OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory

An OMEGAMON® Data Connect user directory contains files that configure OMEGAMON Data Connect for your site.

If you're responsible for configuring or running OMEGAMON Data Connect, you need to know the location of the user directory and understand its contents.


The location of the user directory is your choice.

Depending on your site-specific topology, you might have multiple OMEGAMON Data Connect user directories, each with a different configuration file.

You might choose to store all OMEGAMON Data Connect user directories under a parent directory such as /var/omdp, and then name each user directory according to your site-specific convention. For example, names that reflect your site's system topology: dev-a, dev-b, test-a, prod-a.

To create a user directory, use the create action of the supplied shell script.


The following tree diagram shows the structure and contents of a user directory:

Figure 1. OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory
Annotated tree diagram of an OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory

A user directory can contain the following files:

  • Required: a configuration file.
  • Optional: mapping extension JAR files.

Storing mapping extension JAR files in a user directory

The OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory contains mapping extension JAR files for OMEGAMON monitoring agents.

You can also store mapping extension JAR files in a user directory. For example:

  • Mapping extension JAR files for data sources other than OMEGAMON monitoring agents.
  • If you receive a service update that contains a mapping extension JAR file for an OMEGAMON monitoring agent, you might choose to test that update in a single instance of OMEGAMON Data Connect that refers to a specific user directory, rather than immediately adding the mapping extension JAR file to an installation directory that is used by many instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect.