Home Think Topics Hydropower What is hydropower?
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Published: 10 May 2024
Contributors: Amanda McGrath, Alexandra Jonker

What is hydropower?

Hydropower is a type of renewable energy that uses the power of water flows to generate electricity. The energy that is generated by hydropower plants is clean, reliable, and sustainable, making it a relevant low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels in the fight against climate change.

To produce hydropower, the kinetic energy of flowing or falling water is transformed into electrical energy by using a generator. In simple terms, this means that moving water causes turbines to spin, which generates power. For example, building a dam on a river creates a reservoir of stored water. When electricity is needed, gates in the dam open and gravity pulls the water through a pipe that is called a penstock. The flowing water pushes against blades in a turbine, causing them to spin. This allows the connected generator to create electricity. The water ultimately flows back into the river on the other side of the dam.

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Why is hydropower important?

Hydropower, also known as hydroelectric power or water power, is a key source of energy production. Its capacity has increased by more than 70% in the last 20 years and in 2020, it was the biggest source of low-carbon power, responsible for one-sixth of overall global electricity generation.1

Hydropower is often valued for its renewability and reliability. Fossil fuels (including coal, oil, and gas) are in finite supply, but hydropower can be generated indefinitely without depleting the Earth’s natural resources. Other renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power depend on weather conditions; however, hydropower can be generated consistently throughout the year.

Also, hydropower is considered a clean energy source. It generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions (such as carbon dioxide, methane, and others) than fossil fuel-based energy production, making it a more sustainable option as companies, countries, and communities try to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Hydropower plants typically operate more efficiently than fossil fuel power plants. And some methods of hydroelectric production offer opportunities for storing surplus energy, which can help improve the stability of the electric grid and increase overall electrical capacity.

What are the different types of hydropower?

Hydroelectricity can be generated through several types of facilities that use different methods to generate power. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and depends on factors such as geographic location, available water sources, and specific power needs.

Impoundment hydropower

Impoundment hydropower, also known as reservoir hydropower, is the most common type of hydroelectric power generation. It relies on impoundment facilities, such as reservoirs or large dams, to store water and release it on demand through turbines to generate electricity.

This type of hydropower is conducive to large-scale power generation. Impoundment facilities store large volumes of water, which means they can produce a significant amount of electric power. Because the water is stably stored, impoundment hydropower is considered a reliable and predictable energy source; however, in times of drought, power generation can be affected.

Pumped storage hydropower

Pumped storage hydropower involves moving water between stations at different elevations. These facilities draw water from a lower elevation to a higher elevation during times of low demand; they release it back down to generate electricity during times of high demand.

This type of hydropower plant works like a battery, storing the energy generated by other power sources (such as solar, wind, and nuclear) for later use. These storage systems provide a way to balance load within the network. The stored energy can be used to meet sudden surges in demand or to compensate when intermittent renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar) aren't producing enough. But finding suitable sites, with bodies of water at different heights, can be challenging.

Diversion hydropower

Commonly known as run-of-river hydropower, diversion-based systems require little to no water storage. Instead, the natural flow and drop of a river is used to generate renewable electricity by diverting it through a canal or penstock and into turbines. Diversion hydropower’s small-scale hydroelectric plants are most likely to be found in mountainous regions, where the natural drop of the river provides a strong flow for power generation.

These hydroelectric facilities typically have a smaller environmental footprint than impoundment facilities because they do not require large reservoirs and have less impact on natural ecosystems. But they also operate on a smaller scale—meaning that they generate less electricity overall. And because they are dependent on the river flow, they can be more variable, especially in regions where rainfall changes by season.

Other types of hydropower

While the types of hydropower described above cover most existing facilities, some other variants are in use. For example, some facilities harness tidal power, by using the rise and fall of ocean tides to generate electricity. And micro-hydropower is a term that refers to smaller systems designed to generate power for a small community, a single home or a remote facility. They can either be run-of-river type or involve a small reservoir.

History of hydropower

The use of hydropower dates back to ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans and China’s Han Dynasty, that used water wheels to grind grain and pump water. However, it wasn't until the late 19th century that hydropower was used on a larger scale to generate electricity.


The world’s first hydroelectric project powered a single lamp in Northumberland, England.


