IBM Support

TroubleShoot: WebSphere WS-Security General Errors



This document contains troubleshooting information for Web Services Security (WS-Security) problems in the WebSphere® Application Server. This can help address common issues with this component you call IBM support and save you time.

Resolving The Problem

Troubleshooting topics:


This topic contains errors that you may see emitted by the WS-Security runtime with common meanings and resolutions. You may see these messages in SOAP response messages, SystemOut.log, SystemErr.log, FFDC or trace.log. Internal Error -or- Exception: Internal Error Message: Internal Error

When you receive this error on a client, it means that the webservices.unify.faults JVM custom property is set to true on the service provider's application server. This property defaults to false in WebSphere v7 and true in WebSphere v8 and above.

This is what the response message will look like:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><soapenv:Fault xmlns:axis2ns1=""><faultcode>axis2ns1:Server</faultcode><faultstring>Internal Error</faultstring><detail></detail></soapenv:Fault></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

This behavior results in a more secure system, preventing detailed information regarding why inbound message processing failed from being returned to message senders.

For debugging purposes, you may want to disable this behavior so that you can see error responses returned to client applications. To do this, set the webservices.unify.faults JVM custom property to false.

For more information on the webservices.unify.faults custom property, see theJava virtual machine custom properties topic in the IBM Documentation.

Running with webservices.unify.faults=false in a production environment that is a risk to attackers is not recommended.


HTTP 401/403/404 Errors

When you receive an HTTP 403 from a service that means that the request failed authorization of the HTTP basic auth information in the HTTP header at the web container level. This could mean that either the authentication has failed, or the user is not authorized.

When you receive a 401, 403, or a 404 from a web service request, it never made it to the web services runtime. Authentication/authorization that has failed within the WS-Security runtime will emit a SoapSecurityException, which will be returned as a SOAPFault, manifesting itself as an HTTP 500 error.

Here are some good explanations of the HTTP 4xx status codes:


WSEC5524W: The server cannot find the Web service security header with actor: actor (JAX-RPC)

WSEC5524W will occur when there are security constraints defined for the application, but there is no WS-Security header in the inbound message.

Following are the explanation and action defined in the message file:

Explanation: The SOAP message might not have security constraints defined, or the actor on the server and client does not match.

Action: Verify that the client has Web services security configured and that the actor matches on both the client and the server. If you are using an IBM JAX-RPC Client, verify that the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)-based Service Client (JSR-109) Programming Model is used to look up the service. For example, the service look-up process needs to use the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).


WSEC5048E: One of "SOAP Header" elements required. (JAX-RPC)

This means that there are WS-Security constraints on the application, but there are no SOAP headers in the inbound message.

If headers were found, but there was no WS-Security header, you would get a message like the one in the WSEC5524W error shown in the section above.


CWWSS5048E: One of the SOAP Header elements is required. (JAX-WS)

This means that there are WS-Security constraints on the application, but there are no SOAP headers in the inbound message.

It is possible to get this message on a JAX-WS client when you think that there are no response constraints configured, but in fact, a Timestamp is configured. This is the first thing that you should check when you are using the JAX-WS runtime, especially if this is a new error and you are upgrading to fix pack or later.

When Timestamp is indicated in the Policy that means that a Timestamp is sent out and a Timestamp will also be required on the response. So, if there are no other constraints (like digital signature or tokens), the runtime will still be looking for a Timestamp (and therefore the SOAP and Security headers).
If you are using version 8.5 or later, or later, or or later, you can confirm this issue with a WS-Security trace. In the trace, from the error location, search backward for the following string on the same thread:
Timestamp is the only inbound WS-Security constraint configured and it is required. The Timestamp should be transmitted in a SOAP Security header.
If you want to "turn off" the WS-Security runtime's checking for the inbound Timestamp , you must set the following WS-Security custom property in the bindings in Custom properties -> Inbound Custom Properties

Validation of LTPA token failed due to invalid keys or token type. (JAX-RPC and JAX-WS)

When an LTPA token is sent from one WebSphere cell to another, the LTPA token will not authenticate unless the LTPA keys are exchanged. When the keys have not been exchanged and an LTPA token is sent from one cell to the other, you'll see a message like the following embedded within the fault string:
Validation of LTPA token failed due to invalid keys or token type. ocurred while running

You can usually fix this error by exchanging LTPA keys. For additional information, see">Managing LTPA keys from multiple WebSphere Application Server cells.


