Software Update with z/OSMF Everything you need to get started quickly. Get started

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Software Update, an application available on z/OSMF, provides a guided experience for installing corrective, recommended, and functional updates to your system. This capability is available for operating system, subsystem, middleware, and other software products, whether they are supplied by IBM or another vendor. The Software Update application simplifies the traditional PTF installation process by providing a graphical user interface to organize, review, and resolve updates to your software. Using Software Update with z/OSMF achieves the same results as the traditional method, while requiring less time and experience to perform it.

Related solution ServerPac Installation using z/OSMF

Become productive more quickly and consistently using a single installation method within z/OSMF.

Big picture 1. Make sure you have z/OSMF installed. You must also have authority to log in and access its resources. 2. Decide where you want to install the update. 3. Choose one of three paths that fit your software update use case. 4. Install updates. How to get started

IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) provides a framework for managing various aspects of a z/OS system through a task oriented, Web browser interface. By streamlining some traditional tasks and automating others, z/OSMF can help to simplify some areas of system management and reduce the level of expertise needed for a managing a system.

Make sure that you are authorized to use z/OSMF Software Management in order to use the Software Update application.

z/OSMF Base Configuration

In order to install ServerPac using z/OSMF, you must first ensure that you have z/OSMF properly configured and are granted the necessary authorization to use it.

For a new installation of z/OSMF, it is recommended that you begin by creating a base configuration. If you are installing z/OSMF for the first time. please begin by clicking the link below and following the directions listed.

If you are upgrading from a previous release of z/OSMF, perform the upgrade actions for z/OSMF.

PTF on Software Update

In addition to z/OSMF, you must also have the Software Management plugin activated and the authority to use Software Management.

Beyond plugins and authority, you must also have the following PTFs installed on z/OS 2.3 or 2.4:

This new task is available with the PTFs for APAR PH28412, which are UI72029 for z/OS V2.4 and UI72028 for z/OS V2.3.


To install a software update with z/OSMF, you can use the graphical user interface (GUI) of the Software Update application to choose the software instance that requires an update and complete the installation using the guided steps. By using the application, the need for deep SMP/E knowledge or job control language (JCL) is removed. Whether you decide to use the Software Update GUI or the traditional JCL, you will achieve the same end result.

Once z/OSMF is configured on your system, define the software instance that you want to install to. If you do not already have one, you can create a new software instance.

Learn more about software instances Watch: How to install Recommended PTFs with z/OSMF Software Update (10:59)
Find your Software Instance
  1. On your z/OSMF desktop, select the Software Update icon to open the application. This will display a list of software instances from your currently defined software.
  2. Select the target Zone. Typically, only one is available, though there may be more.
Create a Software Instance

If the software instance you need to update does not appear on the list of defined software, you must create a new software instance.

Once created, follow the steps under Find your Software Instance and proceed with the rest of the process.


Once you have selected your software instance and your target zone, you must choose the installation path suited to your need. There are three paths to install updates as supported by z/OSMF: 1) install updates by name, 2) install a vendor’s recommended updates, and 3) install updates for selected functional categories.

Choosing your Installation Path

There are three separate Install options: Install Corrective, Install Recommended, and Install Functional. Determine which option best suits your need:

A. If you are installing updates by name intended to fix a known issue, select Install Corrective.

B. If you are installing updates recommended by a vendor, select Install Recommended.

C. If you are installing updates intended for selected functional categories (such to support new hardware devices, software functions, or software product releases), select Install Functional.

Note: If the update you want to install is not found by Software Update, you will need to acquire it. You can use SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER or other methods to acquire the update.

Use SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER to acquire your intended update

Once you have selected the software instance, target zone, and installation path, it is time to begin installation. The Software Update application will guide you through a series of steps to install the update.

Once this process has been completed, your updates have been installed and the software is ready to use.

Installation steps
  1. After selecting your installation path, a timeline of steps will be displayed to keep track of your progress. At the Preparing Updates step, click Next. This will trigger the system to ensure you are not missing any requisites for the selected updates, and identify any HOLDs that need resolution.
  2. You will then be presented with the opportunity to Resolve HOLDs. These HOLDs contain information that require attention before installation can be finalized. You can choose to resolve these immediately, wait until after installation to resolve, or exclude the update that requires HOLD resolution. Click Next to begin verifying updates and HOLD resolution choices.
  3. The system will automatically begin verifying HOLD resolution choices from the previous step. Once completed, it will indicate the verification process is done and you are ready to click Next.
  4. The Pre-Install Summary will list and confirm the updates that are ready to be installed. Verify these are the updates you want to install and click Next. Upon clicking Next, the system will automatically begin installing the identified updates.
  5. After the updates are installed, you will be given the chance to resolve any HOLDs that were not addressed during Step 2. Click Next to finalize the installation.
  6. At this point, the update process is complete.

Optional: If you wish to view a copy of the installation output on your workstation, click the download icon. You may also go back to previous installations and download the output on the Completed Updates page.

Try z/OSMF Software Update

To try Software Update, you must already have a software instance defined to Software Management. With any software instance, you can install Corrective, Recommended, and Functional updates. This can be done on an existing software instance that you defined, or you can create a new software instance by deploying a sample portable software instance (PSWI).

The Corrective update action requires you to know the names of the PTFs you want to install, while Functional and Recommended updates will automatically determine which PTFs need to be installed.

Try Software Update on your existing software

To try Software Update on an existing software instance, it must be defined to Software Management.

To learn more about how to define a software instance, follow the steps outlined in the Select Target SWI tab of this Content Solution.

Try Software Update on a sample z/OSMF Portable Software Instance

If you do not have a software instance defined, or you do not wish to make changes to your existing software, you can try Software Update with a sample z/OSMF Portable Software Instance.

Once you install the sample PSWI, you can use Software Update on the sample software instance to make changes and learn about the functionality.

When using the Install Corrective Updates action, the following PTFs can be specified for the sample software instance:

HL00001, HL00002, HL00003, HL00004, HL00005, HL00006, HL00007, HL00008, HL00009, HL00010, HL00011, HL00012, HL00013

For more information on installing a sample portable software instance, visit the Try It tab of the ServerPac Installation using z/OSMF content solution.

Documentation IBM Documentation

Read more about key features and getting started with the Software Update task.

IBM Documentation
Technical resources ServerPac Installation using z/OSMF

Learn about this this new streamlined and uniform installation experience.

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IBM Documentation

Read more about key features and getting started with the Software Update task.

IBM Documentation
IBM Z Hot Topics

Read about how z/OSMF Software Update lets you skip SMP/E drudgery.

Read the article
EKD 2022 - Software Update for Recommended PTFs, including SECINT!

Learn how to install Recommended PTFs with z/OSMF Software Update.

Watch the video (10:59)
Related solutions ServerPac Installation using z/OSMF

Become productive more quickly and consistently using a single installation method within z/OSMF.

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The link to an IBM Z Hot Topics article was changed to reflect the move of Hot Topics to IBM Docs.

A link to an IBM Z Hot Topics article was added to the Technical resources section.