Back up and restore MongoDB during conversion to a multiple-namespaces installation

Important: This content is a technical preview, and should not be relied on in a production environment.

Before you convert your single-instance cluster to a multiple-instances cluster, you can back up MongoDB. You can restore it after the conversion is complete.

Note: If you are running the script in an air-gapped environment, you must download the scripts to the environment first. The following are the locations of the scripts that you must download:


You need a storage class with reclaim policy as retain for MongoDB before you can run the backup job.

To create the storage class, complete these steps:

  1. Log in to your cluster by using the oc login command.

  2. Get the persistent volume (PV) name to which MongoDB is bound.

    oc get pv -n <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed> | grep mongodbdir
  3. Find the storage class of the PV.

    oc edit pv <pv-name-from-previous-command>

    Note the storage class name from the storageClassName parameter.

  4. Copy the storage class definition to a YAML file.

    oc get sc <storage-class-name-from-previous-command> -o yaml > sc.yaml
  5. Update the to backup-sc and the reclaimPolicy to Retain.

    vi sc.yaml
  6. Create the storage class.

    oc apply -f sc.yaml

Back up MongoDB

Create a role-based access control (RBAC) job for MongoDB, and run the backup script.

  1. Define the job with the following content in a file named cs-job-rbac.yaml.

    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: cs-br
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
      namespace: <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed>
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
  2. Create the job.

    oc apply -f cs-job-rbac.yaml
  3. Create an environment variable with the namespace where foundational services are installed.

    export CS_NAMESPACE=<namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed>
  4. Get the MongoDB backup job.

  5. Get the MongoDB backup script.

  6. Edit the MongoDB backup script file and replace the spec.storageClassName parameter value with the storage class that you created in the prerequisites section.

  7. Run the MongoDB backup script.

  8. Verify whether a persistent volume claim (PVC) named cs-mongodump is created in your foundational services namespace. Note the volume name from the command output.

    oc get pvc -n $CS_NAMESPACE | grep cs-mongodump
  9. Verify whether the PV to which the PVC is bound has persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy as Retain.

    oc edit pv <volume_name_from_previous_step> -n $CS_NAMESPACE

Next, continue with converting your cluster to a multiple-instances cluster. See Converting a single-namespace installation to a multiple-namespaces installation.

Restore MongoDB

Restore MongoDB in your converted cluster.

  1. Copy the cs-mongodump PVC contents to a YAML file. Note the volume name from the command output.

    oc edit pvc cs-mongodump -n $CS_NAMESPACE >> cs-mongodump-copy.yaml
  2. Delete the cs-mongodump PVC.

    oc delete pvc cs-mongodump -n $CS_NAMESPACE
  3. Delete the MongoDB backup job.

    oc delete job mongodb-backup-job -n $CS_NAMESPACE
  4. Edit the PV of the cs-mongodump PVC to remove the claimRef section.

    oc edit pv <volume_name_from_earlier_step> -n $CS_NAMESPACE

    Remove the claimRef section and save the PV.

  5. Verify the status of the PV. The status might be Bound or Available. Wait until the status is Available.

    oc get pv -n $CS_NAMESPACE | grep <volume_name_from_earlier_step>
  6. Edit the cs-mongodump-copy.yaml to change metadata.namespace value to the new namespace where you are deploying foundational services.

    vi cs-mongodump-copy.yaml

    The YAML file content might resemble the following content:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        app: icp-bedrock-backup
      name: cs-mongodump
      namespace: cpns2 # target namespace where you are deploying foundational services
      - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 20Gi
      storageClassName: rook-ceph-test # verify that this storage class is the same used earlier in `persistentvolume.yaml`
      volumeMode: Filesystem
      volumeName: pvc-393f73e6-8b49-40f4-917c-8f5b9cbcbf20 # verify that the persistent volume name is the same that you got from earlier step
  7. Create the PVC.

    oc apply -f cs-mongodump-copy.yaml
  8. Verify whether the new PVC is bound to the PV.

    oc get pvc -n <target-namespace-where-you-are-deploying-foundational services> | grep cs-mongodump
  9. Set the CS_NAMESPACE environment variable value with the target namespace where you are deploying foundational services.

    export CS_NAMESPACE=<target-namespace-where-you-are-deploying-foundational services>
  10. Get the MongoDB restore script.

  11. Get the MongoDB restore job file.

  12. Get the MongoDB access script.

  13. Run the MongoDB restore script.

  14. Verify whether identity and access management (IAM) components are restored.

    oc get pods -n $CS_NAMESPACE | grep auth