Map your data and AI readiness with a six-step assessment

To strengthen your social impact, start with an understanding of your current data landscape.

This tool will help you evaluate the strengths and areas of opportunities for your organization to drive an impactful data strategy. Through a series of steps, we'll help you assess your current data landscape to help fuel your mission with the right data strategy and technology.

Six steps to assess data and AI readiness

Strategic dimensions

1: Data and AI vision

Let’s assess your current goals to determine where your team may want to focus.

2: Culture and leadership

In this step, we’ll take a look at your organization’s data champions to identify opportunities for growing a data-driven culture.

3: People and skills

Next, we’ll look at the structure within your technical organization to assess the resources you have available to bring your vision to life.

Technical dimensions

4: Data access

Fourth, we’ll assess the types of data your organization has and its acessibility to help identify potential barriers to access.

5: Data uses

Now we’ll envision your ideal data usage and purpose to map out a plan for optimal data access.

4: Data access

Fourth, we’ll assess the types of data your organization has and its acessibility to help identify potential barriers to access.

5: Data uses

Now we’ll envision your ideal data usage and purpose to map out a plan for optimal data access.

6: Tools and technology

Finally, we’ll look at the tools you have available today and help you identify gaps.