IBM Support

WebSphere MQ for Solaris, V5.3 GA 1 README

Product Readmes


This document contains the WebSphere MQ for Solaris, V5.3 GA 1 README.


WebSphere MQ for Solaris, V5.3 README
Welcome to WebSphere MQ for Solaris, Version 5.3.

This README file contains information that was not available in time for our publications. In addition to this file, README.TXT, you can find more information on the WebSphere MQ Web site:

The SupportPac Web page is at:

For current information on known problems and available fixes, see the Support page of the WebSphere MQ Web site at:

Web documentation updates

The latest updates to the Web-based WebSphere MQ documentation are now available from the WebSphere MQ Web site at:

Note that latest changes are shown in blue.

The Change History is located at the bottom of the page.

WebSphere MQ for Solaris V5.3 Electronic Software Download installation

These instructions apply to installing WebSphere MQ for Solaris Version 5.3 from an installation image downloaded from IBM. Use it with the Quick Beginnings manual for this release. A version of the Quick Beginnings book is available from the download site; it has a description of 'WebSphere MQ V5.3 Install Doc'. The installation image is provided as a compressed tape archive (tar) file.

Installation Steps
  1. Copy the WebSphere MQ tar file to a suitable directory accessible to the machines where the software is to be installed. This directory must be on a file system with at least 224Mb of free space (this is in addition to the disk space required for the product, as detailed in the Quick Beginnings publication).

  2. Make this directory the current directory and use the following command to create the installation image:

    tar -xvf MQ53Server_solaris.tar

  3. After this operation succeeds, you can delete MQ53Server_solaris.tar.

  4. Use the WebSphere MQ for Solaris V 5.3 Quick Beginnings manual to install and configure the product. Replace any references to the CD drive by the directory used in the steps above.

    All other instructions remain the same.

WebSphere MQ for Solaris V5.3 Quick Beginnings

Chapter 1, "Planning to install WebSphere MQ for Solaris"
In the section "Prerequisite Software", note the following:

If you are going to use the SSL support provided by WebSphere MQ 5.3 on Solaris 2.8, you need to apply the following patches or equivalent superseding levels of these patches :

108434-02, 111327-02, 108991, 108827 and 108528.

Chapter 3, "Installing the WebSphere MQ for Solaris server"

  1. In the section "Kernel Configuration", subsection "Semaphores", replace:

    set shmmin:shminfo_shmmin = 1
    set semsys:shminfo_shmmni = 1024


    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin = 1
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 1024

  2. In the section "Installation procedure":

    3. If you use the Solaris volume manager to mount the CD, the command to accept the license is:

    4. If you use the Solaris volume manager to mount the CD, the installation command is:

    pkgadd -d /cdrom/mq_solaris

    The message issued if the setmqcap command is not run is:

    Purchased processor allowance not set (use setmqcap). If you have not purchased enough capacity units for your server, the message "Insufficient license units" is displayed.
WebSphere MQ V5.3 System Administration Guide
Chapter 11 "Transactional support"
In the section "Using the Microsoft Transaction Server(MTS)", on Windows 2000, Hotfix Q313582 is required to use COM+. The hotfix is also known as "COM+ Rollup Package 18.1".

Chapter 13 "Supporting the Microsoft Cluster server (MSCS)"

In the section "Putting a Queue Manager under MSCS control", change step 4 to say:

4. Create an MSCS group to be used to contain the resources for the queue manager. Name the group in such a way that it is obvious which queue manager it relates to. For example, you might decide to call the
group QM1-Group. Each group must only contain one queue manager, as described in Using multiple queue managers with MSCS.

In the section "WebSphere MQ MSCS support utility programs"

After successfully registering the WebSphere MQ MSCS libraries, using the haregtyp.exe tool, it will be necessary to re-boot the system if there has been no re-boot since installation of the WebSphere MQ product.

Chapter 15, "Problem determination"
In the section "Tracing", "Selective component tracing on WebSphere MQ for Windows", use the -t and -x options to control the amount of trace detail to record. By default, all trace points are enabled. The -x option enables you to specify the points you do not want to trace. So if, for example, you want to trace only data flowing over communications networks, use:

strmqtrc -x all -t comms

For a full description of the trace command, see strmqtrc (Start trace).

