GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 OPS User's Guide
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Defining the position and size of images

GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 OPS User's Guide

In general, images are positioned like GDFs: by specifying a box into which to put the image.

Because many images look best at their built-in size, OPS gives you that as the default, as in:

          image admu5img            ;* display at built-in size

If you try the above command from the command field, you will be prompted for center and size. You can avoid the prompting by telling OPS what you want:

          image admu5img asis
          image admu5img 30 20 asis

In the first example, OPS will give you the built-in size, but prompt for centering. In the second example, the image is centered around (30,20) and shown without scaling.

As with GDFs, you can also request that the picture fills the screen:

          image admu5img full

If you want the image to fit within a box, use the same syntax as for BOX, GDF, or CHART; for example:

          image myimg    40 30 30mm          ;* center at (40,30)
          image myimg cc 40 30 30mm          ;* the same
          image abc   co 20 20 40 30         ;* lower-left at (20,20)
          image abc   co 20 20 -10 10        ;* lower-right at (20,20)

Refer to "Drawing boxes" in topic 2.5.10 for more information.


1. By default, underlying objects show through the image. To avoid this, use ERASE as a subcommand on the IMAGE command.

2. You cannot use the GDDM user control "zoom in" function on an image displayed by OPS. OPS displays images as graphics images, and you cannot zoom in on such images.

3. When an image is scaled to fit within a box, it is scaled evenly in all directions so that no distortion takes place. If you want to distort it, use SCALE, as described below.

If you add ASIS, the image does not fit the box, but is displayed at its built-in size. It is centered in the box only if you use center-syntax; otherwise the corner indicated by your syntax is fixed at the fix point. This gives you full control of the image position without knowing the built-in size. In the case of ADMU5IMG, the built-in size fills most of the screen, as shown in Figure 63.

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Figure 63. Image using ASIS

Using the SCAle keyword you can scale the image unevenly, and mirror it. Scaling is done on top of your initial position and size request. Here are some examples:

          image admu5img  scale 2
          image admu5img co 10 10  scale 2.1  asis
          image admu5img 30 20 30mm 30mm sca 0.8 0.6

The first two load the image ASIS, and then scale it. In the third example the image is first fitted into the box and then reduced unevenly.

To mirror an image, use a negative scale value. A negative x-value mirrors the image about a vertical line; a negative y-value mirrors about a horizontal line:

          image admu5img asis  sca -1 1              ;* mirror in x
          image admu5img   sca 2 -.5                 ;* stand on your head

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