HomeIBM Think Circles for sustainability

Sustainability in the modern enterprise

Unlocking greater impact. Four themes from the Think Circles for sustainability experts.

The discussions during the inaugural Think Circles for Sustainability revealed the rapidly changing role of sustainability within the modern enterprise. As Thinkers introduced their roles and where they sit within their organization, it became clear that organizations are working to understand how best to position and govern sustainability effectively.

“There are many ways to define sustainability and even more ways to structure and to support it. How much strategy can we do? Does it deliver programs? Is it just a regulatory preparedness function and a reporting function? Are we really going to shift all of our governance structures or set up new ones?”

These challenges reflect the rapidly changing requirements and expectations of enterprises. They wrestle with an evolving regulatory environment and demands for greater transparency from many different stakeholders. Meanwhile, the CSOs are working to position sustainability more centrally and strategically within their organizations.

“How does this function lead and continue to have some focus on innovation, on consumer facing solutions? There’s a discourse with the C-suite that sees this as regulatory influence, and we’re losing some of the innovation.”

As sustainability finds its place in the modern enterprise, the Thinkers identified 4 key themes that many are focusing on at the moment:

  1. Aligning sustainability with the business strategy and demonstrating impact.
  2. Addressing the Scope 3 reporting and transparency requirements.
  3. Many organizations are looking to embed and incentivize sustainability across the enterprise, from executives to employees.
  4. Data and digital technologies enable greater transparency and connection to value.

Get the full report to find out about what actions sustainability leaders can take to embrace the opportunities and address challenges.

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Meet the authors

Jonathan Wright

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, Managing Partner, Supply Chain and Finance Transformation, Sustainability, IBM

Cindy Anderson

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, Global Executive for Engagement and Eminence, IBM Institute for Business Value

Karen Butner

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, Global Research Leader, AI Automation, Supply Chain, Virtual Enterprise, IBM Institute for Business Value

Originally published 27 September 2023