IBM Support

What are the MustGather for Remote Connection Emulator issues in IBM Developer for z/OS?

Question & Answer


What logs could be collected when you experience issues with the Remote Connection Emulator (RCE) in IBM Developer for z/OS?


The most common problem is failure to connect to the host when the Remote Connection Emulator uses encrypted communication configuration like TLS.


1) General traces
  • Enable tracing with menu Window > Preferences > Tracing and set to FINEST
image 12065
Output is printed to <your workspace>\.metadata\.trace
  • Enable traces on the Remote Connection Emulator
Check "Enable tracing" on the "Host Properties" tab.
Save it, close it and reopen it. (If you forget to close and reopen the emulator, the trace file will not be generated).
image 12068
Output is printed to <your workspace>\RemoteConnectionEmulatorProjectFiles\demo-*.txt  , in which demo is the name of your emulator session.
2) Verify your certificates in the Microsoft Windows-MY keystore
From a command line, enter command
certmgr /s my
2.1) Host certificate has to be trusted
image 12069
Verify that your host CA certificate is trusted (installed under Trusted Root)
2.2) When using Client certificate
If your host requires a client certificate, then import it into Windows-MY under Personal > Certificates
image 12070
Select it on the Remote Connection Emulator

image 12071
The trace file shows messages like:
20211108.144411.143 script -> Set("clientCert=zDevOps_Client")
20211108.144411.143 Macro[#2.2] complete, success
20211108.144411.145 script -> Connect("Y:[]:992")
20211108.144411.166 Client certificate:
20211108.144411.168  Subject: O=IBM, OU=zDevOps Support Client,
20211108.144411.168  Issuer: O=IBM, OU=zDevOps Support CA, CN=CertAuth for zDevOps Support
20211108.144421.872 RCVD SB START-TLS FOLLOWS SE
20211108.144421.872 TLS: 180 bytes of handshake data sent
20211108.144422.118 TLS: Handshake was successful
20211108.144422.118 TLS: Sizes: header 21, trailer 36, max message 16384
20211108.144422.118 TLS negotiated connection complete. Connection is now secure.
20211108.144422.118 Provider: Windows Schannel
20211108.144422.118 Session:
20211108.144422.118  Protocol: TLS 1.2
20211108.144422.118  Cipher: AES 256
20211108.144422.118  Cipher strength: 256
20211108.144422.118  Hash: SHA
20211108.144422.118  Hash strength: 160
20211108.144422.118  Key exchange: RSA
20211108.144422.118  Key exchange strength: 2048
20211108.144422.118 Server certificate:
20211108.144422.118  Subject: O=IBM, OU=TN3270.Server,
20211108.144422.118  Issuer: O=IBM, OU=zDevOps Support CA, CN=CertAuth for zDevOps Support
20211108.144422.118  CA 1 Subject: O=IBM, OU=zDevOps Support CA, CN=CertAuth for zDevOps Support
20211108.144422.118  CA 1 Issuer: O=IBM, OU=zDevOps Support CA, CN=CertAuth for zDevOps Support

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTRMM","label":"IBM Developer for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009P1AAI","label":"IDz Family-\u003EHost Connect"},{"code":"a8m3p000000LQPAAA4","label":"IDz Family-\u003ERemote Connection Emulator"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"15.0.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 May 2022

