IBM Support

Upgrades from 4.5 to 5.2.0 can produce invalid metadata on certain classes



When upgrading Content Engine from any 4.5 release to any 5.2.0 release directly, the CmTask and CmTaskRelationship class definition property definitions are ordered incorrectly such that subsequent attempts to subclass those class definitions will result in a failure to load the object store's metadata cache. As a result, customers are encouraged to upgrade from 4.5 to 5.2.1 where this issue has been addressed. Upgrades from 4.5. to 5.0 or 5.1, then to 5.2.0 do not encounter this issue.


Attempts to install the Case Manager Target Object Store Extensions addOn fail with metadata cache load failures reporting that the property CmIsMarkedForDeletion is out of sequence with superclass property CmInheritCoordinatorPermissions when subclassing CmTask.


The previous upgrade from 4.5 to 5.2.0 left the property definitions for both CmTask and CmTaskRelationship in an invalid state that is detected only after attempts are made to subclass CmTask or CmTaskRelationship - which the Case Manager Target Object Store Extensions addOn does.


Any version of ContentEngine 4.5 upgraded directly to any version of Content Engine 5.2.0. Upgrades from 4.5 to 5.0. or 5.1 prior to 5.2.0 or upgrades directly to 5.2.1 will produce correct metadata rows and not encounter this issue.

Diagnosing The Problem

Since the upgrade is successful and the Content Engine is perfectly usable following the upgrade, the issue is difficult to diagnose because it does not surface until attempts are made to subclass either CmTask or CmTaskRelationship. However, the following SQL statements can be used to determine if the issue exists:

select dbg_class_name, dbg_display_name, ordinal from PropertyDefinition where dbg_class_name = 'Task' and dbg_display_name IN ('Inherit Coordinator Permissions','Is Marked For Deletion')

select dbg_class_name, dbg_display_name, ordinal from PropertyDefinition where dbg_class_name = 'Task Relationship' and dbg_display_name IN ('Defines Alternate Predecessor','Is Marked For Deletion')

If the issue exists, the 'Is Marked For Deletion' ordinals will be one less than the other property for each class, when those ordinal values should be one greater.

Invalid results:
dbg_class_name                   dbg_display_name                 ordinal
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------
Task                             Is Marked For Deletion           23
Task                             Inherit Coordinator Permissions  24

dbg_class_name                   dbg_display_name                 ordinal
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------
Task Relationship                Is Marked For Deletion           12
Task Relationship                Defines Alternate Predecessor    13

Valid results:
dbg_class_name                   dbg_display_name                 ordinal
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------
Task                             Inherit Coordinator Permissions  23
Task                             Is Marked For Deletion           24

dbg_class_name                   dbg_display_name                 ordinal
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------
Task Relationship                Defines Alternate Predecessor    12
Task Relationship                Is Marked For Deletion           13

Should the issue not have been diagnosed prior to attempting to install the Case Manager Target Object Store Extensions, the problem is evident on failure to install the addOn since the metadata cache fails to load during the addOn installation's transaction. In such cases, entries in the p8_server_error.log file like the following can be found:

2015-05-04T11:01:02.981 58C258C2 API  FNRCM0032E - ERROR The object store cache failed to load for object store os1.
com.filenet.api.exception.EngineRuntimeException: FNRCM0032E: METADATA_OS_CACHE_LOAD_ERROR: The object store cache failed to load for object store myObjectStore. failedBatchItem=0

2015-05-04T11:00:59.965 58C258C2 MCHE FNRCE0000W - WARN ***Class: CmAcmCaseTask Superclass: CmTask prop#: 23 prop name: CmIsMarkedForDeletion super prop name: CmInheritCoordinatorPermissions NOT SAME PROP AT PROP#

Resolving The Problem

The best resolution is to avoid upgrades to 5.2.0 and upgrade to 5.2.1 directly. However, if that cannot be avoided, Level 2 support should be contacted and a PMR opened where the appropriate guidance will be provided to correct the situation.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSNVNV","label":"FileNet Content Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Content Engine","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.2.0;4.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 December 2019

