Installing or updating Packaging Utility by using imcl commands

You can install or update Packaging Utility by using the imcl install command.

Before you begin

  • If Installation Manager is installed, you can use the Packaging Utility service repository to install the latest version of Packaging Utility without downloading files. If Installation Manager is not installed or to install an earlier version of Packaging Utility, you must download the installation kit. The Packaging Utility package includes an installation kit for Installation Manager.
  • If you use the service repository, you must have an IBM® username and password. To register for an IBM username and password, go to:
  • On IBM z/OS®, use the script to create and mount a file system for the Packaging Utility installation. Use the script to mount an existing file system and set ownership and permissions before you apply service or add Packaging Utility to an existing location. Both scripts are in the tools directory.


To install or update Packaging Utility by using the service repository, you must install Installation Manager and have access to If you downloaded the installation kit, see Installing Packaging Utility by using the download files.

  1. If you do not have a master password file, create the file.
    The master password file is a text file that contains a passphrase. An example of a passphrase is: This text is the master password.
    Tip: To secure this file, set permissions to restrict access to this file for your operating system.
  2. Open a command-line utility.
  3. Open the Installation Manager tools directoryLocating the tools directory.
  4. To access the Packaging Utility repository that is located on, save your IBM username and password to a storage file. Run the command to store your credentials:
    imutilsc saveCredential 
        -userName user_name -userPassword password 
        -secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_file 
    where is the service repository for Packaging Utility, user_name is your IBM user name, password is your IBM password, storage_file is the storage file where the credentials are saved, and master_password_file is the path to the master password file.
  5. Run the command to install or update Packaging Utility:
    Table 1. Installation command by operating system
    Operating system Command
    Windows imcl install -repositories -secureStorageFile C:\ -masterPasswordFile C:\master_password_file.txt -acceptLicense
    Linux®, UNIX, IBM z/OS, and the OS X operating system imcl install -repositories -secureStorageFile /var/ -masterPasswordFile /var/master_password_file.txt -acceptLicense

Installing or updating Packaging Utility by using imcl with downloaded files

Install packages or updates by using the imcl install command.


  1. Download the Packaging Utility files for your platform. Go to the Packing Utility download links technical document and click the applicable download document link. The download document contains details about downloading the installation files.
    Select the file to download:
    Table 2. Download files for Packaging Utility
    Package File Name Action Operating System
    Installer Install or Update The .zip file is specific to a platform. In the file name, platform indicates the operating system and version indicates the version of Packaging Utility.
    Fix pack Update All supported platforms. In the file name, version indicates the version of Packaging Utility.
  2. Extract the files from the compressed file.
  3. Open a command-line utility.
  4. Open the tools directoryLocating the tools directory.
  5. Run the command to install or update Packaging Utility:
    Table 3. Install and Update commands by operating system
    Operating system Install or Update using the Installation kit Update using the Fix pack
    Windows imcl.exe install -repositories C:\PackagingUtility\disk_platform\diskTag.inf -acceptLicense imcl.exe install -repositories C:\PackagingUtility\repository.config -acceptLicense
    Linux, UNIX, z/OS, and the OS X operating system ./imcl install -repositories /opt/PackagingUtility/disk_platform/diskTag.inf -acceptLicense ./imcl install -repositories /opt/PackagingUtility/repository.config -acceptLicense
    Enclose file paths that include spaces with double quotation marks.