Your Cup of Coffee

Were you served coffee at our Smorgasburg coffee shop? If so, enter your drink’s unique cup ID to view your coffee’s journey from mountaintop to countertop as tracked by blockchain.

Your Cup of Coffee

Roaster: Brooklyn Roasting Company

  • Coffee Evaluated

    Brooklyn Roasting Company grades sample roasts of the Yirgacheffe beans.


    • Cupper: Brian
    • Aroma: 9
    • Flavor: 8
    • Aftertaste: 8
    • Acidity: 8
    • Body: 9
    • Final Score: 89.00 / 100
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  • Coffee Imported

    The coffee shipment is received in New Jersey by importer Royal Coffee.


    • Identifier: 010/0150/0128
    • Lot: 7
    • Bags: 150
    • Condensation: No
    • Hole in Container: No
    • Insect Activity: No
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  • Coffee Exported

    In Djibouti, the coffee is loaded for export to the United States.


    • Identifier: 010/0150/0128
    • Lot: 7
    • Recipient: Royal Coffee
    • Route: Djibouti to Newark
    • Vessel: Northern Magnum
    • Vessel Voyage: 1707
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  • Coffee Purchased

    150 bags of Yirgacheffe sell at a fair price, with proceeds reinvested in the community.


    • Fair Trade Report Year: 2016
    • Premium Invested: $182,273
    • Investment Highlights
    • School Classroom Addition: $30,626
    • Road Infrastructure: $43,251
    • Food Security: $34,411
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