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Want to Learn Python? My Starter Pack

How To


Useful resource to get started with learning the Python Language


Nigels Banner

Assuming that you have a language or two under your belt then these notes are places to start and problems to avoid.


I am assuming that you are using UNIX, Linux, or even Windows.



  • You could search Google, YouTube, and many other places and find a billion hits
  • You can get swamped with options
  • This article is Nigel's starter pack for  a quick start.
  • This information is what I found useful - Your needs can be different to mine!

What is Python good for?

  • Data Scientist job & serious mega-bucks - You can double your already large salary!
  • New new technology areas line PowerAI, Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and so on.
  • Data manipulation to correct a files format and restructuring the data
  • Web 2.0 web pages + REST API

How to develop code & run Python

  1. Edit file and run file
  2. IDE (integrated development environment)
  • Initially IDE is a pain in the backside
    • As you have to learn both the IDE and Language together
    • Learning a IDE can take a month!
    • But good for a full time developer
  • I recommend: edit and run but also you can run the python in console mode to try out things.
  • I have written Python code for about a year. I think I am ready to try a IDE to edit code and debugging.
    • Probably the PyCharm Community Edition IDE for a start.


  • Windows = yuck!
  • Tablet - you can run PyCharms IDE but get yourself a Keyboard for typing.
  • OSX = if you really have too!  Sorry never really got on with the Mac
  • Linux = is the natural home of Python.  Although, AIX 7.3 comes with Python.
    • I am using a 160 CPU, 256 GB RAM, POWER8 S922LC - rather overkill but it is fast :-)
    • I also use a Raspberry Pi. For data files are not more than a GB it is quick. The Raspberry Pi memory is limited.
  • AIX
    • it is in the AIX Open Source toolbox for downloading
    • take care with exotic modules as might have to use git & compile them yourself

How does Python run?

  • Compiled - No like say C
  • Interpreted - Yes but highly optimised, cached and parallelised.  I have some Python code that finishes so fast I assumed it crashed but it does work.

Which Python version 2.7 or 3.x ?

  • 3.<latest> - at the rime of writing 3.5 to 3.7 depending on how current your OS is!
  • No one is writing 2.7 any more
  • But there is lots of it in use today but declining over time
  • Not a massive difference but best to learn Python 3

Quick Assumption: You have, in the past, written some of these languages?

  • C, Korn or bash shell script writing: excellent
  • C programming: brilliant
  • JavaScript programs: good
  • Python Programming:  Why are you reading this article???

Then, you have already performance the heavy lifting.

Everyone can write a simple program!

  A=42  print "The number is " $A    if [[ $A == 42 ]]  then          print "eureka"  fi

Plus For loop & Functions

What is this? Well is work on my Korn Shell OK on AIX.

Mega Tip 1: If you know any of the languages listed, then Python is going to be simple


  1. Data types:
  • string,
  • integers & float,
  • tuples,
  • lists,
  • dictionary
  1. Converting between them
  2. Conditionals:  if, then, else
  3. Loops:  for, while
  4. Functions
  5. User input
  6. String manipulation
  7. File I/O: read and write
  8. Classes and objects
  9. Inheritance            <-- IMHO advanced and for class module developers
  10. Polymorphism       <-- IMHO advanced and for class module developers

Mega Tip 2: Socratica videos on YouTube

I have looks at many training course, Online content and YouTube series' and  Socratica videos are by far the best and free.

  • Python Programming Tutorials (Computer Science)

  • Concise with dry humour and some computer jokes - see recursion

  • Mostly with worked example

  • Excellent style

  • Caltech grads

  • 33 videos (Don't watch the two or three for Python2)

  • Most ~8 minutes

  • Total 3.5 hours
  • 15 million views
  • YouTube Socratica Playlist Videos
  • A Geek person told me Socraticia is the female form of Socrates - I think the creators are female. They also cover advanced maths and SQL topics.
  • b
  • I watched all of these videos twice - about 6 months apart
  • They are short but to consolidate what your learn try to have a quick go yourself on each topic

Mega Tip 3: = This website is the Python Mother Ship!

