IBM Support

Z Common Data Provider (ZCDP) V2.1 Recommended Maintenance

Preventive Service Planning


ZCDP (Z Common Data Provider) is continually striving to enhance and following is a list on continuous delivery updates and other maintenance updates that are recommended for ZCDP V2.1.0.


Note:  CDP V2.1 is EOS (March 31, 2023).  The follow on product is Z Operational Log and Data Analytics V5.1 (ZLDA) and is a free upgrade.  You must contact your IBM Sales Rep to get it.  CDP V5.1 is no longer a stand alone product but included in ZLDA V5.1. 

List of APARs and corresponding PTFs starting with the most current first.

ZCDP V2.1 Service
APAR PTF Description
PTF Closure Date



CDP definition update for IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics (IZPCA) enhancement.

2023 December 14



CDP definition update for IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics (IZPCA) enhancement.

2023 October 19



CDP 2023 October maintenance for SDE.

2023 October 20




2023 September 30



CDP v2.1 2023 July maintenance for enhancement and defects fixed.

2023 July 24



CDP definition update for IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics (IZPCA) enhancement.

2023 June 19

OA64229 UJ92285 CDP V2.1 COMMON DATA HANDLER 2023 1Q ENHANCEMENT.   2023 February 27
OA63923 UJ92266 CDP update for SDE in IMS collector. 2023 February  22
OA64390 UJ92228 Correct the definition of SMF type 119 subtype 74.   2023 February 20
OA64228 UJ92200 CDP V2.1 LOG FORWARDER 2023 1Q ENHANCEMENT 2023 February 17
OA64113 UJ92172 Exclude the orphaned rows for parallel threads in
2023 February 13
OA63477 UJ08836 CDP v2.1 2022 June maintenance for defects fixed:
- Support CICS TS 6.1 CMF data collection.
- Set maximum size of a logical message in SDE.
- 0C4 abend when collecting SMF_70 ;record.;
- The enablement of SMF_104 data stream in policy causes SDE to stop.
2022 August 2
OA63384 UJ08756 Log Forwarder missing output from JES job logs. 2022 July 1
OA63254 UJ08555 0C4 abend when SDE is terminating in zIIP environment 2022 June 1
OA63102 UJ08188 Abend 0C4 in HBOSD080 when collecting data stream SMF_080_X. 2022 May 03
OA62555 UJ08629 Common Data Provider can't collect BPE-base DBRC IMS region data 2022 July 1
OA63222 UJ08555 Prevent ABEND when incorrect CDP SDE exit is installed in the wrong SMF exit. 2022 June 1
OA61654 UJ08162 High CPU in CDP Log Forwarder (LF) for OPERLOG 2022 April 14
OA62504 UJ08145 CEE0802C Heap Storage Control Information was damaged running the Log Forwarder 2022 April 02
OA63006 UJ08110 HBO0337I RECEIVED WHEN STREAMING SMF_110_2 RECORDS 30 March 2022
OA62844 UJ07890 ZCDP support for Java 11 2022 March 03
OA62254 UJ07831 Message 472 in HBOPDE when CDP tries to ingest IZDS Data 2022 February 28
OA62843 UJ07822 Missing part of job log when there is amount of log incoming in a short interval 2022 February 22
OA62857 UJ07808 Optimize the debug data printed in the Data Streamer log for HBO6071E 2022 February 20
OA62141 UJ07769 SMF80 fields SMF80DTA and SMF80DA2 are truncated by SDE 2022 February 15
OA62838 UJ07770 Jobs are not being selected by Log Forwarder 2022 February 15
OA62717 UJ07637 VSAM data is not being collected consistently caused by incorrect file position set 2022 January 26
OA61677 UJ07554 HBOC075E received when collecting NetView Logs in CDP 2022 January 12
OA61983 UJ06856 High CPU in SDE when collecting from SMF log stream 2021 October 14
OA62213 UJ06855 JVMDUMP caused by GPF event when running Log Forwarder 2021 October 14
OA61812 UJ06616 High CPU condition in CDP Log Forwarder (for job log) 2021 September 16
