IBM Support

z/OS Data Extraction Program (CP3KEXTR) for IBM zPCR and IBM zBNA


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The CP3KEXTR program reads SMF records and extracts data needed as input to IBM's Processor Capacity Reference (IBM zPCR) and Z Batch Network Analyzer (IBM zBNA) tools. CP3KEXTR is offered as a "No Charge" application.

Download Description

Product Name:
zBNA and zPCR 
Product Version:
07/11/2024 (v4.36)
Operating System:
Change Date:
Approximate Size:

Click to download package

Click to view User's Guide
Click to view Quick Start Guide cp3kextr.pdf
Click to view Technical Reference cp3kextr.pdf

What's New

Version 07/19/24 (4.36)
  • Update to the z16 RNI calculation
  • Fix for a rare S0C1 condition encountered with 74(8) records
Version 05/14/2024 (4.35)
  • Exponent indicator changed to "E" from "e"
  • Add SMFTIOE5 into the 14/15 records of the DAT file
Version 11/19/2023 (4.34)
  • Add NIO field
  • Add CPIT1P and CPIT2P
  • Calculation updates for FCPI, SCPL1M, and DMDPGV
  • Remove SMF 23 processing
Version 10/09/2023 (4.32)
  • Add originating service class to reports, if available
  • Fixes to printing of large values
  • BCUMAP now reads more records before stopping
Version 07/20/2023 (4.31)
  • Added new field, WLCK, for Lock promotions
  • Various bug fixes
Version 06/08/2023 (4.30)
  • Support for HyperLink
  • Use new microsecond fields
  • New field for transaction counts finishing in half goal
  • Various bug fixes
Version 03/29/2023 (4.29)
Various bug fixes
Version 02/16/2023 (4.28)
  • New Fields for Synchronous I/O from SMF 74.1 data
  • New Fields for SMF 16 data
  • Always put out input data statistics
  • Message changes
  • Various bug fixes
Version 12/13/2022 (4.27)
Updated CPU MF Remote Memory (RMEMP) formula for z16.

Version 12/02/2022 (4.27)
Fixed the problem when the VRPR z16 Topology records that were written in the EDFs that were not a z16 configuration.

Version 11/14/2022 (4.26)
Fixed a problem with the VP section for the z16 Topology support.

Version 11/08/2022 (4.25)
  • Fixed a problem with group capacity capping.
  • Other fixes and maintenance.
Version 09/13/2022 (4.24)
  • New VRPR section within EDF. This details topology of chip, DCM, Book, Drawer, etc. of processors.
  • Other fixes and maintenance.
Version 07/05/2022 (4.23a)
  • Fixed utilization calculation for dedicated partitions. Note: For a dedicated partition configuration generated before this release, please regenerate it using CP3KEXTR V4.23a or later.
Version 05/31/2022 (v4.23)
  • IBM z16
  • Various changes to calculations and formulae
  • Telum chip offload vectors
  • CF structure async system duplexing flag
  • Transactional CPU usage per service class
Version 11/15/2021 (v4.22)
  • Increase decimal point precision for vectors as listed below (**1).
  • New vectors E235 and SORTL.
  • Addition of many SMF113/CPU-MF GCP and IIP specific vectors (**2).
  • Refinement of BCU naming where inactive/NED not available - prevent duplicate names.
  • Add SORTWKnn DD in sample JCL.
  • Initial diagnosis of inactive CF structures.

Version 06/07/2021 (v4.21)

  • Fixes for issues with SMF 113 synchronization and invalid data.

Version 04/23/2021 (v4.19)

  • Fix for issues with sample times.
  • Fix for incorrect PI values for Percentile Goals in period two and higher.
  • Accommodation for CPC serial number greater than five characters.

Version 03/08/2021 (v4.18)

  • Fix for issues with sample times
  • Add Vectors SLH and TPI for SMF70SLH & SMF70TPI
  • Message if DURATION is greater than SMF 70 or 113 interval. Stop processing.
  • Message if SYSID moves between LPARs. Stop processing.
  • Some changes to number of decimals

Version 02/12/2021 (v4.13)

  • Fix case where "dat" file (zBNA) time was incorrect
  • Fix case where LPAR-related vectors would get an extra entry
  • Fix rare 0C4 exception encountered with an SMF 74(8) record

Version 12/22/20 (v4.10)

  • Implement processing of SMF 113 subtype 1 records
  • Discontinue support for SMF 113 subtype 2 records
  • Upgrade the algorithm that assigns SMF records to reporting intervals
  • Add SMF 16 fields: iceMOSIZ and Rat = iceRcOUT / iceRcINP
  • Change LpprPx calculation to ignore SMF70PDT value
  • Remove INSTR vector references to 78.1
  • Remove SMF 23 mod & references

Version 08/03/20 (v4.06) 

  • In the dat file: add SMF 16 data and add 2 new SMF 30 fields
  • Rework the BOOSTnn vector and add BOOSTFLA & BOOSTCLA
  • Add a new SIISP (SIIS percent) vector and remove the EFA vector
  • Add two new input parameters: SELDAT & LIMDAT
  • Add SMF type 16 to default "TYPES =" list

Version 04/14/20 (v3.95) 

  • Add 6 new vectors for EADM compression.
  • Add 4 new vectors, E247, E252, E264, E265, with deflate information.

Version 11/27/19 (v3.94) 

  • Add RMEMP vector to report remote memory percent
  • Add LPAR vector for System Recovery Boost period, BOOSTn=0: none, 1: zIIP, 2: Speed, 4: IPL, 8: Shutdown
  • Add 3 vectors for LPAR Busy seconds: LPARBUSYG (GPs), LPARBUSYA (zAAPs), LPARBUSYI (zIIPs)
  • Add DAT field S42DSEXC to indicate S42DSFL1 x'10 bit (Open for EXCP)

Version 09/04/19 (v3.91) 

Make adjustments to CPU MF Formulas.

CP3KEXTR Install Instructions:

Please reference the Quick Start Guide.


Limited Defect Support:

CP3KEXTR is an “as is” program; defect support is not provided via the normal IBM support structure. Instead, report problems via email to

Defect support will not be staffed on a 24 x 7 basis. Responses to defect inquiries will be made on a best effort basis but generally should be expected within 48 hours.


Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU051","label":"N\/A"},"Product":{"code":"SUPPORT","label":"IBM Worldwide Support"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB33","label":"N\/A"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 July 2024

