Question & Answer
What causes a Status Code of 0 indicating ReqCancelled?
What causes a Status Code of 0 indicating ReqCancelled?
What causes a Status Code of 0 indicating ReqCancelled?
HTTP StatusCode=0 is associated with incomplete capture of a hit or page and often with a labeling of the hit as: request canceled ("ReqCancelled=Client" "ReqCancelled=Server" or "ReqCancelled=True").
Request cancellation as interpreted by Passive Capture occurs for a number of reasons:
Generally it is unusual to see a high number of these types of pages (usually application span data related) and should be investigated with the help of IBM Tealeaf Customer Support.? Keep in mind it is not a Tealeaf problem but instead our surfacing of a problem elsewhere in the infrastructure.
Request cancellation as interpreted by Passive Capture occurs for a number of reasons:
- The end user has stopped communication with the web server by closing the browser navigating away clicking the back button or stop or any other conceivable method.
- The actual length of the request or response data might differ from the value specified in the HTTP Content-Length header.? The client or server closing the TCP/IP connection causes this effect as can miscalculation and thus misreporting of the content length by the Web server as well as complete absence of the Content-Length header.
Generally it is unusual to see a high number of these types of pages (usually application span data related) and should be investigated with the help of IBM Tealeaf Customer Support.? Keep in mind it is not a Tealeaf problem but instead our surfacing of a problem elsewhere in the infrastructure.
Article Reference
Applies to version(s):? 6.2;7.0;7.1;7.2
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SSERNK","label":"Tealeaf Customer Experience"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]
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Tealeaf Customer Experience
Software version:
All Versions
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Modified date:
08 December 2018
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