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Published: 11 June 2024
Contributors: Gita Jackson, Michael Goodwin

What is an API key?

An API key is a unique identifier used to authenticate software and systems attempting to access other software or systems via an application programming interface, or API.

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules or protocols that enable software applications to communicate with each other to exchange data, features and functionality. APIs give application owners a simple, secure way to make their application data and functions available to departments within their organization. Application owners can also share or market data and functions to business partners or third parties. APIs allow for the sharing of only the information necessary, keeping other internal system details hidden, which helps with system security.

Because APIs can provide access to sensitive data, it’s important that the API can validate that the application making the request is authorized to do so. Using API keys enables an application developer to authenticate the applications that are calling an API’s backend to ensure they are authorized to do so.

While API keys can be an aspect of making sure an enterprise’s APIs—and the data they handle—are secure, they are not a definitive API security solution. Notably, API keys are not as secure as authentication tokens or the OAuth (open authorization) protocol. These measures are better suited to authenticate specific human users, give organizations more granular control over access to the functions of a specific API and can be set to expire.

OAuth can be used with API keys or on their own. Sometimes an enterprise might use an API key for some users but use OAuth for other users. There are other methods of authenticating calls to an API, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), but they are not as commonly used.

API keys are still a useful aspect of API security, as they help organizations monitor calls to APIs and manage API consumption, increasing security and ensuring that these programs have adequate bandwidth.

The key to unlocking your APIs’ full potential: API management

Read this smartpaper to gain insights into the key challenges that drive the need for API management, and understand the key capabilities inherent in an effective API management solution.

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How do API keys work?

An API key is a randomly generated, unique alphanumeric string of characters that APIs use to authenticate the applications that are making calls to an API. Each key that an API provider issues is associated with specific API client, such as a software module. API keys enable an API server to identify which software and applications are sending a call to the API. The generated key is used for every request made from that application or project to the associated API (until the key is refreshed or deleted).

The process works like this:

When an application makes a call to an API to request functions or data from another application, the API server uses the API key to validate the application's authenticity. For web applications and REST APIs, the key can be sent as a header, in a query string, or as a cookie. If the API key matches an approved key, the server returns the requested data. If it does not, it denies the call and sends a rejection message.

Developers can add more validations and restrictions if necessary.

For example, developers can configure access rights for an application or project that only allow access to certain kinds of data or functions. Developers can also set application restrictions that specify which websites, IP addresses, applications (or mobile apps) and software development kits (SDKs) can use an API key.

API keys and API security

While API keys are part of API security, they should not be the only way that an organization authenticates and validates calls being made to an API. In fact, while API keys are useful, they are not an especially secure method of authenticating calls. API keys can identify a specific application or project, but they cannot validate the individual user who is using the application making the calls. This makes API keys a poor choice for enforcing API access control. API keys only offer project identification and project authorization, not user identification or user authorization.

Think of an API key like a password: it is one layer of security, but also a potential point of failure for a security breach. Like a password, anyone who has access to an API key can use it. There isn’t a way to verify who is using the key; and keys rarely expire unless they are specifically regenerated.

API keys used with web applications are not considered secure over plain hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) because they send unencrypted credentials. To be considered secure, web applications must have a secure sockets layer (SSL) certification, otherwise known as hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS).

Other validation methods for API calls include:

Authentication tokens

Also known as API tokens, authentication tokens add an additional layer of API security because they can identify a specific user, not just the application making the request. These tokens are snippets of code that identify a user to the API that they are requesting data from. Because they are multiple lines of code rather than a single alphanumeric string, they provide more information to the API about what person or project is making a request. API tokens can also be generated with a limited scope, only granting access to specific information for a limited period. 

OAuth protocol

The OAuth (open authorization) protocol is part of the industry standard method for authorizing and authenticating calls to an API when used with OpenID Connect (OIDC). The OAuth protocol is the aspect that grants users access to the requested information and is used in the broader process of user authentication.

OAuth uses a kind of API token called an access token. Access tokens are issued to users by the APIs that they’re requesting access to. These tokens, through a series of communications between an API and the user, grant access to the specific information that the user requested without the need to share credentials or other secure information with the API.

OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol built on top of OAuth, which enables OAuth to authenticate users by issuing identity tokens as well as access tokens. These identity tokens also include information about the specific account that is making the request, rather than just the project. OpenID Connect makes slight adjustments to the authorization flow of OAuth by requiring both an access token and an identity token before granting access to an API.

API keys can be used with other forms of authentication for API calls, or they can be used separately. Within an enterprise, an API might use different kinds of authentication and authorization depending on who is requesting access. Some parts of an organization, such as developers, might need unrestricted access to an API, while other departments need more tightly controlled access.

What are the types of API keys?

There are two main types of API keys and they both play a role in authenticating API calls. Sometimes, they’re even used in tandem.