Chapter 17 "The Control Commands"
  1. In the section "amqmcert", there are known problems if AMQMCERT is used to configure both a WebSphere MQ client and server on the same Windows machine. In the unlikely event that this is required, you are advised to use the GUI (Explorer or Services) to configure SSL certificates for the server queue manager.

  2. In the section "dspmqtrc", subsection "Required parameters", replace the existing text with:


    When one input file is given, dspmqtrc either formats it to stdout or uses the output file named by the user. If more than one input file is given, the output file named by the user is ignored, and formatted files are named AMQXXXXX.FMT, based on the PID of the trace file.

  3. In the section "dspmqcap", note that the command displays the number of processors for which you have purchased capacity units.

  4. In the section "setmqcap", note that you set the parameter CapUnits to the number of processors for which you have purchased capacity units.
Chapter 19, "Authorization service"
In the section "Object Authority (OAM)", add the following subsection:

Object Authority Manager (OAM) enhancements

This section describes some enhancements to the Object Authority Manager (OAM) for MQSeries Version 5.2 and WebSphere MQ Version 5.3.

Refreshing the OAM after changing a user's authorization

In versions of MQSeries before Version V5.2, most changes to a user's authorization group membership made at the operating system level were not implemented by the OAM immediately, but took effect only after the queue manager was stopped and restarted.

In MQSeries Version 5.2 and WebSphere MQ Version 5.3, you can request that the OAM's authorization group information be updated immediately, reflecting changes made at the operating system level, without needing to stop and restart the queue manager.

Note: When you change authorizations with the setmqaut command, the OAM supplied with MQSeries or WebSphere MQ implements such changes immediately.

Queue managers running the OAM provided with MQSeries Version 5.2 and WebSphere MQ Version 5.3 store authorization data on a local queue, called SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE.

Authorization data in MQSeries Version 5.2 and WebSphere MQ Version 5.3 is managed by the amqzfuma process. The function provided by the OAM is unaffected by this change and queue managers are automatically created to use the latest OAM as the default authorization service component. This
version creates no new authorization files, and existing files are no longer updated or deleted.


All authorization data is migrated from the authorization files to the authorization queue the first time you restart the queue manager after migrating from MQSeries 5.1. If the OAM detects a missing file:
  1. If the authorization applies to a single object, the OAM gives the mqm group access to the object and continues with the migration. Message AMQ5528 is written to the queue manager's error log. Refer to the Messages book for more information about message AMQ5528.

  2. If the authorization applies to a class of objects, the OAM stops the migration. The queue manager does not start until the file has been replaced.

When you still want to store authorization data in files

This section tells you how you can continue to store authorization data in files. However, if you do so, the performance of the OAM can be affected. Storing authorization data on a local queue reduces the time required to check an authorization.

The default OAM service module is amqzfu. MQSeries Version 5.2 and WebSphere MQ Version 5.3 also provide the previous service module as amqzfu0. There are two ways in which you can use the previous module to continue to store authorization data in files:
  1. Modify the Module attribute in the ServiceComponent stanza of the qm.ini file to use amqzfu0. This option is possible only for queue managers created with a version of MQSeries before V5.2.
  2. Replace the amqzfu module by the previous version. For example, you can do this by:

    1. Removing the new amqzfu module
    2. Renaming amqzfu0 as amqzfu
Note: You can restore the new amqzfu module from the copy provided as amqzfu1.

Note: Once you have created or restarted a queue manager with the new amqzfu module, you can no longer replace it with the previous version. The migration process, described above, is not reversible.

Chapter 21, "Installable Services Interface Reference Information"
Add the following new function:


This function is provided by an MQZAS_VERSION_3 authorization service component, and is invoked by the queue manager to refresh the list of authorizations held internally by the component.

