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Workload Group Perspectives



Workload Group Perspectives


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Workload Group Perspectives

Dispatch Latency Totals by Workload Group is available in the Collection Services package under the Workload Group folder. It has two views (graphs):

  1. Dispatch Latency by Workload Group
  2. Dispatch Latency Totals by Workload Group and Processors Assigned

From these you can select a Workload Group and drill down to either of the following:

  • Dispatch Latency Totals by Thread for one Workload Group
  • Dispatch Latency for One Workload Group

The workload capping functionality prevents a subsystem from getting more than the capacity of the number of cores allocated to that workload capping group. There is nothing that causes or guarantees that the threads of a capped subsystem will receive the full throughput allowed. The data can be analyzed to determine if the workload capping group limit on the number of processors assigned are causing wait time for the threads to complete. This does not guarantee that with additional processor cores, that workload group will not hit other bottlenecks of waiting because of the system being busy with other uncapped subsystem threads.

The purpose of the PDI perspectives is to show the statistics on the Workload Groups as collected by Collection Services.

Note that per-task workload group dispatch latency will be moved into a standard wait-bucket. Workgroup dispatch latency is a component of the ready-to-run wait bucket. It is part of the CPU Queuing bucket.

The Workload Group Delay Time and Workload Group ID information is available on the table behind the following charts:

  • CPU Utilization by Thread or Task
  • CPU-> CPU Utilization by Thread or Task
  • CPU-> CPU Utilization for Threads or Tasks

The Workload Group Delay Time is added to the tables behind the charts for the following perspectives:

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Job or Task

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Jobs or Tasks

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Generic Job or Task

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Generic Jobs or Tasks

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Job User Profile

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Job User Profiles

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Job Current User Profile

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Job Current User Profiles

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Subsystem

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Subsystems

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Server Type

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Server Types

- CPU-> CPU Utilization by Job Pool

- CPU-> CPU Utilization for Pools

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Job or Task

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Generic Job or Task

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Job User Profile

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Job Current User Profile

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Subsystem

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Server Type

- Job Statistics Overviews-> Job Statistics by Job Pool

The Workload Group ID is not shown for the above tables because there may be multiple Workload groups associated with any job or subsystem during the time window.

For more information on IBM i Workload Groups see IBM i Workload Groups

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 January 2020