  • Also, if you are stuck for the syntax of a statement or the details of some module or function then use then Google: python3 <your questions spelt out in full>
  • Often you get but answer with worked examples is good but scan down the answer a bit (the first might not be the best answer or exactly what you want)

Mega Tip 4: Get yourself a project to force you to code and work though problems and new features

  • Something simple
  • Something you are interested in
  • Specially web focused
  • Python strong at
    • Website interaction
    • REST API to an online service
    • Data manipulation and transformation
    • File conversion or filtering

Mega Idiot: My first project was the REST API to a HMC to extract Temp, Watts + performance stats for SSP, server & VM

  • It was a BIG mistake
  • The bad news was the API was so badly documented it was impossible to use!
  • With complicated XML - using features that are rarely used by anyone.
  • I had to interview the developers in the end to workout the hidden details of the REST API
  • In simple terms, it was the "REST API from Hell!"
  • But I learnt a lot
  • In the end, I wrote a Python class module to hid the horrible REST API from Python programmers - its 1100 line of code.
  • It returns simple to use Python data structures
  • So in simply  ~40 lines of Python to extract, manipulate & save in:
    • CSV file,
    • .html with GoogleChart graphs
    • Insert into an influxDB database

Mega Tip 5: JSON format files are the same as the Python native data type called Dictionaries

  • When learning Python, concentrate on Dictionaries
  • Dictionaries are (simple)   { "some label": data, more here }
  • and the data can be
    • "Strings" in double or single quote
    • Integers like 12345 or -42
    • Floating point numbers 123.456 (note the decimal point)
  • Often we have a list of dictionaries - lists look like [ item, item, item, . . . ]

JSON file example of stats called "mydata.json":

  # 1st sample = Python dictionary  

{ "datetime": "2018-04-16T00:06:32",  
"cpus_active": 32,  
"mhz": 3521,  
"cpu_util": {            
    "user": 50.4,            
    "sys": 9.0,            
    "idle": 40.4,            
    "wait": 0.2
"disks": [
    { "name": "hdisk0", "size": 32, "busy": 12, "IOPS": 442 },    
    { "name": "hdisk1", "size": 128, "busy": 44, "IOPS": 1587 }

Python Program to load the JSON data file -  NEW  Fixed a few Typos here, due to Cut'n'paste issues that is double quotes became full stops.

  # Read the file as plain text    
f = open("mydata.json","r")  
text =  f.close() 
# convert to Dictionary  
import json

#module to handle JSON format  
jdata = json.loads(text)
  • That json.loads() function converts a string (text) to the dictionary called jdata at 10's of MBs of JSON a second.
  • Now lets extract certain fields that use a natural Python syntax
  # get the Mhz from the record    
# Loop through all the records pulling out the MHz numbers and the CPU utilisation user mode percent (its in sub dictionary called cpu_util)    

for sample in jdata["disks"]:      

My latest project that uses Python is njmon for AIX and Linux - the new turbo nmon. 

  • The J is for JSON and we use Python to make data handling easy.

  • For AIX uses libperfstat C library - if you want details see: man libperfstat on AIX or vi /usr/include/libperfstat.h
    • Or find the worked example C code in KnowledgeCenter
  • Status quirky but usable for expert C programmer
  • Vast quantity of performance statistics (like 1000 for AIX and VIOS). If you have many disks, networks or ask for processes statistics then that grows rapidly.
  • And for a bonus libperfstat gives us the current CPU MHz
  • Similar for Linux
  • njmon written in C to use C function into the UNIX kernel generates JSON data. Then, we use Python to accept the data and inject it live in to a Time Series Data fro graphing in real-time

Stand by for something strange

  • "Well known" programming problem = swamping the values of two variables a and b. Classic solution is that use a temporary variable.
  temp = a
a = b
b = temp
  • But can you do that without the temp variable?
  • Not possible in C - I have known this for 40 years!
  • Python answer
  a,b = b,a
  • It is using a native data structure called a tuple.  As its a common programming task they built it into the language.
  • Warning weirdness next:
  • How about this?

  a = a + b
b = a - b
a = a - b
  •   Wow! I thought it was impossible!