The function identifier for this function (for MQZEP) is


MQZ_REFRESH_CACHE(QMgrName, ComponentData, Continuation, CompCode, Reason)


QMgrName (MQCHAR48) - input

Queue manager name.

The name of the queue manager calling the component. This name is padded with blanks to the full length of the parameter; the name is not terminated by a null character.

The queue-manager name is passed to the component for information; the authorization service interface does not require the component to make use of it in any defined manner.

ComponentData (MQBYTE) - input/output

Component data.

This data is kept by the queue manager on behalf of this particular component; any changes made to it by any of the functions provided by this component are preserved, and presented the next time one of this
component's functions is called.

The length of this data area is passed by the queue manager in the ComponentDataLength parameter of the MQZ_INIT_AUTHORITY call.

Continuation (MQLONG) - output

Continuation indicator set by component.

The following values can be specified:

Continuation dependent on queue manager.

For MQZ_REFRESH_CACHE this has the same effect as MQZCI_CONTINUE.

Continue with next component.

Do not continue with next component.

CompCode (MQLONG) - output

Completion code.

It is one of the following:

Successful completion.

Call failed.

Reason (MQLONG) -- output
Reason code qualifying CompCode.

If CompCode is MQCC_OK:

(0, X'000') No reason to report.

If CompCode is MQCC_FAILED:

(2289, X'8F1') Unexpected error occurred accessing service.

For more information on this reason code, see the MQSeries Application
Programming Reference book.

C invocation

MQZ_REFRESH_CACHE (QMgrName, ComponentData,
&Continuation, &CompCode, &Reason);

Declare the parameters as follows:

MQCHAR48 QMgrName; /* Queue manager name */
MQBYTE ComponentData[n]; /* Component data */
MQLONG Continuation; /* Continuation indicator set by
component */
MQLONG CompCode; /* Completion code */
MQLONG Reason; /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */

WebSphere MQ V5.3 Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface
List of tables
Note that Tables 3, 4, and 5, which refer to CipherSpecs that can be used with WebSphere MQ, are not current. See the Security manual for the most recent table.

Chapter 2, "Using Programmable Command Formats"

In the section "Authority checking for PCF commands", the following PCF commands also require the user id to belong to the mqm group:

Reset Cluster
Refresh Cluster
Suspend Queue Manager Cluster
Resume Queue Manager Cluster

Chapter 4, "Definitions of Programmable Command Formats"
Add the PCF command:

Security command "Refresh Security"

The Refresh Security (MQCMD_REFRESH_SECURITY) command refreshes the list of authorizations held internally by the authorization service component.

This PCF is supported if you are using MQSeries Version 5.2 and 5.2.1 or WebSphere MQ Version 5.3.

Required parameters:


Optional parameters:


Error codes

In addition to the values for any command, the following can be returned for this command in the response format header:


Parameter count too big.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 Intercommunication
Chapter 6, "Channel attributes"
In the section "User ID (USERID)", append the following note:

This also applies to USERIDs when defining a channel using MQSC.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 Script (MQSC) command reference

Chapter 1, "Using MQSC commands"
In the section "Rules for naming WebSphere MQ Objects", subsection "Reserved queue names", add SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE. to the list of reserved queue names.

Chapter 2, "The MQSC commands"

  1. In the section "DEFINE CHANNEL", Table 3, which refers to CipherSpecs that can be used with WebSphere MQ is not current. See the Security manual for the most recent table.
  2. In the section "PING CHANNEL", on HP-UX 11 it is not possible to ping an SSL channel using runmqsc. This also applies to using PCF or the Windows Explorer.
  3. In the section "REFRESH SECURITY", note that the command REFRESH SECURITY, which was previously only valid on z/OS, is now also valid on Solaris. The syntax for the command on Solaris is:

    >>-REFRESH SECURITY-------------------------------------->>
    | |

    The optional * parameter specifies that the security refresh is to
    be performed for all resource classes.
WebSphere MQ V5.3 Security
Chapter 6, "WebSphere MQ SSL support"
  1. In the section "Channel Attributes", the attribute types for the channel SSL Peer (SSLPEER) parameter, for example, "CN" or "L", must be entered in upper-case.

