Viewing impact analysis results

Learn how to view the impact analysis results of your scan through the Wazi Analyze web user interface.

Wazi Analyze supports the following types of impact analysis.
  • For COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler:
    • Program call references that display the call relationship between programs.
    • Source file references that display the relationship between files and included files.
  • For JCL:
    • Job call graph that displays the relationship between jobs, job steps, and file references.
    • Source file references that display the relationship between selected JCL file and referred JCL procedures.
To view the impact analysis results for COBOL, PL/I, Assembler, or JCL jobs, complete the following steps.
  1. Open the browser and navigate to https://localhost:5000. Wazi Analyze home page is displayed.
  2. Enter the password that you provided to log in to Wazi Analyze. For more information, see Starting up and shutting down the server.
  3. Select a project that you want to view impact analysis for from the Project screen.
    Note: Wazi Analyze does not persist the project selection. You need to select a project each time you log in to the system.
  4. Search for a program name, a file name or a job name that you want to see the impact analysis for.
    • Wazi Analyze supports wildcard search. You can use the '*' (asterisk) symbol or the '?' (question mark) symbol as part of a search string. Check Wazi Analyze's search behaviors in the following list.
      • When the '*' is part of the search string, Wazi Analyze replaces the asterisk symbol with one or more characters. For example, the 'AB*AB' search string returns all the programs or files that start and end with AB.
      • When the '?' is part of the search string, Wazi Analyze replaces the question mark symbol with one character. For example, the 'AB??AB' search string returns all the programs or files that start with AB, end with AB, and have any 2 characters in the middle.
      • When users select the search box, Wazi Analyze performs the search as the users search for the '*'. All the program and files are returned.
      • For a search string that ends without blank, Wazi Analyze performs the search by appending the '*' at the end of search string. For example, the 'AB' search string returns all the programs or files that start with AB.
      • For a search string that ends with blank, Wazi Analyze performs the exact search without blank. For example, the 'AB ' search string returns a program and a file named AB.
    • The search results are limited to 5,000 items.
  5. Select the program, file, or JCL job that you want to see the impact analysis for from the list of search results. The impact analysis graph is displayed.
    • A Program call graph displays if you select a program name.
    • A Source files relationship graph displays if you select a file name.
    • A Job call graph displays if you select a job name.
    Note: The number of relationships in the graph is limited to 99.
  6. Select a node on the graph to see the properties of the selected node. The following details are displayed.
    The artifact type of the selected node.
    The name of the selected node.
    The source type of the selected node.
    Incoming references / Includes
    • For programs: The list of programs that call or link to the selected node with the number of its references.
    • For files: The list of files that include the selected node with the number of its references.
    Outgoing reference / Included by
    • For programs: The list of programs that are called or linked by the selected node with the number of its references.
    • For files: The list of files that are included by the selected node with the number of its references.
    Data Definitions
    For batch job steps: The list of external references and their values, which are executed by the job step.
    Note: When you see the node as the Unknown type or language, it could be because this program or file is referenced by the other program or file that is displayed on the graph but the actual file is not included in the scanned source files. For example, in the following graph, HBRDISC is the Unknown type and language because no actual program or file is in the scanned source files but it is referred by LGAPBR01.
    Figure shows an example of the Unknown type or language.
  7. Select the Options menu icon ( ) on the upper right of the node to view the actions on the selected node.
    • Select Preview source content to view the content of the source file for the selected node. If the selected node is a "Program", the Preview source content action will result in a view of the program "logical entity" (the program statements and all copybooks used, that is, everything that is needed for compilation).
      • For COBOL and Assembler, if you cannot see the comment lines in the source content that is displayed, you might need to check the scan options in the configuration file and make sure that the OPTION_WITHCOMMENT is enabled. For more information, see Understanding the scan options in the configuration file.
      • For COBOL programs, the END-EXEC statement line is not displayed in the Preview source content view.
    • Select View source file references to view the relationship graph of the source files for the selected node.
    • Select View program call references to view a program call graph of the selected node.
  8. Select the + and - icons of the Relationship depth field () to adjust the number of relationship depth that is displayed on the graph.
  9. Select the Graph view icon () and Table view icon () on the upper right header to switch between the graph view and table view.
  10. Select the History icon (Figure shows the History icon. ) to view the previous items that you were looking at.
  11. Select the Filter icon (Figure shows the Filter icon.) to select the artifact type to display in the graph or table.
    • When you select the filter, the graph is updated as a preview. You need to select Apply filter to apply filter to the graph.
    • When you apply the filter, you will see a blue dot on the Filter icon indicating that the filter is applied.

Viewing impact analysis results from an Application Discovery static analysis data provider

Learn how to view the impact analysis results from an Application Discovery (AD) static analysis data provider through the Wazi Analyze web user interface.