The first commercial hydroelectric plant begins operation in Appleton, Wisconsin, US. By 1905, hundreds of small power plants were in operation around the globe.


The Hoover Dam is completed on the Colorado River in the United States. At the time of its construction, it was the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world and fueled a boom in hydropower projects. It still operates today, supplying power to Arizona, Nevada, and California.


China's Three Gorges Dam project is approved. Once completed in 2012, it became the world's largest hydroelectric power station in terms of installed capacity.


Hydropower technology advances, increasing interest in small-scale systems and run-of-river installations, which have less environmental impact than large-scale dam projects. These energy technologies create new opportunities for hydropower capacity.

Examples of hydropower in use

Hydropower is being used around the world to generate electricity and provide clean, renewable energy:


China is the largest producer of hydropower in the world, with over 356,000 megawatts of installed capacity. The country has invested heavily in hydropower projects, including the Three Gorges Dam, which is the largest hydropower project in the world. The dam, which is located on the Yangtze River and completed in 2012, has a capacity of 22.5 gigawatts (GW).

United States

Hydroelectric power plants and other sources make up about 6% of the electricity that is generated in the United States.2 The Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in Washington State is the largest hydropower project in the country, with a generating capacity of approximately 6.8 GW. But perhaps the best-known hydropower project in the world is the Hoover Dam. Located on the border between Arizona and Nevada, it was completed in 1936 and has a capacity of about 2 GW. The dam not only provides electricity for public and private utilities in Nevada, Arizona, and California, but also regulates water flow for irrigation and provides flood control.


Hydropower is an important source of renewable energy in Europe, accounting for more than 12% of the European Union’s electricity generation.3 Norway, for example, generates more than 90% of its total electricity from hydropower.4 The biggest hydropower project in Europe in terms of capacity is the Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam in Russia. It is the seventh-largest hydroelectric plant in the world, with a capacity of 6.4 GW.

South America

There are several key hydropower projects on the South American continent. The Itaipu Dam, a joint undertaking between Brazil and Paraguay on the Parana River, is one of the world's largest operational hydroelectric energy producers. It has an installed generation capacity of 14 GW. And Venezuela’s Guri Dam, also known as the Simón Bolívar Hydroelectric Plant, has a capacity of about 10.2 GW and provides as much as 80% of the country’s electricity.


Many countries in Africa are turning to hydropower as a way to meet their growing energy needs. Projects such as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Inga Dam in the Democratic Republic of Congo have the potential to provide significant amounts of renewable energy to the continent. In Egypt, the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River is one of Africa's largest hydropower projects. Completed in 1970, it has a generating capacity of approximately 2.1 GW. The dam has impacted the country’s agriculture and economy by providing increased water storage for irrigation and producing hydroelectric power.

Challenges and limitations of hydropower

As a source of electricity generation, hydropower offers many benefits and advantages; however, the method also has its limitations.

Environmental challenges

Although hydropower has a smaller environmental impact than most other sources of electricity production, it can still affect ecosystems and wildlife habitats. For example, dams can disrupt the natural flow of rivers, leading to changes in water temperature, sedimentation, and fish migration patterns. The construction of large hydropower projects can be costly and may produce greenhouse gas emissions. Once they are complete, the resulting reservoirs may also produce GHG emissions. When organic matter that is trapped in the reservoir decomposes, it can release methane, a greenhouse gas that's much more potent than carbon dioxide. However, it is worth noting that the amount of methane that is produced varies depending on the specific characteristics of each reservoir.

Expansion challenges

Hydro projects may encounter geographic limitations—as mentioned, suitable sites for certain kinds of hydroelectric power generation may be difficult to find. And their overall performance is not immune to the impact of changing weather conditions. Though water offers a renewable source for generating electricity, water levels and availability may change based on seasons, natural disasters (such as droughts), long-term shifts in precipitation patterns or contamination of the water supply.

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Renewable energy is energy generated from natural sources that are replenished faster than they are used.

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1 Hydropower Special Market Report (link resides outside ibm.com), International Energy Agency, June 2021

2 Hydropower explained (link resides outside ibm.com), US Energy Information Administration (EIA) and US Department of Energy, April 2023

3 Shedding light on energy - 2023 edition (link resides outside ibm.com), Eurostat, March 2023

4 Norway Electricity Security Policy (link resides outside ibm.com), International Energy Agency, October 2022