IBM Z System Recovery Boost Everything you need to get started quickly. Get started - Play overview Transcript

System Recovery Boost is a feature introduced with the IBM z15™, and enhanced with the IBM z16, that provides capabilities to reduce the time it takes to shut down and restart (IPL) a system, by providing additional processor capacity and throughput for the boosted image.

In addition to boosting shutdown and IPL, System Recovery Boost can provide short-term acceleration for specific system and sysplex recovery and diagnostic capture events in z/OS, including, with the IBM z16, SVC dumps, HyperSwap configuration load, and middleware region startup.

See what IBM Z System Recovery Boost can do for your business.
Related solution Resilience

Rapidly adapt and respond to any disruption, demand, or threat, and continue business operations without significant impact.

Big picture 1. IPL boost is enabled by default and delivers extra processor capacity after an IPL to get you back up and running faster. 2. Recovery process boost provides increased short-duration processor capacity for the acceleration of some sysplex recovery situations. With the IBM z16, additional recovery events can be boosted. 3. Shutdown boost enables a faster shutdown by delivering extra processor capacity upon indication that a shutdown is in progress. 4. Update your automation to ensure that System Recovery Boost is optimized for your system and to take advantage of System Recovery Boost Upgrade. How to get started

There are three classes of boost: IPL (startup) boost, recovery process boost, and shutdown boost. Each class has different capabilities.

IPL boost

IPL boost is enabled by default and delivers extra processor capacity after an IPL to get you back up and running faster.

Learn more about IPL boost
Recovery process boost

Recovery process boost provides increased short-duration processor capacity for the acceleration of sysplex recovery situations.

Planning and setup:

These recovery process boosts are enabled by default: HyperSwap, Coupling Facility data-sharing member recovery, Coupling Facility structure recovery, sysplex partitioning, and, with the IBM z16, HyperSwap configuration load. With the IBM z16, you can configure these additional recovery process boosts: SVC dumps and middleware region startups.

Learn more about recovery process boost Enable SVC dump boosts with a dump size threshold Enable middleware region startup boosts with the WLM service definition
Shutdown boost

Shutdown boost enables a faster shutdown by delivering extra processor capacity upon indication that a shutdown is in progress.

Planning and setup:

Update your shutdown automation to automatically use the START IEASDBS system command during your shutdown process to use shutdown boost to speed up the shutdown.

Learn more about shutdown boost

There are two boost types, speed boost and zIIP boost.

Speed boost

Speed boost is a capability of System Recovery Boost that improves the recovery time of exploiting operating systems when running on a subcapacity CPC. If you are running on a subcapacity CPC, then while System Recovery Boost is active, z/OS will request that the CPC firmware increase the CP speed of the image to full capacity model speed for the duration of the boost. After the boost ends, the image will return to the subcapacity model speed.

Speed boost applies to each of the three boost classes: IPL boost, recovery process boost, and shutdown boost.

Planning and setup:

Speed boost applies only to the image being boosted; all other images not being boosted will run at subcapacity model speed.

If you’re running on a subcapacity machine, there is no reason not to run with speed boost. Any processing activity that uses CPs will benefit from speed boost. Use the following links to learn more:

Turning on System Recovery Boost
zIIP boost

If your system has z Integrated Information Processors (zIIPs), then zIIP boost can improve z/OS recovery time, assuming zIIP capacity is available to the image.

z/OS is the only operating system that can exploit the zIIP boost capability, as it’s the only OS that can natively exploit zIIPs. While zIIP boost is active, z/OS will make most non-zIIP eligible work zIIP eligible, thus allowing most work to run on zIIPs if there isn’t sufficient CP capacity available. This provides additional capacity and parallelism to accelerate processing during the boost periods. IBM refers to this as blurring the CPs and zIIPs together.

zIIP boost applies to each of the following boost classes: IPL boost, recovery process boost, and shutdown boost.

Planning and setup:

There are variations of zIIP boost, depending on how the CPC is configured, as well as the priced System Recovery Boost Upgrade offering that will allow you to take additional advantage of zIIP boost.

