Documentation map

The documentation map is intended to help you find your way through the Decision Server Insights documentation by using common scenarios. The map provides links to typical and repeatable tasks that are grouped by their overall goal.

The documentation map has the same function and flow as the solution map.

The goals of the documentation map are labeled Install, Learn, Model, Author, Integrate, Configure, Deploy, Test, and Administer. The following diagram shows the flow between the goals. Each rectangle in the flow diagram is a hover link to the applicable list of tasks that follow.

shows the document map. Install Learn Model Author Integrate Deploy Test Configure for production Configure for development Deploy Administer

Use the order of the goals to help you move from task to task. The flow between the goals is high level and each goal includes optional tasks that might or might not apply to your solution. The goals and the order in which they appear is intended to give you enough context to help you: figure out where to start, identify what you completed already, and discover which tasks you need to do next.

Table 1. Install
Tasks Where to find information
Prepare your system to ensure a smooth and successful installation.

Before you install

Update a previous installation.

Migrating Decision Server Insights

Install for development and testing purposes.

Installing Decision Server Insights for development

Install for production purposes.

Installing Decision Server Insights for production

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Table 2. Learn
Tasks Where to find information
Learn how you can use Decision Server Insights to build scalable solutions.

What is Decision Server Insights

Review your use case, event sources, the type of events and the relationships your business has before you define the business model and create agents.

Beginning-to-end in five steps

Learn the basic steps that are involved in developing a solution.

Tutorial: Getting started with Decision Server Insights

Design your model and identify the integration points of your solution.

Design considerations

Create solution projects.

Creating a solution project

Use the solution map to open wizards in Insight Designer and track your solution progress.

Solution map

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Table 3. Model
Tasks Where to find information
Use the Importing event and entity types from an XML schema wizard, if you already have an .xsd file that contains your event or entity definitions.

Import event entity types from XSD

Use the Importing event types from IBM Integration Bus wizard, if you already have a flow in WebSphere® Message Broker or IBM® Integration Bus that emits events.

Import events from IBM Integration Bus

Define events and entities.

Business model definitions

Define global aggregates.

Creating global aggregate definition files

Use the business model examples to compare business models and to get started more quickly on writing your own business model definition.

Business model examples

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Table 4. Author
Tasks Where to find information
Create rule agent projects to specify which events to process.

Creating rule agents

Write rules to define the business logic in your rule agents.

Writing rules

Create Java™ agent projects to write business logic in Java.

Creating Java agents

Create predictive scoring agents to retrieve a scoring configuration from a predictive model.

Creating predictive scoring agents

Create and integrate data from an external data source into your entities.

Developing solution extensions

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Table 5. Integrate
Tasks Where to find information
Define your solution connectivity.
  1. Creating a solution connectivity file
  2. Defining inbound connectivity
  3. Defining outbound connectivity
Integrate existing OSGi services with your solution.

Integrating OSGi services

Define properties to connect to the scoring service of your predictive scoring agents.

Adding solution properties for predictive scoring agents

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Table 6. Configure for development
Tasks Where to find information
Create, customize, and deploy a development server from the cisDev template. Configuring Insight Server for development

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Table 7. Configure for testing and production
Tasks Where to find information
Create, customize, and deploy the different servers to use in a testing or production topology.

Configuring Insight Server for testing and production

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Table 8. Deploy
Tasks Where to find information
Deploy a test solution from Insight Designer.

Setting up a convenient way to deploy a solution

Export and deploy your solution archive.
  1. Exporting solutions
  2. Deploying solution and agent archives by running a script
Export and deploy your solution connectivity definition.
  1. Exporting connectivity configuration files
  2. Deploying a solution connectivity application

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Table 9. Test
Tasks Where to find information
Create an XML schema and file from your event types to write event messages or to share with other applications.
  1. Exporting event types to an XML schema
  2. Creating an event XML file from an XSD
Retrieve and manage your solution resources by using the methods in the REST API.

REST methods

Test your solution without a client. Use test files to define your entities and events and run these files directly on a development server.

Loading entities, submitting events, and running test scenarios

Use the TestDriver API to test the expected behavior of your solution.

Creating automated test cases

Enable first failure data capture (FFDC) services and logging to capture diagnostic and debugging information.

Capturing diagnostic data and logging information

Use Insight Inspector to review and analyze your solution.

Recording and analyzing solution behavior

Use Insight Map Viewer to visualize static and moving entities on a map.

Viewing entities on a map

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Table 10. Administer
Tasks Where to find information
Use MBeans, scripts, and other tools to help you administer Insight Server.

Administrator toolkit

Use the propertyManager set command to add properties to the server. The properties apply across all solutions on the server.

Modifying server behavior by setting properties

Use the messages that are captured in .log files in the logs directory of each server to troubleshoot problems.


Use Insight Monitor to gather operational metrics from runtime servers.

Monitoring Insight Server

Monitor your solutions and see how they behave as a result of events arriving in the system.

Monitoring solutions

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