Processing an external file with CARLa

This CARLa program processes an external file. An example of where this feature might prove useful is for the reconciliation of internal security databases and the RACF database. After an investigation, you might discover applications that do not use RACF for authorization checks. Instead, these applications have an internal security database within the application to check for the appropriate authority of a user. Periodically, you might need to reconcile these databases. Please note that this example functions only correctly if both the RACF and the internal security database use the same naming convention standards for user IDs.

CARLa program example:

This screen capture shows what the external file looks like when it is browsed directly:

Sample output as shown in SDSF for DDname REPORT:


The objective of this exercise is to process an external file. You first create an external file that contains email addresses and process this external file with a CARLa program similar to the program shown.



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