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Reimagining service delivery

Respond to service disruption with the new, adaptive, Dynamic Delivery model

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives and businesses. While there are signs of stabilization in many areas, what eventually emerges from the chaos will inevitably be a very different normal. Businesses are adapting to new ways of getting work done as they pivot from old patterns of work to new ways of working. More importantly, the pandemic has forced nearly everyone to reconsider how to deliver their transformation agenda in the new normal. 

According to a recent survey by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), by the end of April, nearly six times as many people were working from home compared to before the pandemic. As this crisis continues, patterns of work and workflows have been so deeply disrupted that businesses are asking: shall we ever go back to old ways of working? The current disruption has also created an awareness that this may not be a singular event. Future disruptive events are not only possible, but likely.

So, it should come as no surprise that COVID-19 has accelerated the pace of transformation for businesses of all sizes and in all industries to become Cognitive Enterprises on the hybrid cloud. The Cognitive Enterprise is a constantly evolving and reinventing enterprise, powered by intelligent workflows, and AI, which is underpinned by hybrid multicloud. IBV data suggests that 62 percent of executives now plan to accelerate digital transformation efforts over the next two years.

However, the ability to deliver digital transformation has been disrupted because current delivery models do not accommodate a distributed and virtual workforce. Service delivery models need to be reimagined to allow businesses to achieve their transformation objectives.

Dynamic Delivery, a rich and holistic approach that goes beyond just virtual collaboration or automating a few processes, represents the next generation of service delivery necessary to help businesses realize value in the new normal. This model integrates a technology foundation with virtualized, agile methods and practices, enhanced with AI, extreme automation, and virtual leadership so that employees can sustain remote work at scale and businesses can pursue their transformations with confidence, speed, and resilience in shifting business conditions.

Fundamental to Dynamic Delivery is the focus on motivating and empowering employees, inspirational virtual leadership, flexible and available expertise, and interconnected digital knowledge platforms and processes.

Implementing Dynamic Delivery allows businesses to:

  • Accelerate their journey toward becoming Cognitive Enterprises on the hybrid cloud.

  • Build resilience and security to enhance timeline confidence and continuity even when unexpected events occur.

  • Engage with flexible and available expertise and industry-aligned talent pools with rapid staffing adaptivity and knowledge transfer.

  • Effectively lead and govern projects to achieve desired results.

  • Improve delivery speed and scale by running smarter operations with an enhanced technology platform.

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Meet the authors

Shai Joshi

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, Managing Partner and Growth Platform Leader, Global Hybrid Cloud Services, IBM Consulting

Varun Bijlani

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, Global Managing Partner, Hybrid Cloud Transformation, IBM Consulting

Sreejit Roy

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, Global Application Modernization and Development Leader, Cloud Application Services, IBM Consulting

Sunanda Saxena

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, Director, Transformation, Cloud Application Services, IBM Consulting

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    Originally published 14 July 2020