Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z Everything you need to get started quickly. Get started

Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z® is designed to deliver unmatched simplicity, transparency, and predictability of pricing in this era of hybrid cloud.

Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z includes several comprehensive alternatives to the rolling four-hour average, including the Software Consumption Solution (formerly known as the Enterprise Consumption Solution), which uses cloud-like consumption-based licensing, the Hardware Consumption Solution, which offers a usage-based capacity corridor for unplanned spikes in demand, and the Application Development and Test Solution, a workload-specific solution that can coexist alongside both traditional and the new consumption models. Other solutions are the Enterprise Capacity Solution, a full-capacity licensing model that offers maximum predictability and simplicity, and the New Application Solution, which allows new applications to be tightly integrated with colocated workloads.

All of these solutions dramatically simplify pricing and deliver flexible deployment options that are tailored to reflect your environment. They allow you to embrace the best technical fit, greatly reducing need to architect for software costs.

Technology in z/OS provides the framework to enable Tailored Fit Pricing. It provides the capability to meter and report on specific workloads in a similar manner, regardless of the solution deployed. This can be done without manual tagging and tracking or other increased monthly overhead.

You can get started with Tailored Fit Pricing with minimal up-front setup.

Big picture 1. Work with IBM to define a Tailored Fit Pricing solution. If this is an Enterprise Capacity solution, you are done. 2. If your solution requires them, obtain the solution IDs that were assigned by IBM from the License Management Support web portal. 3. Define the containers, including updating SCRT so that it can report the workload appropriately. 4. Send the SCRT report to IBM. How to get started

The Software Consumption Solution is a cloud-like usage-based licensing model. Compute is measured on the basis of MSUs consumed, which removes the need for manual or automated capping. You can configure your systems to support optimal response times and service level agreements.

Use the Software Consumption Solution in conjunction with the Application Development and Test Solution (DevTest) for a comprehensive end-to-end pricing solution for all stages of the application lifecycle. For information about the DevTest Solution, click the Application Development and Test Solution tab.


Work with an IBM Sales representative to define a Software Consumption Solution. This includes separate solution IDs for your development and production environments.

Obtain a solution and get solution IDs

For a dedicated-LPAR solution, use either of the following methods to associate the solution IDs for the Software Consumption Solution and the Application Development and Test Solutions.

  • Update your Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) JCL.

  • Use the SOLUT system parameter when IPLing a z/OS system as part of the qualified solution.

For a colocated-LPAR solution, update your SCRT JCL.

The next time you send the SCRT report to IBM, the solution workload is reported separately.


The Hardware Consumption Solution introduces cloud-like pricing for IBM Z hardware, with an always-on, subscription-based corridor of pay-for-use capacity, on top of purchased capacity, that can alleviate the impact of short, unpredictable spikes in business-critical workloads.

The Hardware Consumption Solution is available for customers with z15 or later, z/OS general purpose processors, and a Software Consumption Solution.


Work with an IBM Sales representative to define a Hardware Consumption Solution to be used with a Software Consumption Solution. IBM uses a workload analysis to determine eligibility and fit for the Hardware Consumption Solution.

At least one native (not running under z/VM) z/OS system must be active at all times during the report period with an RMF interval of 1, 3, 5, or 15 minutes.

There can be no dedicated CPs on any LPARs, and WAIT COMPLETION = NO must be specified.

For information on planning for the Software Consumption Solution, click the Software Consumption Solution tab.


Include the following control statements in the SPECIAL DD of the SCRT job:

INTERVAL_RATE_DATA DETAIL_INTERVAL_RATE_DATA For information on the steps for the Software Consumption Solution, click the Software Consumption Solution tab.


The Application Development and Test solution, by removing the need for aggressive cost controls around development and test, promotes a healthy development and test environment on z/OS.


Work with an IBM Sales representative to define a solution with an agreed upon price.

This agreement includes the decision to use either an LPAR that is dedicated to the workload or an LPAR on which the workload is colocated with other workloads. The Application Development and Test environment is typically on dedicated LPARs.

Obtain a solution and get solution IDs

For a dedicated-LPAR solution, use either of the following methods to associate the solution ID.

