Advanced updates

 New in 18.0.2  Some IBM® Business Automation Insights capabilities can be disabled only after you create savepoints on each processing job.

About this task

You can update IBM Business Automation Insights to disable such capabilities as HDFS storage or sending data to the Kafka egress topic but you must first create savepoints of all running processing jobs to be able to restart them correctly after the update.


  1. Create savepoints for all the running processing jobs by using the script provided in the job manager pod.
    kubectl exec -it <my-release>-bai-flink-jobmanager-<id> -- scripts/ -s
  2. Take note of each savepoint path. In step 3, you replace savepoint_id with the corresponding identifier values.
    • /mnt/pv/savepoints/dba/bai-bpmn/savepoint-<savepoint-id>
    • /mnt/pv/savepoints/dba/bai-ingestion/savepoint-<savepoint-id>
    • /mnt/pv/savepoints/dba/bai-icm/savepoint-<savepoint-id>
    Note: If the script returns an error such as Not able to create savepoint for job 'dba/bai-<job-name>' with ID: xxxxxxxxxxx., fix the error before you update the IBM Business Automation Insights release. For more information, see Troubleshooting.
  3. Prepare the parameters for the update of the IBM Business Automation Insights release.
    To disable HDFS storage
    Remove the HDFS storage path, remove the ingestion job because it is not needed when HDFS is not enabled, and specify the savepoints for the jobs.
    To disable the capability of sending data to Kafka egress
    Set the data egress option to false and specify the savepoints for the jobs.
    Kafka topics are documented in Apache Kafka parameters.
  4. To update your release, follow steps 1 to 3 of Updating your Business Automation Insights deployment.
  5. Run the Helm upgrade command with the parameters that you defined in 3 above.
    helm upgrade <release-name> bai.tar.gz --reuse-values --set $PARAMS --namespace <my-namespace> --tls 


After the update, the job manager log returns a message such as the following one.
2019-01-08 18:11:04,737 INFO  org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.Checkpoints
- Skipping savepoint state for operator <operator-id>.

The message should appear only once for each operator that you disabled. If you see more messages than expected, contact IBM support.