Question & Answer
Why some of the notifications in WebGui does not work?
Netcool/Webgui documentation does not explicitly state this behavior. An APAR IV10823 has been opened to update the documents.
Some of the event notification only work if AELs are not applets (ie; their parent window is not a browser).
For example; A user can launch AEL from maps as follows.
In TIP click on Availability -> Example Maps -> Geographic and then click on map to launch AEL. The AEL will show up in a new window like below.
In above window you click on "Change Preferences" button and set "Open Window" or "Flashing" notifications, it does not work. That is; if you minimize AEL window and there are new events, or existing events are updated or deleted the minimized window will not flash and/or it window will not open up. The only notification which works is "Play Sound" and "Open URL ".
Note: Play sound and open URL notification types works across applets and non-applet AELs.
This is an expected behaviour.
All of the above notifications work in smart pages. Please see below TechNote for more details on creating Smart Pages.
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2018