  • Use the SOLUT system parameter when IPLing a z/OS system as part of the qualified solution.

For a colocated-LPAR solution, create definitions in WLM and then update your SCRT JCL to reflect the solution ID, which is generated as part of the agreement with IBM.

The next time you send the SCRT report to IBM, the solution workload is reported separately.

New Application Solution

The New Application Solution allows new applications to be tightly integrated with colocated workloads, with the price predictability of a dedicated environment.

Work with an IBM Sales representative to define a solution with an agreed on price. The agreement includes the decision to use either an LPAR that is dedicated to the workload or an LPAR on which the workload is colocated with other workloads.

Steps are the same as for the Application Development and Test Solution. See the Application Development and Test Solution tab for details.

Enterprise Capacity Solution

The Enterprise Capacity Solution is a tailored full-capacity licensing model, offering predictable cost. Charges are connected to the size of the physical environment and are calculated based on the estimated mix of workloads running, with the flexibility to vary actual usage across workloads. Charges include increased capacity for development and test environments and reduced pricing for all types of workload growth. Charging based on the overall size of the physical environment removes the need for manual or automated capping. You can configure your systems to support optimal response times and service level agreements.

Because this is a full-capacity solution, there is no reporting requirement.

You work with an IBM Sales representative to define a solution. The agreement includes an allowance for application development and test workloads.

Documentation Comprehensive content collection

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Technical resources

Information, tools and resources on the pricing, licensing, terms and conditions for IBM mainframe software.

IBM Z Tailored Fit Pricing

See how easy it is to try a test report using sample solution IDs.

Read the guide

Learn about the technical basis for the MSU consumption metric used in the Enterprise Consumption Solution (now called the Software Consumption Solution).

Read the guide

Understand the requirements and considerations for a colocated container pricing solution in Container Pricing (now called Tailored Fit Pricing).

View the presentation

Tracking and Reporting Solution Consumption License Charges (SCLC) is intended to help you understand the technical basis for SCLC, as well as the tracking and implementation of the new metric in the sub-capacity reporting tool (SCRT).

Read the document

For DevTest and New Application solutions, use guided steps in z/OSMF to set up a Tailored Fit solution that is colocated with other workloads on an existing LPAR.

Get the workflow

For DevTest and New Application solutions, use guided steps in z/OSMF to set up a Tailored Fit solution for a dedicated LPAR.

Get the workflow
What's new

Minor editorial changes were made, and an obsolete link was removed from the Hardware Consumption tab of How to get started.

Several links to documentation have been updated.

The DevTest sizing calculator was removed from the Technical resources section.

Links to z/OS documentation were updated to use the z/OS 2.5 library.

The option to use the SOLUT system parameter to specify the solution ID was added to the information for the Software Consumption Solution and Devtest Solution in the How to get started section. SOLUT was added with PTFs for APAR OA60198.

  • The Enterprise Consumption Solution was renamed Software Consumption Solution.
  • A new Hardware Consumption Solution was added.
  • The How to get started section was reorganized, with the New Application Solution and Enterprise Capacity Solution combined on a single tab.
  • Resources were added to and removed from the Technical resources section. New resources are indicated by NEW!
  • A video was added to the Multimedia tab of the Technical resources section.

    z/OSMF workflows for setting up DevTest and New Application solutions were added to the Other Resources tab of the Technical resources section.

    This page previously described Container Pricing for IBM Z. Container Pricing for IBM Z has been renamed to Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z. The Software Consumption and Enterprise Capacity Solutions are new with Tailored Fit Pricing for IBM Z. Some content that described Container Pricing for IBM Z was removed.
    A blog by Ross Mauri, General Manager of IBM Z, was added.
    A guide showing how to try a test report using sample solution IDs was added.
    A guide to the technical basis for the MSU consumption metric used in the Software Consumption Solution was added.

    The presentation Container Pricing for IBM Z - the WLM View was added to the Other Resources tab of the Resources section.
    The document Tracking and Reporting Solution Consumption License Charges (SCLC) was added to the Other Resources tab of the Resources section.
    The video Container Pricing Overview was added to the Multimedia tab of the Resources section.