OA61833 UJ06645 Incorrect resume point in ZCDP Log Forwarder on monitoring USS log files 2021 September 16
OA61818 UJ06562 Generic Z/OS JOB output received in JSON format instead of CSV format 2021 September 2
OA61717 UJ06030 CDP V2.1 2021 July Maintenance 2021 July 14
OA61402 UJ05796 ABEND 013-18 in program HBOPDE when running sample job HBOAPMUN 2021 June 10
OA61111; UJ05617 CDP v2.1 2021 2Q Continuous Delivery Update 2021 May 21
OA61247 UJ05472 Enhance the Log Forwarder to parse the log with not only IBM default encoding IBM 1047 2021 May 14
OA60994 UJ05443 High CPU in CDP Log Forwarder (LF) when a massive number of ZOS SYSLOG messages is processed 2021 April 28
OA61133; UJ05274 Add support for collection from RLS (Record Level Sharing VSAM ESDS and defect fix 2021 April 16
OA61068 UJ05273 CDP 2021 March maintenance for defects fixed 2021 April 9
OA60552 UJ04738 EMIT parameter not added to existing policies before applying PTF UJ03631 2021 February 1
OA60430 UJ04689 CDP 2021 January maintenance for defect fixes in definition files    2021 January 14
UJ04480 Enhance the Log Forwarder thread management to GPMSERVE to reduce the workload on GPMSERVE  2020 December 2
OA60220 Common Data Provider for Z Systems V2.1 4Q 2020 Continuous Delivery Update
OA60147 UJ04235 Add transaction response time field to the SMF_CICS_T 2020 November 4
OA60106 UJ04234
CDP to handle comma in RMF III field so Splunk® does not see it as a delimiter
2020 November 4
OA60132 UJ03899 Upgrade CDP dependency libraries for security updates 2020 September 7
OA60015 UJ03789 Invalid data discards for sender when Data Streamer heap is in high usage 2020 September 4
OA60037 UJ03852 Duplicate RMF record collected by CDP
OA59969 UJ03764 ZCDP SDE S0C4/RC12 when collecting SMF230 (ACF2 SMF)
OA59654 UJ03631
CDP V2.1 2020 July maintenance for defect fixes for Common Data Handler
Unnecessary \U0000 in Data Receiver .CPP file when generic job output (JOBDD) is processed
OA59941 UJ03591 Provide ESPIE alternative in zIIP mode
OA59931 UJ03590 CDP V2.1 2020 July maintenance for defect fixes for Log Forwarder
OA59662 UJ03467 CDP V2.1 2020 June maintenance for defect fixes for Common Data Handler
OA59447 UJ03452 CDP V2.1 2020 June Maintenance for defect fixes for Log Forwarder
UJ03273 Fixing insufficient ++HOLD in PTF UJ02890 (2Q2020 CD PTF) that might cause an installation issue for some sites. 
OA59242 UJ02890 2Q 2020 Continuous Delivery Update (PE'ed due to install issue for some sites.  If you installed this PTF, then you are not affected.)
OA58927 UJ01853 Enable 'DISCOVERYINTERVAL=0' to improve the performance of Log Forwarder
OA58910 UJ01848 Upgrade embedded WebSphere Liberty to fix security problem
OA58691 UJ01738 HBOSMF (SDE) Abnormally terminates with S0C7 (V2.1)
OA58868 UJ01703 CDP V2.1 2019 December Maintenance for defects fixed in Common Data Handler.
OA58659 UJ01485 Common Data Provider for Z Systems V4.1 4Q 2019 Continuous Delivery Update
OA58626 UJ01319 CDP V2.1 2019 November Maintenance for defects fixed (Fixes for Common Data Handler and Log Forwarder.)
OA58414  UJ01103 CDP V2.1 2019 September Maintenance for defects fix (Fixes for Common Data Handler, Log Forwarder, and SDE.)

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTQCD","label":"IBM Z Common Data Provider"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gIeAAI","label":"Common Data Provider-\u003ETroubleshooting\/Defect"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"2.1.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 April 2024

