IBM Support

** Troubleshooting** Errors 'User XYZ already logged in to this database' and 'No licence available at the moment'



User tries to login to Controller (or launch the Excel link). User receives error message.


Exact error message varies depending on:

  • Controller version
  • and whether the end user is trying to logon to the 'main' Controller program or the Excel link.


User XYZ already logged in to this database.


No license available at this time. Program will be terminated.


There are several potential causes for this issue:

  • Scenario #1 - Database is in 'single user mode'

This is where the superuser has specifically modified the system to ensure that no users can logon to the system, in order to perform a maintenance task (for example a database optimisation).

  • Scenario #2 - User is trying to logon to to Controller using a userid (e.g. XYZ) which is already in use by another person.

Only one instance of a userid can be active at any given time.

  • Scenario #3 - This user's (e.g. 'ADM') Controller session crashed unexpectedly (or was disconnected forcibly) the last time that it was run

Therefore, the Controller application server 'thinks' that the user (XYZ) is still logged on, even though the physical person (end-user) does not believe that they have a session of Controller running

  • Scenario #4 - User has a 'hidden' session of Controller running (e.g. on a Citrix server)

If Controller is deployed by Citrix (and/or Microsoft Terminal Services) a session of Controller could be running (under the user's account - for example 'ADM') in the 'background'. In other words, even though the end-user cannot see Controller running on his/her screen, it is running on the Citrix (or Terminal) server.

  • Scenario #5 - Microsoft patch (for example Office 2003 patch) has been recently installed/applied on the client device, but the device has not yet been rebooted.

  • Scenario #6 - Controller deployed via Citrix server, but published applications are NOT load-balancing correctly.

  • Scenario #7 - Known limitation of early versions of Controller.
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #1625773.

  • Scenario #8 - Defect in some versions of Controller, when using non-native (Cognos) authentication.
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #1636052.

  • Scenario #9 - Limitation of Controller 10.2.1, when 'EXCEL_EAGERLOAD' is not set to 'FALSE'.
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #2002613.

  • Scenario #10 -  Defect (reference APAR PI83566) in Controller 10.3,0, triggered by not closing DE parameter screen before using 'Reports - Run'
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #2005041.

  • Scenario #11 - Limitation of Controller 10.3.1, when 'EXCEL_EAGERLOAD' is not set to 'FALSE'.
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0728985.


  • Scenario #12 - A scheduled database optimise task is taking place
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0733441.


  • Scenario #13 - The behaviour is by design. Specifically, a user can only be logged onto Controller inside one Excel.exe process.
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0791771.


  • Scenario #14 - The customer is using Controller 10.4 (or later) and the cause is that either:
    • The user already has a session of Controller running (perhaps on a different PC or server) which has their Controller username logged in
    • or the user has recently had their session of Controller crash (therefore the system thinks that the user is still logged in).
    • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0794293.

In addition, it is possible to get the same/similar error messages whilst inside the application itself (after successfully logging into Controller).

  • In this case see separate Technotes, such as 1501130


Resolving The Problem

Scenario #1 - Database is in 'single user mode'

Wait until the super-user (who activated 'Single Mode') has deactivated it. This will allow other users to logon

Scenario #2 - Other person is logged in with same username

Do not share userIDs. Ask colleague to logout, and re-try

Scenario #3 - Previous Controller session has crashed

Using Task Manager, ensure that the Controller executable program (CCR.EXE, IExplore.exe or IEXEC.exe depending on deployment method) has 100% ended. Afterwards:

  • If using Controller 8.3 or earlier, wait 15 minutes for the Controller appliation server to timeout then re-try.
    • For more details, see attached document "1039645 - How to 'eject' stuck sessions inside Controller8.1_8.2_and_8.3.pdf".
  • If using Controller 8.4 or later, use the new 'Manage Active Users' functionality to forcibly eject the 'stuck' user

Scenario #4 - User has a 'hidden' session of Controller running (e.g. on a Citrix server)

If Controller is deployed by Citrix (and/or Microsoft Terminal Services) a session of Controller could be running (under the user's account - for example 'ADM') in the 'background' .

  • Typically the cause of this is that the end user's session of Controller/Excel link has recently 'crashed' unexpectedly.

Therefore, ask the customer's I.T. department to check their Citrix or Terminal Services server(s), to see if the user is running any sessions.The Citrix /TS administrator should logoff any 'stuck' session. Afterwards, end user may have to wait 15 minutes for the application server to time out.

  • TIP: They can use 'tsadmin.exe' to look at logged on remote RDP or ICA sessions. See separate IBM Technote #1366708 for more information.

Scenario #5 - Microsoft patch (for example Office 2003 patch) has been recently installed/applied on the client device

Reboot client device (for example Citrix/Terminal server).

  • See separate IBM Technote #1390025.

Scenario #6 - Controller deployed via Citrix server, but published applications are NOT load-balancing correctly.

  • See separate IBM Technote #1367437 for full details.

Scenario #7 - Known limitation of Controller 10.1.1697 and earlier

  • Upgrade to Controller 10.1.1700 or later.
  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #1625773.

Scenario #8 - Defect in some versions of Controller, when using non-native (Cognos) authentication.

  • Upgrade to Controller 10.1.1 FP2 (10.1.2155) or later.
  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #1636052.

Scenario #9 - Limitation of Controller 10.2.1, when not using 'EXCEL_EAGERLOAD'.
Upgrade to Controller 10.3 or later, or implement "EXCEL_EAGERLOAD".

  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #2002613.

Scenario #10 - Defect (reference APAR PI83566) in Controller 10.3.0, when not closing DE parameter screen before using 'Reports - Run'
Upgrade to Controller 10.3.1 (10.3.1100.156) or later (or close the "Data Entry Reported Values" parameter screen, before using 'Reports - Run').

  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #2005041.


Scenario #11 - Limitation in Controller 10.3.1, when not using 'EXCEL_EAGERLOAD'.

  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0728985.


Scenario #12 - A scheduled database optimise is taking place
This behaviour is by design.

  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0733441.

Scenario #13 - A user can only be logged onto Controller inside one Excel.exe process
This behaviour is by design.

  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0791771.
Scenario #14 - The customer is using Controller 10.4 (or later)
This is by design
  • For full details, see separate IBM Technote #0794293.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9S6B","label":"IBM Cognos Controller"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Controller","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.3;10.2.1;10.2.0;10.1.1;10.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
08 January 2019

