z/OS Management Services Catalog Everything you need to get started quickly. Get started - Play video Transcript

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IBM® z/OS Management Services Catalog assists z/OS system programmers in managing their z/OS environment using services. Services streamline repetitive and frequent tasks as well as complex, infrequent tasks. Associated institutional knowledge and processes are embedded in services, therefore helping z/OS system programmers adhere to best practices and internal standards.

Services are built using z/OSMF Workflows technology. They improve usability and make workflows more accessible by shielding system programmers from the complexity of steps involved in the workflow.

See what z/OS Management Facility can do for your business
Big picture 1. Configure in z/OSMF.
(Administrators only)
2. Create services in Administration.
(Administrators only)
3. Manage and publish services to the Catalog.
(Administrators only)
4. Submit services from the Catalog. 5. Monitor and run your service submissions.
How to get started
Access and configure in z/OSMF z/OS Management Services Catalog is part of the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF). Instructions and information for installation are available in the z/OSMF Configuration Guide.

The latest version of z/OS Management Services Catalog is available in APAR PH48733 (z/OS V2.5 only).
Learn how to configure z/OS Management Services Catalog
User roles z/OS Management Services Catalog is a tool for z/OS system programmers. At least one system programmer must be an administrator for z/OS Management Services Catalog. Administrators create, publish, and manage services. All z/OSMF users can submit and run published services to complete z/OS management tasks. Learn more about administrator and non-administrator roles
Global settings Administrators have access to Global settings for the product. Set up your Global settings when you first start using z/OS Management Services Catalog. You can change them at any time.

Target systems
The target systems services can run on.

Publishing approval
Whether services must be approved before publishing and who can approve services.

JOB statements
The default JOB statement when a service runs. This can be edited by the service submitter.

How service submissions are deleted from History.
Learn more about Global settings
Create services Administrators can create and publish services in Administration. Services are built on z/OSMF Workflows technology. To create a service, you need a workflow definition file. Information and variables from the file generate a service. Inputs are created for each variable. You can edit and add logic to inputs to make the service easier to run. Preview and test your services before publishing them to the Catalog for your team to run. Learn about creating workflow defintion files for services Learn how services work Find workflow definition files in the z/OS Open Repository of Workflows (ZOROW)
Sample services Sample services are included in z/OS Management Services Catalog. You can publish the sample services to the Catalog for your team to run. You can also edit sample services to better fit your unique needs.
  • Create a zFS file system
  • Rename a zFS file system
  • Expand a zFS file system
  • Encrypt a zFS file system
  • Mount a zFS file system
  • Unmount a zFS file system
  • List attributes of a RACF user ID
  • Delete a RACF user ID
  • Create a RACF digital certificate
  • Delete an alias from a catalog
  • Replace an SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER certificate
Learn about sample services
Manage services Administrators manage services in Administration. You can create, edit, copy, suspend, archive, and delete services. You can also manage service categories (create categories, delete categories, and change the category of a service).

If publishing approval is turned on in Global settings, you can approve services in Administration.
Learn about services in Administration Learn about managing service categories Learn how to approve a service
Publish services Publish services to the Catalog so your z/OS system programming team can run the services to complete z/OS management tasks. Learn how to publish services
Export and import services between z/OSMF instances If you would like to run services on multiple systems, you can export them from one z/OSMF instance and import them into another. Learn how to export and import services between z/OSMF instances
Submit services Submitting a service creates a service submission, which you can run to complete the intended z/OS management task. You can submit services that are published in the Catalog.

To submit a service, you need to enter input values and set the run properties.
Learn about submitting services to complete z/OS tasks Learn about providing input values and run properties
Activity When you submit a service you create an active service submission. View your team's active service submissions in Activity. You can modify your active service submissions before you run them. Administrators can modify others' active service submissions. Service submissions are active until they are completed, terminated, or expired. Learn about services submissions in Activity Learn about modifying service submissions Learn about troubleshooting service submissions in z/OSMF Workflows
History After a service submission completes, expires, or is terminated, it is no longer active and is recorded in History. History contains record of past service submissions from you entire team. You can duplicate service submissions to run them again. The number of service submissions in History is limited, so they are deleted according to the History Global settings. Learn about services submissions in History Learn about History Global settings
Technical resources z/OSMF Programming Guide

Learn how to use z/OS Management Services Catalog using IBM Documentation.

Read the documentation
z/OSMF Configuration Guide

Configure z/OS Management Services Catalog and z/OSMF using IBM Documentation.

Read the documentation
z/OS Open Repository of Workflows

Find and contribute Workflows assets in the ZOROW open source community.

Visit the website
IBM z/OS Management Facility One Stop Hub

Learn about and find resources for z/OSMF

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