IBM Support

TroubleShooting: Object Request Broker (ORB) problems



Troubleshooting ORB problems in IBM WebSphere Application Server. This page should help you address common issues with ORB before engaging IBM support which can save you time in resolving the issue.

Resolving The Problem

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Troubleshooting ORB problems in IBM WebSphere Application Server. This page should help you address common issues with ORB before engaging IBM support which can save you time in resolving the issue.

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Troubleshooting topics:


This topic discusses common logging issues that can occur when using ORB.

Topics Covered:

Randomly Generated orbtrc.txt Files



Randomly Generated orbtrc.txt Files


There are times when one may find orbtrc.<date>.<time>.txt files in various locations without having turned on ORB trace (usually for a client).  Initially, one might think ORB trace has somehow been inadvertently turned on.  But in fact, these are ORB FFDC files.  Depending on the error(s) being reported and their frequency, the generation of these files can clutter a program’s working directory.


Facts about these orbtrc.txt files:

1.       They are NOT ORB trace files (generated from

2.       They are ORB FFDC files used for reporting more serious exceptions that occur when tracing is NOT engaged.

3.       There is no capability for turning OFF these messages as their intention is to help report potentially serious problems without tracing.

4.       The files can be created by both full WebSphere Server entities (Dmgr, NodeAgent, AppServer) and also Java clients.

5.       The files will be created in the location from which the JVM (client or server) is launched.

6.       The following pages describe the creation of these orbtrc.DDMMYYY.HHmm.SS.txt files:

o   CORBA minor codes

o   Debug properties


Ways to manage orbtrc.txt files:

1.       Prevent the creation of the files.

  • Redirect the file output to /dev/null or NUL
  • Linux/Unix:  set
  • Windows:  set
  • NOTE:  the loss of important diagnostic information could result.
  • NOTE: is not applicable to ORB FFDC because the ORB is actually a separate entity (shipped within the IBM JDK) from WebSphere, with its own separate logging/FFDC implementations.

2.       Redirect the files to a specific location.
The following options allow for the review of the FFDC exception data being generated and easy removal when desired.  All options involve setting the JVM property to:

a.       A directory

  • Allows easier monitoring of the files' creation.
  • Keeps the FFDC files separate from other config/program/script files.
  • Allows for a simple cronjob to remove ALL files easily and quickly.

b.       A single file

  • e.g. ORB_FFDC_log
  • Causes ALL ORB FFDC msgs to be written to that single file.
  • If no path is given, this single file will reside where the JVM is launched.

c.       A combination of full path and file name.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 April 2020

