Objective: to produce a report of all user IDs per default group that have two or more user IDs assigned to their name.

A report like this sample is often referred as a “multi-level summary” overview.

The output must look something like this screen capture:

This report shows, for example, that 11 user IDs have group CRMA as their default group. User “Hans Schulte” has 2 user IDs and “Rob Van” has 5 user IDs. The column “Userid” reveals the names of these pertinent user IDs.

The report also illustrates that 2 user IDs have group AUD1 as their default group, and the pertinent user IDs are not assigned to the same person.

Notes regarding CARLa code used for generating this summary.


Generate a similar summary overview in ISPF format of all data set profiles per UACC value. Within a pertinent UACC value, count the number of different owners of these profiles. The required steps are:

  1. Add a counter that counts the owners within a UACC level
  2. Report only the owners that own more than 1 data set profile within that UACC level.

The display summary must look like this screen capture:

And the final report level shows the pertinent data set profile names for this owner:



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