Watson solutions for Box

Integrate Watson services with Box to automatically structure your content, unlock hidden value, and automate workflows in the cloud.

Watson solutions for Box

Integrate Watson services with Box to automatically structure your content, unlock hidden value, and automate workflows in the cloud.

Think inside the Box

More than 80% of corporate data is unstructured and as the amount of data continues to grow, it’s getting harder, costlier and more time-consuming to process manually. By integrating IBM Watson technology to content managed in Box, you can now seamlessly tap into the value that lives within your content to automate business processes and change how work is done.

Listen to the podcast →

Intelligent solutions

Intuitively search for files and navigate within them

Intuitively search for files and navigate within them

Customized Document Insights with Watson Natural Language Understanding utilizes the Box Skills framework to automatically analyze and enrich documents with relevant concepts, entities, keywords and more to make them more searchable and consumable, and to automate your business processes.

Watch the demo on how to enhance and validate forms using Customized Document Insights →

Enrich your images and make them easier to consume

Enrich your images and make them easier to consume

Custom Image Insights with Watson Visual Recognition utilizes the Box Skills framework to analyze image data, enriching it with classifiers to make it easy to search and consume, and training custom visual models that best address business needs.

Watch the demo on how to apply Customized Image Insights on a drivers license →

Automatically translate your documents

Automatically translate your documents

Document Translation uses Watson Language Translator capabilities to translate documents from one language to another.

Watch the demo on how Watson Language Translator is used to translate audio files. →

Learn more about Watson solutions for Box

Getting started with custom Box Skills powered by IBM Watson

Watch the webinar →

Box and IBM Watson unveil new skills to power intelligent enterprise cloud content management

Read the blog →

Explore how the With Watson program can support your AI journey

Learn more