Objective: identify whether there are resource profiles that have ACL entries where the permitted access level is equal to the UACC level set for that resource profile.

If you find any occurrences, most likely for the vast majority this situation is a result of bad RACF security administration. However, there are certain occasions where such a setting does make sense:

All other findings, where the permitted access is equal to the UACC, are most likely obsolete permissions. In that case, you must delete the pertinent permission, adjust the permitted access level, or change the defined UACC level.

Here is an example CARLa program to find resource profiles with a UACC of “NONE” that also have ACL entries with access level “NONE” permitted:

The output must look something like this screen capture:


  1. Change the CARLa program to show the user IDs that are connected to the groups that are permitted on the ACL.
  2. Now adjust the CARLa program to also find permissions with EXECUTE on profiles with UACC EXECUTE, and so on, for all access levels!
  3. Now instead of producing a report, automatically generate PERMIT DELETE commands. However, because the RACF command syntax differs for data set and general resource classes, generate only PERMIT DELETE commands for general resource class profiles.



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