    WebSphere MQ Explorer returns "Unexpected WebSphere MQ error" if any of the following strings are entered in an invalid format:

    1) Queue manager SSL key repository location.
    2) Custom channel SSL Cipher Specification (SSLCIPH) parameter.
    3) Channel SSL Peer (SSLPEER) parameter.
  2. In the section "WebSphere MQ client considerations", if you want to perform client authentication with the Java™ client to a queue manager on a Windows platform, you must ensure that the CA certificates required to authenticate the client personal certificate are placed in the queue manager certificate store AND in the ROOT certificate store of the Windows operating system. You should also ensure that the queue manager is restarted when the CA certificate or certificates are added to, or removed from, the ROOT certificate store of the Windows operating system.

Chapter 15, "Working with CipherSpecs"
In the Table "Table 1. CipherSpecs that can be used with WebSphere MQ SSL support", the CipherSpec "TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US3" should read "TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US".

Various Chapters:

Changes to the certificates in the UNIX, OS/400, and z/OS key repositories become effective as follows:

(a) On UNIX and OS/400 platforms, when a new outbound single channel process first runs an SSL channel.

(b) On UNIX and OS/400 platforms, when a new inbound TCP/IP single channel process first receives a request to start an SSL channel.

(c) On UNIX and OS/400 platforms, for channels which run as threads of a process pooling process (amqrmppa), when the process pooling process is started or restarted and first runs an SSL channel. If the process pooling process has already run an SSL channel, this is generally best achieved by restarting the queue manager.

(d) On UNIX and OS/400 platforms, for channels which run as threads of a channel initiator, when the channel initiator is started or restarted and first runs an SSL channel. If the channel initiator process has already run an SSL channel, this is generally best achieved by restarting the queue manager.

(e) On Windows, UNIX and OS/400 platforms, for channels which run as threads of a TCP/IP listener, when the listener is started or restarted and first receives a request to start an SSL channel.

(f) On z/OS, when the channel initiator is started or restarted.

A new value for the SSLCRLNameList (SSLCRLNL) or SSLKeyRepository (SSLKEYR) queue manager attributes becomes effective:

(a) On Windows, UNIX and OS/400 platforms, when a new outbound single channel process first runs an SSL channel.

(b) On Windows, UNIX and OS/400 platforms, when a new inbound TCP/IP single channel process first receives a request to start an SSL channel.

(c) On Windows, UNIX and OS/400 platforms, for channels which run as threads of a process pooling process (amqrmppa), when the process pooling process is started or restarted and first runs an SSL channel. If the process pooling process has already run an SSL channel, this is generally best achieved by restarting the queue manager.

(d) On Windows, UNIX and OS/400 platforms, for channels which run as threads of a channel initiator, when the channel initiator is started or restarted and first runs an SSL channel. If the channel initiator process has already run an SSL channel, this is generally best achieved by restarting the queue manager.

(e) On Windows, UNIX and OS/400 platforms, for channels which run as threads of a TCP/IP listener, when the listener is (re)started and first receives a request to start an SSL channel.

(f) On z/OS, when the channel initiator is started or restarted.

A new value for the SSLCryptoHardware (SSLCRYP) queue manager attribute becomes effective:

(a) When a new outbound single channel process first runs an SSL channel.

(b) When a new inbound TCP/IP single channel process first receives a request to start an SSL channel.

(c) For channels which run as threads of a process pooling process (amqrmppa), when the process pooling process is started or restarted and first runs an SSL channel. If the process pooling process has already run an SSL channel, this is generally best achieved by restarting the queue manager.

(d) For channels which run as threads of a channel initiator, when the channel initiator is started or restarted and first runs an SSL channel. If the channel initiator process has already run an SSL channel, this is generally best achieved by restarting the queue manager.

