Sample shell script to run OMEGAMON Data Connect

You can use a shell script to run OMEGAMON® Data Connect on operating systems such as z/OS® UNIX and Linux. In addition to running OMEGAMON Data Connect, the supplied sample script can also create a user directory containing a sample OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration file as a starting point for you to edit.


The sample shell script is supplied under the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory in the relative file path:


The script file name connect has no file extension (no trailing .sh).

Example absolute file path:


Tip: Run the script from its supplied location in the installation directory. Don't copy the script to a different directory and try to run it from there. The script uses its own path to locate files in the installation directory. If you try to run the script from a different directory, the script won't find those files. If you want to make the script available in a directory that is already listed in your PATH environment variable, then, in that other directory, create a symbolic link that refers to the script in the installation directory. Running the symbolic link will run the script in the installation directory.


connect action

The script requires an action argument: create or run.

The script refers to the value of the environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR. Before calling the script, set the variable to the path of a user directory: depending on the action, either a directory that you want to create or an existing directory that you want to use to run OMEGAMON Data Connect.

create action

connect create

The create action creates an OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory.

Before performing the create action, set the environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR to the path of the user directory that you want to create.

If the directory specified by ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR already exists, the script exits without performing any action.

If intermediate directories in the path don't already exist, the script creates them. For example, if the user directory path is /var/omdp/config, but the omdp directory doesn't already exist, the script creates it.

The create action copies a sample connect.yaml configuration file from the installation directory as a starting point for you to edit.

The create action also copies another file, connect.sample.yaml, containing numerous examples of configuration parameters. OMEGAMON Data Connect does not use connect.sample.yaml. Use the examples in connect.sample.yaml as a reference for inserting new parameters into connect.yaml.

You can use the create action regardless of how you plan to run OMEGAMON Data Connect. For example, on z/OS, you can use the script to perform the create action, and then use JCL to run OMEGAMON Data Connect.

The create action assumes that the script is located in the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory. The create action uses the path of the running script to locate the sample configuration files under the installation directory.

run action

connect run

The run action uses a Java™ command line to start OMEGAMON Data Connect.

Before performing the run action, set the environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR to the path of an existing user directory that you want to use to run OMEGAMON Data Connect.

The run action expects to find a configuration file at:


The run action assumes that the script is located in the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory. The run action uses the path of the running script to locate the core JAR file and mapping extension JAR files in the installation directory.

If the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set, the script uses the following shell command to get the path of the java command:

command -v java


Typical usage involves three steps:

  1. Perform the script create action.
  2. Edit the config/connect.yaml configuration file in the user directory to meet your site-specific requirements.
  3. Perform the script run action.

Example: Create an OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory

Suppose that:

  1. You want to create the OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory /var/omdp/prod-a
  2. The OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory is /usr/lpp/omdp/kay-110

At a shell prompt, change to the directory /usr/lpp/omdp/kay-110/bin, and then enter the following command line:

ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR=/var/omdp/prod-a ./connect create
  • This example shows a single command line that sets the environment variable ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR and then runs the script. Instead of setting the variable each time you run the script, consider using an export shell command to set the variable in your user profile.
  • The dot and slash (./) preceding the script name connect assumes that the script is in the current directory. That is, the current directory is the bin directory under the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory.
  • Replace /var/omdp/prod-a with your user directory path.

Example: Run OMEGAMON Data Connect

Suppose that:

  1. You have performed the create action in the previous example.
  2. You have edited the configuration file in /var/omdp/prod-a/config/connect.yaml to meet your site-specific requirements.

To run OMEGAMON Data Connect, enter the following shell command line:

ODP_CONNECT_USER_DIR=/var/omdp/prod-a ./connect run