IBM Support

View Asset Status History is not available in Assets application



The View Asset Status History is not available in Assets (SP) nor in standard Assets Asset management applications.


The View Asset Status History action is not available in Assets (Out of the Box) Application.

1 - Open Maximo Asset Application.

2 - Select any asset.

3 - Go to Select Actions . The Option View Asset Status History is not available.

4 - Go to Security Groups Application,

5 - Select MAXADMIN group.

6 - Go to Applications Tab and select Assets Application.

7 - Search for Action View Asset Status History.

8 - The field Grant access is empty and gray, (Not editable), not allowing the selected group to have access to the action .


Resolving The Problem

This functionality is only available in core TPAE Maximo if calibration is present. Any other application would like Service Provider, Configuration management, etc . It needs transportation.To enable Asset History Status you should to perform the steps below:

1- From a database SQL tool:

delete from sigoptflag where optionname='VIEWSTHIST' and

2- Change Asset.xml file excluding the parameter
licensekey = 'CALIBRATION' of id='viewsthist'.
Steps below:

2.1. Go to Maximo Application Designer application
2.2. Bring up ASSET.
2.3. Click on Export Application Definition from toolbar.
2.4. Save the xml (make sure you have a backup of your current xml).
2.5. Go back to Maximo Application Designer application and repeat step 2.3
2.6. Open ASSET.XML file with a text editor.
2.7. Search for id='viewsthist' and delete the parameter licensekey = 'CALIBRATION'.
2.8. Save xml file.
2.9. Back to Maximo Application Designer application.
2.10. From Import Application Definition dialog, browse for asset.xml (Changed file).
2.10. Click on Import Application Definition from toolbar.
2.12. Save
2.13. Sign Out of Maximo

3- Restart the Maximo Application Server.

4- Login into maximo application.
5. Go to Security / Security Groups
6. Select the group you can grant access to "View Asset Status History" Option, in Asset Application.
7. Go to Applications tab, browse for asset.
8. In Applications session, select Asset.
9. Search for "Asset Status History" Action and enable
10. Save.
11. Go to Asset application The option "View Asset Status" is enabled.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5;7.6;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 August 2019

