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The hybrid cloud platform advantage—The Brazil point-of-view

A five-step process can help organizations in Brazil increase agility and transform their business models.

In an era of unparalleled business transformation, companies are using cloud platforms and digital technologies to discover new ways to leverage data and improve business performance. Typically, cloud platforms are clouds—or multiclouds—in a single environment: public or private. A hybrid cloud platform takes that a step further, operating across two or more of these environments.

Advanced companies are aligning their business transformation efforts with the adoption of cloud platforms. This next-gen business model helps organizations become more agile and adaptable—which is a top priority in the post-pandemic environment.

The next 80% of the cloud opportunity focuses on shifting core business applications and workloads to the cloud.

However, some organizations are struggling with harnessing the full capabilities of their cloud environments. Though 90 percent of companies globally were “on the cloud” by 2019, only about 20 percent of their workloads have moved to a cloud environment. These workloads have usually been microservices that are native—that is, born on the cloud.

The next 80 percent of the cloud opportunity focuses on shifting core business applications and workloads to the cloud and optimizing everything from supply chains to sales. This is the next chapter of the cloud; it requires business executives to invest in hybrid multicloud platform strategies and capabilities.

The value case for hybrid multicloud

For many organizations, getting on the cloud was “what” they wanted to do. But new business models, applications, and infrastructure are “why” they want to do it. Thus, the success or failure of cloud deployments are not technology stories; they are business transformation stories.

Hybrid multicloud platforms deliver 2.5 times more value than a single cloud platform. 

It has been demonstrated that the value derived from a full hybrid, multicloud platform technology and operating model at scale is 2.5 times the value derived from a single platform, single cloud vendor approach. This has been validated across 30 global companies in multiple industries. Indeed, a platform approach accelerates value with scale.

Grupo Planetun: An innovative visual recognition solution

São Paolo-based Grupo Planetun uses technology to create savings and efficiency in the insurance industry. After creating an image regulation workflow application to simplify the vehicle inspection process for new auto insurance customer—and with the solution in use by a multitude of Brazil businesses—Grupo Planetun needed to help its customers learn how to use it properly and eliminate rework. 

The “insurtech” company turned to IBM Watson® service on the cloud to analyze photo submissions in near-real-time and inform customers immediately if images taken weren’t usable. This first-to-market solution for insurance companies helped transform an existing monolithic application to a more modern architecture based on microservices. Reducing the time needed to onboard new auto insurance customers also reduced costs. 

Only 42% of Brazilian organizations have cloud infrastructure based on open source technologies.

To optimize the benefits of complex, hybrid multicloud environments, and align these to a transformation of workflows and the wider operating model, businesses need to be able to orchestrate tasks across different types of clouds and entire IT infrastructures.

Learn more about the five steps your organization can take to achieve this type of hybrid cloud advantage.

Strategize, design, move, build, and manage to gain the hybrid cloud advantage.

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Meet the authors

Thiago Viola

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, Cloud Platform Country Leader, IBM Brazil

Anthony Marshall

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, Senior Research Director, Thought Leadership, IBM Institute for Business Value

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    Originally published 28 September 2020