Public keys

These are keys that provide access to nonsensitive data, or functionalities that don’t require user authentication. They can be shared openly between developers and other stakeholders who are working with an API.

Private keys

Private keys are used to access sensitive data and might also grant write access to the key user. Private API keys can be used with a public key to add an additional layer of security.

Although API keys should not be the only method of authenticating API calls, using public and private keys in pairs can provide an additional layer of security. When a call is made to an API, a private key can be used as a kind of digital signature for specific clients who need access to specific functions of an API. Then, the public key can verify the signature and reconfirm that the call to the API is legitimate.

What are other use cases for API keys? 

API keys provide useful functions within an organization beyond simple authentication. Because these keys help determine API access, they can also be used to keep applications up and running and provide useful data about how they’re being used.

Block anonymous traffic
API keys are an important aspect of access management, which allows an organization to control which users can access their APIs. Anonymous traffic to an API may be an indicator of malicious activity. Using API keys enables an organization to block unauthorized access to APIs, such as anonymous API calls, which can limit the scope of a potential cyberattack. Limiting API service in this way also helps prevent APIs from being bombarded with requests, minimizing the chances of downtime for important applications.

Control the number of calls made to APIs
API keys can be used to restrict an API’s traffic, a measure known as rate limiting. Rate limiting enables an organization to control how many requests are made to an API by a client during a specific period. API access is denied after traffic reaches the defined threshold.

By only allowing application traffic within the defined parameters, the organization can optimize API resource and bandwidth usage. These settings can be determined in an organization’s API documentation.

Monitor API usage trends
Because API keys are unique identifiers, an organization can use API keys to track traffic and calls made to APIs. By using API keys, organizations can trace each call made to an API back to a specific application. They can also determine the number of calls being made, the type of calls, the IP address range of the user, and even if they’re using iOS or Android.

Analyzing usage patterns helps an organization better understand which parts of an enterprise are accessing specific endpoints most frequently. Monitoring traffic and filtering logs is also useful for API security. In the case of a cyberattack, checking the activity on an API server against specific API keys can give an organization greater insight into the attack and which keys may have been compromised.

How to secure an API key

API keys can help protect APIs, data and networks, but only when they’re used in a secure way. Many organizations employ these methods to make sure that their API keys are secure and prevent APIs from becoming vectors for a cyberattack.

Combining multiple authentication methods
API keys are not secure enough to be the only way that API calls are authenticated. They cannot validate individual users and can be easily compromised. API keys can add an additional barrier of security to an organization’s API ecosystem when used with another authentication method such as OAuth, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) or authentication tokens.

It is not uncommon for organizations to use more than one authentication method. For instance, developers can use API keys internally to provide unrestricted access to APIs during development, but then use OAuth for outside clients because it provides tokens that expire and can be set up to only allow access to specific data.

Secure key storage
When keys are generated, they are often produced in plain text. Just like a password, the security of that key depends on how and where they are stored. Security professionals recommend that these keys are stored as hashed values in a database so that they aren’t vulnerable to theft.

Embedding API keys in the source code or repository also makes them vulnerable to bad actors—when the application is published, the keys may also be exposed to the public. If possible, use a secure and encrypted data vault to save generated API keys.

Rotating or replacing keys
API keys don’t expire unless developers set an expiration date, or if the key generator revokes access or regenerates the key. If an unauthorized user gets an API key, they could access sensitive data without anyone within the organization knowing. After all, they’re using the correct key to get the data they’re requesting.

Rotating and generating new API keys every 90 to 180 days can help keep APIs secure. It’s also a good idea to delete your API keys that are no longer in use. For an extra layer of protection, organizations can limit the scope of access for API keys that are shared with clients by enforcing access rights. These rights give users access to the endpoints that they need and nothing else. Some organizations automate the generation of new keys to make sure that they are rotated regularly.

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Resources API Connect one-page overview

Discover how an API management solution from IBM can unlock value and increase your competitive advantage.

Understand IBM API Connect

Access a technical overview of IBM API Connect, its API lifecycle phases and its major product components.

Developer Portal: socialize your APIs

Learn how to share your APIs with application developers in the Developer Portal.

2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™

Learn why Gartner named IBM a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Full Lifecycle API Management for the eighth time in a row.

2023 Gartner Critical Capabilities report

The Critical Capabilities for API Management report is a companion report to the Gartner Magic Quadrant and provides deeper insight into providers’ offerings. In this report, IBM ranked first in 4 out of the 5 use cases.

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to any technology, measure or practice for preventing cyberattacks on individuals’ and organizations’ systems, applications, computing devices, sensitive data and financial assets or for mitigating their impact.

Take the next step

Use IBM API Connect to secure and manage enterprise APIs throughout their lifecycles. It helps you and your customers consistently create, manage, secure, socialize and monetize enterprise APIs, and is also available as a highly scalable API management platform on IBM Marketplace and AWS.

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