet and shy — probably easy to overlook. My first manager took me aside and coached me on the technical career path in IBM, all the way up to IBM Fellow. He told me that’s where he saw me eventually. This manager led his team with integrity, focus and commitment and I learned a lot from the example he set.

Of course, in the most general sense, nothing has influenced my life more than my parents and immediate family. I look back on the caring and honest upbringing from my parents, and realize just how valuable that has been in work and in life. Of course, I’d be nowhere without the unconditional support I receive from my wife Theresa and my children Adam and Katie, even through the crazy hours and long absences.

What’s your passion project?

I’ve always loved photographing my kids, but after they became older, I needed to find another outlet for that energy. A few years ago, I began exploring nature photography and have been hooked ever since. It’s something completely different and great way to unwind. There’s always something new to see and learn.

History of the IBM Fellows

An overview on extraordinary achievements by exceptional individuals

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