The most basic type of zIIP boost is when you have defined initial zIIPs, and no reserved zIIPs that are backed by real processors. In this case, the zIIP blurring will happen for the duration of the boost on your defined, entitled zIIPs and at the end of the boost period. Normally, non-zIIP eligible work will stop running on zIIPs.

zIIP boost with reserved zIIPs

This is the case when you have some zIIPs that are defined as reserved, and some number of those can be backed by physical zIIPs. Those reserved zIIPs that can be backed by physical zIIPs will be brought online by the system at the beginning of the boost period, and then taken offline when the boost period is over.

System Recovery Boost Upgrade

This is a priced feature beginning with the IBM z15 that requires you to have purchased an annual subscription for the Boost feature for your CPC that will allow you to bring up to 20 additional physical zIIPs online to the CPC for the duration of the capacity record activation, limited by the number of unused “dark core” processors you have in your CPC. System Recovery Boost Upgrade can be used with IPL boost and shutdown boost.

90-day free trial for System Recovery Boost Upgrade

IBM is offering a 90-day free trial for System Recovery Boost Upgrade, so that you can test out System Recovery Boost Upgrade in your own environment. The trial gives you 30 activations, each of which can be used to unlock up to 20 additional zIIP processors for up to 6 hours.

You can order the 90-day trial record using Resource Link. Resource Link will immediately stage the record for download upon ordering. Ordering requires online-buying enablement and the associated contract supplements, as well as SRB Upgrade Authorization.

You are eligible for the trial if you are a new or existing IBM z15 T01 or IBM z16 A01 customer, and if you have not already purchased the full System Recovery Boost Upgrade offering.

Use the following links to learn more:

Learn more about zIIP boost with reserved zIIPS Learn more about System Recovery Boost Upgrade

GDPS® performance and parallelism increases the speed with which GDPS drives hardware actions, along with enhancing the speed of the underlying hardware services. The GDPS enhancements are available in GDPS 4.2 and above running on an IBM z15 or IBM z16.

GDPS takees advantage of the HyperSwap exploitation of recovery process boost.

Learn more about recovery process boost Learn more about GDPS Go to the GDPS website
Planning and setup

IBM recommends reading the following GDPS manuals, which describe how to implement these RTO improvements:

  • GDPS Metro Planning and Implementation Guide (ZG24-6755), section 4.7.2, SYSPLEX script statement.
  • GDPS Global - GM Installation and Customization Guide (ZG24-6757), section 4.5.7, SYSPLEX script statement.
  • GDPS Global - XRC Installation and Customization Guide (ZG24-6759), section 4.6.9, SYSPLEX script statement.
Documentation Comprehensive content collection

Find a comprehensive collection of content about System Recovery Boost in IBM Documentation.

Explore the collection
Technical resources

Take a deep dive into the capabilities of System Recovery Boost and understand how it works.

Read the System Recovery Boost white paper

How you benefit from System Recovery Boost will depend on your system configuration. For general information on improving your Mean Time to Recovery, see the IBM Redbook: System z Mean Time To Recovery

Read the IBM Redbook

This summary of System Recovery Boost provides use cases and proof points.

Read the summary

This summary of System Recovery Boost Upgrade provides a brief description of this priced feature.

Read the summary

This brief technical summary includes an IBM Z and z/OS support matrix.

New View the summary
System Recovery Boost Overview

This video provides an overview of System Recovery Boost and describes recent enhancements.

Watch the video (3:33)
Terminal Talk Podcast

Episode 87 of Terminal Talk with Frank and Jeff features Tyler King and Kevin McKenzie discussing Instant Recovery, and how maintenance windows will get shorter with this feature of IBM Z.

Listen (24:28)
Related solutions Resilience

Rapidly adapt and respond to any disruption, demand, or threat, and continue business operations without significant impact.

What's new

A technical summary with a support matrix was added to the Technical resources section. Minor edits were also made.

The overview video was replaced. It now includes more detail about recent enhancements. The previous overview video was added to the Multimedia tab of the Technical resrources section.

The overview video was updated to describe the recent enhancements.

The page was updated for System Recovery Boost enhancements, including those for the IBM z16 and new use cases for recovery process boost, which are described on the Boost classes tab of the How to get started section. For details on recent enhancements to System Recovery Boost, see Summary of changes in IBM Documentation.

Under Technical resources, a link to the new Resilience content solution was added.

Links to z/OS documentation were updated to use the z/OS 2.5 library.

Under Technical resources, the white paper has been updated. See System Recovery Boost for the IBM z15.

Transcript added for System Recovery Boost overview video.

The Big Picture section has been modified for accessibility.