This document explains how to unmark ALL PTFs from being applied at IPL time.
Resolving The Problem
Note: You will want to make sure the following PTFs are applied before unmarking PTFs:
For R710: MF61435
For R720: MF61445
For R730: MF61446
These will prevent a potential crash of the system.
Unmarking PTFs from Applying at IPL Time
In some circumstances, users can find that they have a bunch of PTFs marked to be applied at IPL time and they want to do some additional PTF activity or they just want to have the system IPL without applying any PTFs. In these scenarios, the question usually asked is:
When PTFs are set to be applied at IPL time, is there an easy way to unmark the PTFs so they do not apply?
To properly set all PTFs to not apply at the next IPL, on the IBM operating system command line type the following:
Press the Enter key. This will unmark all PTFs that were once marked to be TEMP applied at IPL time. Now, to ensure that all PTFs get unmarked, it is necessary to unmark all PTFs that were once marked to be PERM applied by doing the following:
Press the Enter key.
Note: If there were no PTFs marked to be PERM applied, message CPF3660 - No program temporary fixes identified can be issued. At this point, the command DSPPTF will show that there are now no PTFs marked to be applied at IPL (when looking at the IPL Action column):
Product ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5722999
IPL source . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ##MACH#B
Release of base option . . . . . . . : V5R3M0 L00
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display PTF details 6=Print cover letter 8=Display cover letter
Opt ID Status Action
TL05207 Not Applied None
TL05102 Permanently applied None
TL05032 Permanently applied None
TL04272 Permanently applied None
TL04209 Superseded None
TL04153 Superseded None
Note: If there are special handling PTFs that need to be applied prior to applying a cumulative PTF package and are currently loaded on the system and are being unmarked they will still be applied at the next IPL. This is because of how the PTF code is designed deal with the automatic application of those PTFs.
Marking PTFs to Apply at IPL Time
This section provides the step to successfully mark or remark all PTFs to be applied at IPL time. To set all PTFs to apply at IPL time, on the operating system command line type the following:
Press the Enter key. This command will mark all PTFs to be TEMP applied at IPL time. Also, any pre-requisite PTFs that must be PERM applied will automatically be marked to be PERM applied at IPL time during this step.
For R710: MF61435
For R720: MF61445
For R730: MF61446
These will prevent a potential crash of the system.
Unmarking PTFs from Applying at IPL Time
In some circumstances, users can find that they have a bunch of PTFs marked to be applied at IPL time and they want to do some additional PTF activity or they just want to have the system IPL without applying any PTFs. In these scenarios, the question usually asked is:
When PTFs are set to be applied at IPL time, is there an easy way to unmark the PTFs so they do not apply?
To properly set all PTFs to not apply at the next IPL, on the IBM operating system command line type the following:
Press the Enter key. This will unmark all PTFs that were once marked to be TEMP applied at IPL time. Now, to ensure that all PTFs get unmarked, it is necessary to unmark all PTFs that were once marked to be PERM applied by doing the following:
Press the Enter key.
Note: If there were no PTFs marked to be PERM applied, message CPF3660 - No program temporary fixes identified can be issued. At this point, the command DSPPTF will show that there are now no PTFs marked to be applied at IPL (when looking at the IPL Action column):
Product ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 5722999
IPL source . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ##MACH#B
Release of base option . . . . . . . : V5R3M0 L00
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display PTF details 6=Print cover letter 8=Display cover letter
Opt ID Status Action
TL05207 Not Applied None
TL05102 Permanently applied None
TL05032 Permanently applied None
TL04272 Permanently applied None
TL04209 Superseded None
TL04153 Superseded None
Note: If there are special handling PTFs that need to be applied prior to applying a cumulative PTF package and are currently loaded on the system and are being unmarked they will still be applied at the next IPL. This is because of how the PTF code is designed deal with the automatic application of those PTFs.
Marking PTFs to Apply at IPL Time
This section provides the step to successfully mark or remark all PTFs to be applied at IPL time. To set all PTFs to apply at IPL time, on the operating system command line type the following:
Press the Enter key. This command will mark all PTFs to be TEMP applied at IPL time. Also, any pre-requisite PTFs that must be PERM applied will automatically be marked to be PERM applied at IPL time during this step.
[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0"}]
Historical Number
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Document Information
Modified date:
21 June 2023
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