Next a tiny Web grabbing Python example

  • Using Python, requests module and one of my own for graphing we can draw t downloads from the nmon project on SourceForge over time
  • We also need to change the date format from which shows of some of Pythons simple data manipulation
  • ,[2018-09-17 00:00:00],2
  • to
  • ,['Date(2018,9,17,00,00,00)', 2]
  • Below is the source code - with many extra print lines and comments so if you run it would will see the data structures.
  •  NEW  Changes the code here to NOT relying on my  nchart Python Module
  • Green bits a debug but useful it you run it to see the data
  • Red bits are the web-page pre-able and post-amble to setup the Googlechart library graph.
  •   #!/usr/bin/python3  
    #--------------------------------- Get the data using REST API from  
    import requests  
    ret = requests.get(URL)  
    #print("return code was %d"%(ret.status_code))  
    #print("characters returned %d"%(len(ret.text)))  
    #---------------------------------- Create dictionay  
    import json  
    jdata = json.loads(ret.text)  
    for row in jdata['downloads']:  
    #    print(row)      
    print("count =%d"%(count))  
    #---------------------------------- Create web page+graph using Googlechart library  
    file = open("downloads.html","w")  
    file.write('<html>\n'  '  <head>\n'  
    '    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>\n'  
    '    <script type="text/javascript">\n'  
    '      google.charts.load("current", {"packages":["corechart"]});\n'  
    '      google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\n'  
    '      function drawChart() {\n'  
    '        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n'  
    '[{type: "datetime", label: "Date"},"Files"]\n' )    
    for row in jdata['downloads']:      
      str = str.replace("-",",")      
      str = str.replace(" ",",")      
      str = str.replace(":",",")      
    file.write('        ]);\n'  
    '  var options = {title: "nmon Downloads", vAxis: {minValue: 0}};\n'
    '        var chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById("chart_div"));\n'
    '        chart.draw(data, options);\n'  '      }\n'  '    </script>\n'  '  </head>\n'  
    '  <body>\n'  
    '    <div id="chart_div" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>\n'  
    '  </body>\n'  '</html>\n')  
  • The output - skipping the dump of the JSON and the 105 rows of monthly stats looks like this
  ['2018-05-01 00:00:00', 14153]  
['2018-06-01 00:00:00', 12794]  
['2018-07-01 00:00:00', 12422]  
['2018-08-01 00:00:00', 13127]  
['2018-09-01 00:00:00', 11872]  
['2018-10-01 00:00:00', 13628]  
['2018-11-01 00:00:00', 12805]  
['2018-12-01 00:00:00', 15611]  
months=114  count =686634
  • So that was captured in Jan  2019 and so far 686,634 downloads of nmon and its tools and the monthly download generated graph.
  •  NEW  The generated downloads.html file has the following contents - note I removed a few 100 lines of data in the middle. Colours are from the vim editor - see later comments.
  • So that was captured in Jan  2019 and so far 686,634 downloads of nmon and its tools and the monthly download generated graph looks like this:
  •  NEW  Simpler graph
  • graph

C Programmers be aware:

I keep making the same mistakes in writing Python.

  1. On Linux with the right export TERM=linux setting and using vi (actually vim) then you have syntax highlighting which reduces errors a lot - go for a white background or comments in dark blue are unreadable. See the picture below - I have not done that colouring - it is all vim.
  2. vim also helps with auto indentation.
  3. If, for and while statements have a ":" at the end of the line.
  4. In Python it is print and in C it is printf - I had to teach my fingers to miss out the final "f"
  5. Those maddening 4 stop indentations have to be exactly right!
  6. Anything I missed?

Additional Information

Other places to find content from Nigel Griffiths IBM (retired)

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Document Information

Modified date:
31 December 2023

