What's new

New features and capabilities improve device mapping, scoring, predictive modeling, and investment planning. Unless otherwise specified, all new features apply to Maximo® Health 8.5.0, Maximo Predict 8.5.0, and Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities 8.3.0.

Integrate IoT systems using a new process

You can now integrate with IoT systems, such as IBM Maximo Monitor, using a new process. For more information, see Integrating with Maximo Monitor.

Recalculate all scores for a scoring group

You can now recalculate all active scores for all assets in a scoring group without using the AHSCORINGGROUP cron task. To recalculate the scores, in the scoring group, in the Scores table, click Recalculate scores. Using this feature for many groups at one time can affect performance.

You can recalculate all scores for a single asset by using the Recalculate scores action for that asset.

View more assets and locations on the map

From the Assets or Locations pages, on the map, if the number of assets or locations that can be shown is higher than the value for the health.map.default.total.size system property, assets or locations are automatically clustered at higher zoom levels.

Use Maximo Monitor metrics as score contributors

After you map Maximo Monitor metrics and devices to meters, you can use Maximo Monitor metrics as contributors to scores, such as health, criticality, or risk.

Maximo Predict: Access explainability features for predictive models

As a data scientist, you can configure, generate, and access explanations for classification and regression-based failure prediction models. Application administrators enable the explainability service as part of deploying Maximo Predict.

Maximo Predict: Show results from custom models in the application

Results from custom models can now be displayed in the application, such as in the Prediction section, for individual assets. The custom model must have the same output as the default models and must be built with the Maximo Predict SDK.

Maximo Predict: Use corrective maintenance as a proxy for failure predictions

Your data scientist can now configure models to use corrective maintenance as a proxy for failure predictions. For more information, see the notebooks.

Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities: Optimize your investments

You can now create investment projects on the Assets page and then use the Asset investment optimizer page to generate optimized investments for assets in the project. Compare and contrast the costs, schedules, and resulting risk scores of different investment strategies, and when you are ready to start scheduling work or review the project with your investment planner, export strategy details as a .csv file.

Before you can start optimizing investments, application administrators must deploy and configure IBM® Maximo Scheduler Optimization. For more information, see Deploying Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities. You enable asset investment optimization as part of deploying the Maximo Health dependency for Maximo Health and Predict - Utilities.