IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC)

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System Storage interoperation search - HELP

Search Interface

Results Page & Spreadsheet Export

Recommended Browser Configuration

Server Compatibility Resources

SSIC Statistics Page

Search Interface

Select a value in any selection box.
Note: Only one value can be selected at a time. If a component you are searching for does not appear in the selection box after a criteria was chosen, that environment is not supported at this moment.
You may submit a SCORE/RPQ to IBM to request approval. To submit a SCORE/RPQ, please contact your IBM Representative.
Once a value is selected, a progress message will display while all the selection boxes are being repopulated. Press the "Submit" button when configuration results count is equal to or less than 100 to display results.
A summary page will be displayed shortly after this.

During the selection process, the last selected criteria will be available to re-select. In order to ensure configuration result is always equal to or greater than 1, any previous selected criteria before the last will be greyed out.

A New Search link is provided (towards the top and bottom of the search page) to initiate a new search.

An Export Selected Version (xls) link is provided (see the picture below) to export all the information on product version level into an excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has a logical predefined format of data organization.

Screenshot for help

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Results Page & Spreadsheet Export

We have highlighted 4 important features/functions of the Results Page:

#1 - Click this link to Start a new search
#2 - Click this link to Export all the results into an excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has a logical predefined format of data organization.
#3 - Click the Change link to go back to the Search interface and change the selection on that row. Users are not allowed to change the other previously selected criteria. Users are allowed to select criteria from search boxes not previously chosen.
#4 - Click these links to view all the Details for a given IBM STG Interoperability record.

Screenshot for help

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Recommended Browser Configuration

The section is intended to inform the user of the recommended browser version and browser cookies settings. In certain browsers, cookies setting is defaulted to block. Potential confusion may come in when a value is selected and the browser does not support cookies. The end result is the browser will display the error page. To avoid all confusion, the browser cookies settings should be set to accept. Attached below are instructions on how to ensure that your browser is set to do just this. Note, instruction are provided for Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. For browsers not specified, please consult the browsers install and support documents.

The recommended browsers for SSIC include:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and IE7+
Firefox 1.5 and Firefox 2.0+

For the best experience in SSIC, please enable javascript in your browser:
Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Microsoft Internet Explorer cookies settings

Screenshot for help

In order to navigate to the dialogue box shown above, locate the Internet Options panel from Tools on the menu bar. Select Privacy tab --> Advanced --> First-party Cookies -> Accept

Firefox cookies settings

Screenshot for help

In order to navigate to the following dialogue box shown above, locate the Options panel from Tools on the menu bar. Select Privacy tab --> Cookies --> Accept cookies from sites

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Server Compatibility Resources

Host Platform Resource Name Resource URL IBM System x IBM ServerProven IBM BladeCenter (Intel) IBM ServerProven IBM Power Servers IBM Prerequisite IBM Knowledge Center IBM Offering Information (SSI) IBM System z IBM Knowledge Center IBM Offering Information (SSI) zBX Support Storage Devices SyszBXStorage.pdf IBM System i IBM Knowledge Center Hewlett-Packard HP Bulletin!spectype=worldwide CISCO Technical References for Server Compatibility SUN / Oracle Contact Oracle support. Apple Contact APPLE support. SGI Contact SGI support.

SSIC Statistics Page

Provides monthly reports for the current year and the previous two years.

Includes the following reports:

SSIC web hit counter by month Result Page web hit counter by month Export web hit counter by month Number of unique sessions by month (statistics from October 2021)

To see the statistics page, click on the link SSIC Statistics Page.

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* EOL - (End of Life)

Where interoperability items have gone end of life (out of support) and are no longer supported by the vendor either generally or by extended service contact IBM will continue to support the environment on a best can do basis. Where issues occur which are deemed by IBM support to be directly related to items which are no longer generally supported by the vendor IBM may direct customers to upgrade a component to a recommended level.

Request for Price Quotations (RPQ)

If a desired configuration is not available for selection in the above search interface, a SCORE/RPQ should be submitted to IBM requesting approval. To submit a SCORE/RPQ please contact your IBM Representative.
For IBM and Business Partners only - Click this link to open SCORE request

ISV Support for IBM Tape

ISV Solutions Resource Library:

N Series

IBM N Series Interoperability Site:

Legal Disclaimer

The information provided in this document is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, interoperability or compatibility.  IBM does not provide service or support for the non-IBM products listed.  For support issues regarding non-IBM products, please contact the manufacturer of the product directly.  This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  IBM does not assume any liability for damages caused by such errors as this information is provided for the reader's convenience only.

Last accessed: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:08:16 Coordinated Universal Time, UTC; May 2024: Build 1