Converting a single-namespace installation to a multiple-namespaces installation

Important: This content is a technical preview, and should not be relied on in a production environment.

If you installed IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in a single namespace in your cluster (also known as shared-instance mode), and you now want to install foundational services in multiple namespaces (also known as multiple-instance mode), you can run a conversion process to do so.

You can run the conversion process in two ways:

Before you proceed, familiarize yourself with the multiple foundational services instances capability. See Installing IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in multiple namespaces.

The outcome of this conversion process is entirely determined by what you specify in the common-service-maps configmap. The configmap has the information about the number of instances to be created and their location.

Example common-service-maps configmaps

Following are some examples of what you can specify in the common-service-maps configmap:

Simple conversion

This type of conversion is the supported path.

Example simple conversion common-service-maps configmap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: common-service-maps
  namespace: kube-public
  common-service-maps.yaml: |
    controlNamespace: cs-control
    - requested-from-namespace:
      - cloudpakns1
      - cloudpakns2
      - cloudpakns3
      map-to-common-service-namespace: ibm-common-services

The simple conversion configmap specifies that there are (or likely to be) IBM Cloud Pak workloads that run in the namespaces that you specified in the requested-from-namespace section, and that one foundational services instance is running in the namespace that is specified in map-to-common-service-namespace.

Note: The original foundational services instance might already be running in the namespace that is specified in map-to-common-service-namespace.
Only two major changes happen after you run the simple conversion process:

Split workload conversion

This conversion process needs more manual steps.

Example split workload conversion common-service-maps configmap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: common-service-maps
  namespace: kube-public
  common-service-maps.yaml: |
    controlNamespace: cs-control
    - requested-from-namespace:
      - cloudpakns1
      map-to-common-service-namespace: ibm-common-services
    - requested-from-namespace:
      - cloudpakns2
      map-to-common-service-namespace: cloudpakns2
    - requested-from-namespace:
      - cloudpakns3
      map-to-common-service-namespace: cloudpakns3

Important: The split workload configmap is only an example. Following are some major caveats to using such a configuration for the conversion process:

In the split workload configmap, each entry under namespaceMapping creates an instance of foundational services. To keep it simple, the same namespace is used in the requested-from-namespace and the map-to-common-service-namespace sections. With this configuration, the IBM Cloud Pak workloads and its foundational services instance workloads run in the same namespace. However, this configuration is just an example. The IBM Cloud Pak and its foundational services instance namespaces can be different.

Conversion process

You can run a conversion script or run a conversion job to covert your cluster to a multiple-instances cluster.

Note: Before you convert your cluster, if you want to back up MongoDB, see Back up and restore MongoDB during conversion to a multiple-namespaces installation.

Run a conversion script

Run a script to convert your cluster.

Prerequisites for running the script

Run the script

After you create the common-service-maps configmap, specify the foundational services namespace in the following command to run the conversion script:

curl -s | bash -s <foundational services-namespace>

Verify the conversion

The script must not return any errors.

  1. Check the exit code of the script.

    echo $?
  2. Verify that the controlNamespace has the singleton operators (cert-manager, licensing, and crossplane) that you requested for.

    • Verify the ibm-cert-manager-operator:
      oc get sub -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-cert-manager-operator
      oc get csv -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-cert-manager-operator
    • Verify the ibm-licensing-operator:
      oc get sub -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-licensing-operator
      oc get csv -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-licensing-operator
    • Verify the ibm-crossplane-operator:
      oc get sub -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-crossplane-operator
      oc get csv -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-crossplane-operator
  3. Verify that foundational services pods are still running in the original ibm-common-services namespace.

  4. Verify that new foundational services pods are installed or installing in the new map-to-common-service-namespace namespaces.
  5. Verify that IBM Cloud Pak workloads are still properly running.

Run a conversion job

Run a job to convert your cluster.

Note: Before runnning the script or the conversion job, you must specify the foundational services namespace.

Prerequisites for running the job

You can use the template that has all the required permissions. You must grant these permissions so that the conversion job and script can successfully convert your cluster to a multiple-instances cluster. The conversion job needs many high-level permissions across namespaces. After the conversion job completes, you can delete the serviceaccount, clusterrole, and clusterrolebinding resources that the permissions template creates.

Complete the following steps to create and apply a file that has the required permissions:

  1. Open an empty file for editing by using any editor. Following is an example command:

    vi permissions.yaml
  2. Paste the following content. In the ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding sections, add the namespace in which foundational services is installed. The default ibm-common-services namespace is used in the following template.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: multi-instance-conversion-sa
      namespace: ibm-common-services 
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: multi-instance-conversion-role
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - apps
          - pods
          - subscriptions
          - clusterserviceversions
          - operandregistries
          - operandconfigs
          - certmanagers
          - ibmlicensings
          - delete
          - list
          - get
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - apps
          - configmaps
          - namespaces
          - commonservices 
          - customresourcedefinitions
          - ibmlicenseservicereporters
          - get
          - list
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - apps
          - operatorgroups
          - subscriptions
          - create
          - get
          - list
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - apps
          - deployments
          - deployments/scale 
          - update
          - patch
          - get
          - list
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: multi-instance-conversion-rolebinding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: multi-instance-conversion-role
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: multi-instance-conversion-sa
      namespace: ibm-common-services
  3. Save the file.

  4. Apply the file.

    oc apply -f permissions.yaml

Create the job

You can create a job that runs the script to convert your cluster to a multiple-instances cluster.

Creating the job is optional. You can directly run the conversion script. However, if you create a job, you can track the conversion progress.

Complete these steps to create the job:

  1. Open an empty file for editing by using any editor. Following is an example command:

    vi convert-job
  2. Paste the following content. Specify the foundational services namespace in the curl -s | bash -s <foundational services-namespace> command.

    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: multi-instance-conversion
      namespace: ibm-common-services
        app: multi-instance-conversion
          serviceAccountName: multi-instance-conversion-sa
          - name: multi-instance-conversion
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - |
              echo "Downloading from repo and running it..."
              curl -s | bash -s <foundational services-namespace>
          restartPolicy: Never
          backOffLimit: 2
  3. Save the file.

  4. Apply the file.

    oc apply -f convert-job

The conversion job starts and runs the conversion script.

You can track the progress from your OpenShift console.

  1. Click Workloads > Pods.
  2. Search for multi-instance-conversion to see the pod name.
  3. Click the pod name.
  4. Select the Logs tab to see the logs from the conversion script.

To track the progress from the command-line interface (CLI), run these commands:

  1. Log in by using the oc login command.
  2. Get the conversion pod name.
    oc get pod -n ibm-common-services | grep multi-instance-conversion
  3. View the logs.
    oc logs <multi-instance-conversion-pod-name>

Verify the status

Verify the status of the pods and operators.

  1. Verify that the controlNamespace has the singleton operators (cert-manager, licensing, and crossplane) that you requested for.

    • Verify the ibm-cert-manager-operator:
      oc get sub -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-cert-manager-operator
      oc get csv -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-cert-manager-operator
    • Verify the ibm-licensing-operator:
      oc get sub -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-licensing-operator
      oc get csv -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-licensing-operator
    • Verify the ibm-crossplane-operator:
      oc get sub -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-crossplane-operator
      oc get csv -n <controlNamespace> | grep ibm-crossplane-operator
  2. Verify that foundational services pods are still running in the original ibm-common-services namespace.

  3. Verify that new foundational services pods are installed or installing in the new map-to-common-service-namespace namespaces.
  4. Verify that IBM Cloud Pak workloads are still properly running.

Note: If you want to restore MongoDB from an earlier backup, you can do so now restore. See Restore MongoDB.