(e) For channels which run as threads of a TCP/IP listener, when the listener is started or restarted and first receives a request to start an SSL channel.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 Application Programming Guide

Chapter 35, "Sample programs (all platforms except z/OS)"
  1. In the section "Features demonstrated in the sample programs", note that the sample programs amqsputw.c, amqsputw.exe, amqsgetw.c, and amqsgetw.exe are no longer shipped with WebSphere MQ (they are old DOS programs.
  2. In the section "Dead-letter queue handler sample", the reference to the System Management Guide should be to Chapter 12 of the System Administration Guide.

Appendix H, "Code page conversion"

In the section "Simplified Chinese", add the following:

GB18030 support

Support for GB18030 is being added to operating systems regularly. Where this support will improve the support provided by WebSphere MQ, information will be added to the online version of this readme.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 Messages

Messages in the following range are missing from the non-English versions of the Messages book:

7500 through 7999
8500 through 8999.

For a description of these messages, please see the English version of the Messages book.

WebSphere MQ classes for Java and Java Message Service

General Notes
  1. Supported JDK versions:

    Solaris Sun JDK 1.3.1

  2. If you want to use Pub/Sub applications you need one of the following:

    - Service at Fix Pack 8 level (which includes the Publish/Subscribe function). Please note that SupportPac MA0C: WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) Publish/Subscribe, which is only for use with WebSphere MQ V5.3 at Fix Pack 7 level or earlier is no longer available for download.

    - WebSphere MQSeries Integrator V2

  3. Configuration

    a) After installation, ensure that,,
    jms.jar, and jndi.jar in the java/lib directory are present in the
    CLASSPATH. Include the java/lib directory itself in the CLASSPATH
    to access the properties files used by the base Java API. Include
    providerutil.jar and either fscontext.jar or ldap.jar if you need to
    access a JNDI namespace.

    b) A number of convenience scripts are provided in the java/bin
    directory. You might want to add this directory to your PATH variable.

    4) Note that connector.jar is now packaged in the java/lib directory with
    the other jar files. Users familiar with MQSeries classes for Java and
    MQSeries classes for Java Message Service (MA88) 5.2 must be aware of
    the following issues relating to this change:

    - An entry must be made for connector.jar in the CLASSPATH, as described
    on page 12 of the Using Java manual.

    - Users who have implemented their own ConnectionManagers as described
    on page 70 of the Using Java manual must replace references to and with references
    to javax.resource and javax.resource.spi respectively.

Information not contained in the publications
  1. The following Java libraries from Sun Microsystems are redistributed with this product:

    connector.jar Version 1.0
    fscontext.jar Version 1.2 Beta 3
    ldap.jar Version 1.2.2
    jms.jar Version 1.0.2
    jndi.jar Version 1.2.1
    jta.jar Version 1.0.1
    providerutil.jar Version 1.2

  2. Subscription Store: BROKER option

    To use the broker-based subscription store, you must use WebSphere MQ Version 5.3 with the broker supplied as SupportPac MA0C. No other combination of queue manager and broker presently supports this option. See the Using Java manual for further information regarding subscription stores.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 Clients

General note for WebSphere MQ V5.3 Solaris clients:

The client code supplied on the server and client CD includes support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). The SSL code includes administrative functions, so the installed size of the client is larger than that of
the MQSeries V5.2 client. If you do not need the SSL functionality, the MQSeries V5.2 client operates with WebSphere MQ V5.3 servers and can be obtained from the WebSphere MQ SupportPac Web site.

Chapter 2, "Preparing for installation"

A DCE-threaded WebSphere MQ client application cannot be run over SSL on Solaris. Because TxSeries uses DCE threads, it cannot run as a WebSphere MQ client that uses SSL on Solaris.

Chapter 3, "Installing client components from WebSphere MQ products and Version 5 MQSeries products (not z/OS)"
  1. Add the following new section:

    Electronic Software Download installation

    These instructions apply to installing the UNIX WebSphere MQ Clients from an installation image downloaded from IBM. Use it with the Quick Beginnings or Clients book for this release. A version of the Quick Beginnings book is available from the download site; it has a description of 'WebSphere MQ V5.3 Install Doc'. The installation image is provided as a compressed tape archive (tar) file.