The AD static analysis data provider needs to be configured. For more information about setting up an AD static analysis data provider, see Configuring additional data providers.

To view the impact analysis results from an AD static analysis data provider, complete the following steps.
Note: When an Application Discovery static analysis data provider is configured, projects that are created by Wazi Analyze will not be displayed.
  1. Open the browser and navigate to https://localhost:5000. Wazi Analyze home page is displayed.
  2. Enter the password that you provided to log in to Wazi Analyze. For more information, see Starting up and shutting down the server.
    Note: If AD is configured to use DEX Authentication Server, you will see AD Authentication failure message. You need to provide AD Authentication information in the next step before you can proceed.
  3. Select AD authentication from the drop-down menu under the Profile icon.
    Figure shows the drop-down menu under the Profile icon.
  4. Provide the following information for AD authentication.
    • User ID
    • Password
  5. Click the Authenticate button to process AD authentication.
  6. Click the Close button in the "Application Discovery authentication" dialog after you pass the authentication.
  7. Select a project that you want to view impact analysis for from the Project screen.
  8. Select the program, file, or JCL job that you want to see the impact analysis for from the list of search results. The impact analysis graph is displayed.
    • A Program call graph displays if you select a program name.
    • A Source files relationship graph displays if you select a file name.
    • A Job call graph displays if you select a job name.
    Note: The number of relationships in the graph is limited to 99.
  9. Select a node on the graph to see the properties of the selected node. The following details are displayed.
    The artifact type of the selected node.
    The name of the selected node.
    The source type of the selected node.
    Incoming references / Includes
    • For programs: The list of programs that call or link to the selected node with the number of its references.
    • For files: The list of files that include the selected node with the number of its references.
    Outgoing reference / Included by
    • For programs: The list of programs that are called or linked by the selected node with the number of its references.
    • For files: The list of files that are included by the selected node with the number of its references.
    Data Definitions
    For batch job steps: The list of external reference and its value, which are executed by the job step.
  10. Select the Options menu icon ( ) on the upper right of the node to view the actions on the selected node.
    • Select View source file references to view the relationship graph of the source files for the selected node.
    • Select View program call references to view a program call graph of the selected node.
  11. Select the + and - icons of the Relationship depth field () to adjust the number of relationship depth that is displayed on the graph.
  12. Select the Graph view icon () and Table view icon () on the upper right header to switch between the graph view and table view.
  13. Select the History icon (Figure shows the History icon. ) to view the previous items that you were looking at.
  14. Select the Filter icon (Figure shows the Filter icon.) to select the artifact type to display in the graph or table.

Viewing relationships between system artifacts from a z/OS Discovery Library Adapter data services data provider

Learn how to view the relationships of system artifacts from a z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (z/OS DLA) data services data provider through the Wazi Analyze web user interface.


The z/OS DLA data services data provider needs to be configured. For more information about setting up z/OS DLA data services data provider, see Configuring additional data providers.

To view the relationships between runtime artifacts in z/OS system such as CICS artifacts, DB2 artifacts, LPAR, z System Hardware, complete the following steps.
  1. Open the browser and navigate to https://localhost:5000. Wazi Analyze home page is displayed.
  2. Enter the password that you provided to log in to Wazi Analyze. For more information, see Starting up and shutting down the server.
  3. Select a z/OS DLA system that you want to view from the Projects and systems page.
    Note: Wazi Analyze does not persist the project or system selection. You need to select a project or system each time you log in to the system.
  4. Use artifact name or part of the name to search for an system artifact that you want to view the relationship graph. You can select the type of artifacts from the All artifact types drop-down list to filter only type of artifacts that you are looking to search.
    • You can use wildcard such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) as well as simple regular expression within a search string.
    • Search results show a list of artifact names. Since within a system it can contain artifacts with the same name, you might see duplicate names in the result list.
    • Displaying the search results might take a few seconds to minutes depending on the number of artifacts within the system.
  5. Select a node on the graph to see the detailed information of the selected node on the Properties pane.
  6. Select the Options menu icon ( ) on the upper right of the node to view the actions on the selected node.
  7. Select the Add to manifest radio button on the lower right of the node to select the node and all the related nodes both forward and backward relationship (even nodes not shown in the current graph) to manifest.yaml file to be exported.
    Figure shows the Add to manifest radio button.
  8. Select the + and - icons of the Relationship depth field () to adjust the number of relationship depth that is displayed on the graph.
  9. Select the Graph view icon () and Table view icon () on the upper right header to switch between the graph view and table view.
  10. Select the History icon (Figure shows the History icon. ) to view the previous items that you were looking at.
  11. Select the Filter icon (Figure shows the Filter icon.) to select the artifact type to display in the graph or table.

What to do next

Now you have completed the necessary tasks to get started with Wazi Analyze as described in Checklist for getting started. You can continue to check the rest of documentation and explore more with Wazi Analyze.