The State of Sustainability Readiness 2024
How do we close the gap between ambition and action?
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Cover of the State of Sustainability Readiness Report 2024

Global industry leaders see great opportunities in using IT—and most prominently, AI—to elevate sustainability and their companies. In the State of Sustainability Readiness 2024 report, you’ll learn how key players invest in sustainability and set themselves up for a better tomorrow.

Gain insights on investing in IT and AI, the perception gap problem, climate resilience and the top challenges facing business leaders today.

IT budgets are increasing

Investing in IT for sustainability is anticipated to grow across global markets over the next 12 months.

Download the 2024 State of Sustainability Readiness report

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Recommendations for readiness

Here’s a sample of how to address notable sustainability issues head-on. Download the report to get all the recommendations.

Mind the gap Leaders can utilize data to obtain a more holistic view of their operations. A data analysis and reporting tool can help them better understand where different perceptions between teams originate. It can assist in maintaining a state of readiness visible across the organization, so leaders can proactively formulate and implement solutions. Download the report
Invest in AI Proven AI tools and collaborating with partners with expertise can help uncover new opportunities to advance sustainability initiatives. For example, AI-infused sustainability solutions can drive sustainability strategy while meeting reporting requirements and accelerate the transition to sustainable energy sources. Download the report
And more Gain more insights on how leaders around the world are operationalizing their sustainability efforts in the State of Sustainability Readiness 2024 report. Download the report

Learn about sustainability solutions and services

It’s clear that the future of business is sustainability. However, to make that vision a reality, businesses need to operationalize their goals today, and adopt technology to support automation, transparency and reliability.

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