    Installation Steps

    1. Copy the WebSphere MQ tar file to a suitable directory accessible to
    the machines where the software is to be installed. This directory must
    be on a file system with at least the amount of free space indicated
    below (this is in addition to the disk space required for the product,
    as detailed in the Quick Beginnings book):

    MQ53ClientSSL_solaris.tar 200MB

    2. Make this directory the current directory and use the command:

    tar -xvf .tar

    to create the installation image.

    3. After the operation succeeds, you can delete the .tar.

    4. Use the WebSphere MQ Quick Beginnings book for your platform, or the
    Clients book, to install and configure the product. Replace any
    references to the CD drive by the directory used in the steps above.
    All other instructions remain the same.

  2. In the section "Installing on Solaris", subsection "Installation":

    1. The second paragraph should read:

    If the Volume Manager is running, the CD is mounted on
    /cdrom/MQ53Client1 automatically. If it is not running, mount the CD by
    typing the following commands:

    mkdir -p /cdrom/MQ53Client1/
    mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/ /cdrom/MQ53Client1

    substituting with the name of your CD-ROM drive.

    2. The script can be found at:



    Type pkgadd -d /cdrom/MQ53Client1/solaris/MQClientwithSSL/mqs530.img

Add the following new chapter:

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on WebSphere MQ clients

SSL channels

There are two ways of specifying that a channel uses SSL. In order of decreasing precedence, they are:
  1. When your application makes an MQCONNX call
  2. Using the client channel definition table

You cannot use the MQSERVER environment variable to specify that a channel uses SSL.

LDAP CRL (certificate revocation list) definitions on WebSphere MQ clients

There are two ways of defining an LDAP CRL on a WebSphere MQ client. In order of decreasing precedence, they are:
  1. When your application makes an MQCONNX call
  2. Using the client channel definition table

    These methods are explained below.


    On an MQCONNX call, the MQSCO structure, in conjunction with the SSL
    fields in MQCD, allows an application running as a WebSphere MQ client
    to specify configuration options that control the use of SSL for the
    client connection.

    You can also use the MQAIR structure. MQAIR allows a WebSphere MQ client
    to specify authentication information that is to be used for the
    client connection. Each MQAIR structure contains an authentication
    information record containing the information needed to access a single
    LDAP CRL server. The MQSCO structure points to the first record in the
    array of MQAIR records.

    Both MQSCO and MQAIR are input parameters to the MQCONNX call. For more
    information, and the data structure details for MQSCO and MQAIR, see the
    WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference.

    Client channel definition table

    When you define a client-connection (CLNTCONN) SSL channel, if the
    SSLCRLNamelist queue manager attribute is set, any CRL information
    current on the queue manager system on which the channel is defined is
    included with the resulting client channel definition. If further CRL
    information is added or the CRL information is altered or deleted, the
    change is reflected in the client channel definition table on the queue
    manager system. If the SSLCRLNamelist queue manager attribute is set to
    blank, all the CRL information is removed from the client channel
    definition table.

    If a client channel definition table containing CRL information is
    moved to a client system, the same CRL server information is used at
    both the queue manager and client ends of the channel.

    You can use different CRL information at the two ends of a channel, by
    temporarily setting up the queue manager system with the client CRL
    information and then copying the client channel definition table to the
    client system. This CRL information then applies on the client system.
    The queue manager system then alters its CRL information to what it
    requires for itself.

    When LDAP CRL information is added to an existing client channel
    definition table, the information is added to the end of the table, and
    existing channel definitions in the table are not affected. If these
    existing channel definitions are from MQSeries systems before WebSphere
    MQ 5.3, they can continue to be used by the appropriate MQSeries
    clients. Note that MQSeries Version 5.2 and earlier clients fail in a
    controlled manner if they encounter LDAP CRL information.

WebSphere MQ V5.3 System Administration Guide


Option omitted:

-r handle

Removes the certificate identified by handle.


The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both:

IBM MQSeries SupportPac WebSphere

ActiveX, Microsoft, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries,
or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Change History
Last Updated: 7 August 2008

Original Publication Date

25 January 2009

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"5.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

