
Automated data operations can revolutionize your business, but it takes effort to develop a fully-integrated business-ready data pipeline that drives analytics and AI at scale, achieves operational efficiency and enables privacy and compliance.

The five core data operations that drive a DataOps practice:

Asset 3 Aut oma t ed data g ov ernan c e , qualit y , and cu r ation se r vi c es Aut oma t ed metadata mana g ement and catalog Self-ser vi c e in t e r action Aut oma t ed data in t eg r ation, r eplication, and vi r tualization Aut oma t ed ma s t er data mana g ement Machine learning and aut omation Business-ready data foundation

The five core data operations that drive a DataOps practice:

Asset 1 Automated data governance, quality,and curation services Automated metadatamanagement and catalog Self-serviceinteraction Machine learning and automation Automated master data management Automated data integration, replication, and virtualization Business-ready data foundation