Class PCFMessageAgent

  • public class PCFMessageAgent
    extends PCFAgent
    General-purpose agent for sending PCF queries to a queue manager. Like the PCFAgent it extends, a PCFMessageAgent maintains a single queue manager connection and provides a simple method for sending PCF requests and returning the set of response messages. The PCFMessageAgent uses the PCFMessage class for requests and replies, which avoids exposure to the details of underlying PCF header structures. The PCFMessageAgent also provides the capability to check the header contents of a PCF response and throw a PCFException if the response indicates an error. The following example uses a PCFMessageAgent to obtain the list of local queues on the queue manager.
           PCFMessageAgent agent = new PCFMessageAgent ("localhost", 1414, "CLIENT");
           PCFMessage   request = new PCFMessage (CMQCFC.MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_NAMES);
           request.addParameter (CMQC.MQCA_Q_NAME, "*");
           request.addParameter (CMQC.MQIA_Q_TYPE, MQC.MQQT_LOCAL);
           PCFMessage []   responses = agent.send (request);
           String []   names = (String []) responses [0].getParameterValue (CMQCFC.MQCACF_Q_NAMES);
           for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
             System.out.println ("Queue: " + names [i]);
         catch (PCFException pcfe)
           System.err.println ("PCF error: " + pcfe);
         catch (MQException mqe)
           System.err.println (mqe);
         catch (IOException ioe)
           System.err.println (ioe);
    • Constructor Detail

      • PCFMessageAgent

        public PCFMessageAgent()
        Default constructor. Initializes a new PCFMessageAgent with no queue manager connection.
      • PCFMessageAgent

        public PCFMessageAgent(MQQueueManager qmanager)
                        throws MQException
        Initializes a new PCFMessageAgent with an existing queue manager connection.
        qmanager - an existing queue manager connection
        MQException - if the queue manager cannot be accessed
      • PCFMessageAgent

        public PCFMessageAgent(java.lang.String host,
                       int port,
                       java.lang.String channel)
                        throws MQException
        Initializes a new PCFMessageAgent with a client connection to a queue manager.
        host - the hostname or IP address where the queue manager resides
        port - the port on which the queue manager listens for incoming channel connections
        channel - the client channel to use for the connection
        MQException - if the connection cannot be established
      • PCFMessageAgent

        public PCFMessageAgent(java.lang.String qmanager)
                        throws MQException
        Initializes a new PCFMessageAgent with a bindings connection to a queue manager.
        qmanager - the name of the queue manager
        MQException - if the connection cannot be established
    • Method Detail

      • send

        public PCFMessage[] send(PCFMessage request,
                        boolean check)
                          throws PCFException,
        Deprecated. Use setCheckResponses and send(
        Sends a PCF request to the connected queue manager and returns the responses.
        request - the PCF request message
        check - if set, the agent will check the reason code in the MQCFH of the responses and generate a PCFException if MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED appears
        an array of PCF response messages. A single PCF request can generate multiple replies.
        PCFException - if the responses include MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED
        MQException - if there is a problem with the request or response - if there is a problem with reading or writing
        See Also:
        setCheckResponses(boolean), setUsePlatformSettings(boolean)
      • send

        public PCFMessage[] send(PCFMessage request,
                        boolean check,
                        boolean usePlatformSettings)
                          throws PCFException,
        Deprecated. Use setCheckResponses/setUsePlatformSettings and send(
        Sends a PCF request to the connected queue manager and returns the responses.
        request - the PCF request message
        check - if set, the agent will check the reason code in the MQCFH of the responses and generate a PCFException if MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED appears
        usePlatformSettings -
        an array of PCF response messages. A single PCF request can generate multiple replies.
        PCFException - if the responses include MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED
        MQException - if there is a problem with the request or response - if there is a problem with reading or writing
        See Also:
        setCheckResponses(boolean), setUsePlatformSettings(boolean)
      • setCheckResponses

        public void setCheckResponses(boolean option)
        If this option is set, the send method throws a PCFException if the responses include a PCF message with the reason code MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED in the MQCFH header. By default, this option is set.
        option -
      • setUsePlatformSettings

        public void setUsePlatformSettings(boolean option)
        If this option is set, the send method alters the MQCFH contained within the PCFMessage request if necessary to match the platform of the connected queue manager. This occurs, for example, if the connected queue manager is a z/OS queue manager and the request MQCFH contains type MQCFT_COMMAND; the agent will change the type to type MQCFT_COMMAND_XR. By default, this option is set.
        option -
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