Configuring additional data providers

Learn how to configure the Application Discovery static analysis data provider and the z/OS® Discovery Library Adapter data services data provider for analysis.

IBM® Wazi Analyze can connect to different data providers as a source for analysis. The Wazi Analyze static analysis provider is the default built-in provider which cannot be disabled. In addition, you can configure the following two kinds of data providers as the additional data source for Wazi Analyze.
  • Application Discovery static analysis
  • z/OS Discovery Library Adapter data services

Configuring Application Discovery static analysis data provider

Application Discovery (AD) static analysis data provider can be used as an alternative static analysis data provider. If an AD data provider is specified, its data will be used by Wazi Analyze user interface and data API, instead of the default built-in data provider of Wazi Analyze.

Complete the following steps to configure AD static analysis data provider.

  • The Wazi Analyze container is started with port 4680 that is opened.
  • AD server is running and web services are enabled to allow communication with Wazi Analyze server.
  1. (Optional) If the Wazi Analyze server is running, shut down the server.
  2. Edit the environment file (analysis.cfg) in the /home/wazianalyze/azn-api/azn-api-server/api/ directory.
    • You can use any text editor to view or edit the file.
    • If you use the VI editor, you can run the following command to open the file.
      vi /home/wazianalyze/azn-api/azn-api-server/api/analysis.cfg
      You can use the following keys to change the editing mode of VI editor:
      • Press i to go to edit mode.
      • Press Esc + :wq to save and exit.
      • Press Esc + :q! to exit without saving.
  3. Edit the following lines in the environment file to specify the AD data provider host addresses. For example:

    Be sure to remove the "#" at the beginning of each edited line in order to uncomment the line.

    Note: If the AD server is configured with https protocol, change http to https. Ensure that you obtain a valid signed TLS/SSL security certificate for the AD server, otherwise you will not be able to access it. For evaluation purposes, the AD server comes with a self-signed certificate and you can use it by setting the following environment variable before starting the Wazi Analyze servers:
    export AZN_SSL_LAX=true
  4. If AD providers enable authentication and authorization through an authentication server, specify the address of the AD authentication server in the environment file by editing the following lines. For more information, see Configuring Authentication Server (DEX).
    For example:

    Be sure to remove the "#" at the beginning of each edited line in order to uncomment the line.

  5. Save the changes to the analysis.cfg file.
  6. Start the Wazi Analyze server.

Configuring z/OS Discovery Library Adapter data services data provider

z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (z/OS DLA) data services data provider can be specified to supply Wazi Analyze UI and data API with information about a z/OS system. The z/OS system must be running the z/OS DLA and a z/OS data services data provider must be running to provide access to data.

Complete the following steps to configure z/OS DLA data services data provider.

  • The Wazi Analyze container is started with the port 4680 that is opened.
  • z/OS DLA server is running.
  1. If you have not yet done so, start the container and launch the container terminal.
  2. Edit the environment file (analysis.cfg) in the /home/wazianalyze/azn-api/azn-api-server/api/ directory.
    • You can use any text editor to view or edit the file.
    • If you use the VI editor, you can run the following command to open the file.
      vi /home/wazianalyze/azn-api/azn-api-server/api/analysis.cfg
      You can use the following keys to change the editing mode of VI editor:
      • Press i to go to edit mode.
      • Press Esc + :wq to save and exit.
      • Press Esc + :q! to exit without saving.
  3. Add the following line in the environment file to specify the z/OS DLA host address.
    For example:
  4. Save the changes to the analysis.cfg file.
  5. Start the Wazi Analyze server and supply the token key from the z/OS DLA. -d <token>
    Note: Ensure that you obtain a valid signed TLS/SSL security certificate for the server running the z/OS DLA data services provider, otherwise you will not be able to access it. For evaluation purposes, the z/OS DLA data services provider comes with a self-signed certificate and you can use it by setting the following environment variable before starting the Wazi Analyze servers:
    export AZN_SSL_LAX=true