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Blockchain for Government - IBM Blockchain

Blockchain for government
The future of government is fueled by blockchain. Learn how IBM Blockchain is helping government agencies like yours respond to new disruptions.
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United States Capitol
How blockchain can bring value to government

In the face of unprecedented disruption, 74% of leaders like you agree that the traditional ways of doing business are not sustainable. Technology is at the root of much of this disruption — but in the case of blockchain, it can also be the remedy.

By automating redundant processes and sharing data among permissioned network members in a decentralized way, blockchain reduces traditional friction between systems and unlocks the value long trapped inside hardened organizational silos.

The result is newfound trust and transparency across the food supply, supply chains, financial services, energy, identity and much more. And in the public sector, IBM is working with entities at all levels to prove blockchain’s value in leading the digital transformation of government.

Improving business networks in government with blockchain
Solving the problems unique to government with blockchain Government is having to quickly respond to the enormous disruption of COVID-19. Hear two specific scenarios to learn how blockchain can help you meet this pressing challenge. Building trust with the people you serve

Secure sharing of data between citizens and agencies helps reduce concerns about the use of that data and facilitates more extensive cooperation, so that citizens can flourish, and economies grow.

Reducing the risk of data leaks

Blockchains can reduce the time, cost and risks of managing sensitive information by providing an immutable and transparent audit trail for regulatory compliance, contract management, identity management and citizen services.

Removing barriers to innovation

Any process can suffer from friction. Blockchains help overcome the inefficiencies of imperfect information, restrictive regulation, institutional inertia, and unforeseen threats — including cybersecurity issues and the disruption of new business models.

Banking and financial services

Bring trust, simplicity and enhanced customer experience to financial services.


Streamline clinical data across organizations and enable patients to control their medical data to increase the quality of care.


Revolutionize the trust that powers insurance with an immutable foundation of transparency and shared purpose.

All industries

Remove friction, build trust and unlock new value across businesses and industries with the power of IBM Blockchain.

Accelerating the drive to net-zero emissions

Blockchain plays a key role in the energy transition now happening. This case study highlights insights about the process and discusses how organizations are using innovation to enable the transition.

Read the green light case study
How the CDC is exploring blockchain for public health

The National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC is using the power of blockchain to protect the health of the American people by improving its data collection and maintaining strict data access.

See how the CDC improves data collection with blockchain (01:39)
Nuarca transforms proxy voting using blockchain

Nuarca teamed with IBM to implement a blockchain voting network solution based on the IBM Blockchain Platform that enables objecting beneficial owners and their votes to be immediately represented within the proxy voting cycle.

Learn how blockchain can ensure voting transparency (02:06)
International mail tracking and remittance

The USPS, multiple air carriers and IBM have collaborated on a successful blockchain pilot that tracks international mail and ensures proper remittance back to the airlines, reducing manual effort in payments and mail management.

Seamless employee record management

When government employees change agencies, their records often don’t follow them. IBM is helping the Office of Personnel Management with a blockchain solution to handle cross-agency HR functions, ensure data privacy and security, and facilitate data sharing.

Blockchain for defense supply chains

The DOD and IBM are investigating how blockchain can help ensure secure, timely procurement of goods; increase trust in supplier and vendor choices; speed data sharing for accurate analytics; and offer more precise inventory insights and auditability of crucial supply chain steps.

Learn about the IBM Blockchain Platform
Blogs: Blockchain for government

IBM Blockchain Pulse is one of the leading resources for blogs, podcasts and webinars. Features insights from key clients and IBM’s own technical, business and industry-specific experts.

Report: Building trust in government

200 government leaders in 16 countries were interviewed about their experiences with blockchain. IBM Institute for Business Value research revealed that governments are finding many benefits.

Transforming your business network

Blockchain for Business is a practical guide for government leaders who want to evaluate how blockchain technology can transform processes. Includes specific use cases. Preview at no cost, then save 50% on the full download or print edition.

The role of central bank digital currencies

Policy makers around the world are exploring ways to develop and issue central bank digital currencies in as little as the next five years. Gain insights from IBM and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum.

IBM Blockchain’s potential ROI

Discover the positive impact Forrester says IBM Blockchain can have on your business network. This report includes a blockchain technology and market overview, financial model frameworks, and projecting new revenue and savings.

Government technology solutions

The digital era demands modern technology for government. Read success stories and see solutions for government to help protect and improve the lives of constituents.

Next steps
Learn how to get started

No matter where you are on your blockchain journey, IBM can help you take the right next step. Learn how you can get started with IBM Blockchain.

Get started with blockchain
Blockchain consulting and services

Leverage industry leading expertise and find a shorter path to innovation.  Benefit from joining established networks or build and scale your own along side experts.

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Connect with an expert

Contact a representative and get help with questions on how to start you blockchain journey.

Blockchain use cases

Be inspired by how innovators are transforming their businesses through use cases built on the IBM Blockchain Platform.

Explore blockchain use cases