
Future Shocks

Rare or extreme events are now becoming more frequent—and more destabilizing. Governments must be agile and resilient to navigate what lies ahead.

To help government leaders identify specific, practical, and actionable steps critical for developing resilience to future shocks, IBM has launched an initiative through the IBM Institute for Business Value and the IBM Center for the Business of Government, in partnership with the National Academy of Public Administration.

This initiative identifies six key domain areas where government leaders need to prepare for future shocks. To discuss and develop plans of action, we are convening a series of international roundtable discussions with global leaders from the public and private sectors, academia, and non-governmental organizations.

Related: What do we mean by “shocks”?

This page will be updated periodically as we release new insights from this initiative.

Future releases
Future releases
Estimated release March 2024
Executive insights on mission and organizational resilience