' Illegal key size' when decrypting(JAX-WS)

When you get an Illegal key size exception when decrypting the message, it is probably because the message was encrypted using 192 bit (aes192-cbc) or 256 bit (aes256-cbc) encryption algorithm, but the consumer which is trying to decrypt the message does not have the unrestricted policy files installed. Here is the IBM Documentation documentation on unrestricted policy files: WebSphere Application Server security standards configurations.

CWWSS5601E: The following exception occured while decrypting the message: java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal key size: java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal key size


CWWSS6095E: ... EncryptedKeySHA1 is found. (JAX-WS)

EncryptedKeySHA1 is a form of synchronous encryption that we do not support.
Following is the exception that will occur when an inbound message contains an EncryptedKeySHA1: CWWSS6521E: The Login failed because of an exception: CWWSS6095E: Value type must be or, but is found.


CWWSS7509W: The received SOAP request message is rejected becasue it does not correctly specify SOAP action and WS-Addressing action while there is at least one PolicySet attachment at operation level of the xyz service. (JAX-WS)

If you want to attach a WS-Security policy to a provider at the operation level, then either the inbound HTTP header must contain a SOAPAction or there must be a WS-Addressing header with an action in the SOAP message. In the case where there is no SOAPAction or WS-Addressing action, you can only attach a policy at the Application, Service or Endpoint level.

For provider applications, regardless of any other policy attachments at any level, if you attach a policy to one or more operations, and there is no SOAPAction or WS-Addressing Action in the SOAP request, then you will receive the CWWSS7509W error. There is no way to modify this behavior.

See">Attaching a policy set to a service artifact for more information.

Following are the explanation and action defined in the message file for the CWWSS7509W error:
Explanation: Web services security runtime cannot find correct SOAP action or correct WS-Addressing action to determine whether an operation level PolicySet must be used to validate the received message. The request message is therefore rejected for security consideration.

Action: Modify web services client so that correct SOAP action or WS-Addressing action is specified in request messages.
If you have received the CWWSS7509W error, you must do one of the following:
  • Modify the client so that it sends an HTTP header that contains a SOAPAction.
  • Modify the client so that it sends a SOAP message that contains a WS-Addressing header with an action.
  • Remove the operation-level policy attachment from the provider application.

You can check your policy and binding configuration with the administrative console or you can check it on the file system. If you want to check it on the file system, see the section titled: How can I see what policy and bindings are attached to my application without the admin console? in this document below. Here is an example of a binding file that has attachments only at the operation-level:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<psa:PolicySetAttachment xmlns:psa="" xmlns:ps="">
<psa:PolicySetReference id="1364" name="ASignPolicy">
<psa:Resource pattern="WebService:/HelloSvcClient.war:{http://hsamples}HelloService/Hello/sayHello"/>
<psa:PolicySetReference id="1361" name="ASignPolicy">
<psa:Resource pattern="WebService:/HelloSvcClient.war:{http://hsamples}HelloService/Hello/sayAnything"/>
<psa:PolicySetReference id="1151" name="ASignPolicy">
<psa:Resource pattern="WebService:/HelloSvcClient.war:{http://hsamples}HelloService/Hello/sayGoodbye"/>


How can I see what policy and bindings are attached to my application without the admin console?

Avoid Trouble: The information in this section is intended to show you how to see the policy and bindings that are currently attached to an application. Altering the files referenced in this section with anything but the administrative console or the wsadmin tool is not supported.

If you used the administrative console to attach policy and bindings to your application, at runtime, the application server reads files on the file system to determine the policy attachment. You can read these same files to determine the policy and binding attachment for your application. If you read through the 'Collecting data manually' section on the">Collect data tab, you'll see a section for collecting the 'JAX-WS WS-Security policy and binding data'. One of the directories that you zip is:
If a policy and bindings are attached to an application, there will be a policy attachments file in this directory. If application-specific bindings are attached to the application, the directory containing the application-specific binding will also be in this directory.

One or both of the following files will exist in this directory if a policy is attached to the application:
  • policyAttachments.xml
  • clientPolicyAttachments.xml

policyAttachments.xml will be in the directory if there is an attachment for a provider application. clientPolicyAttachments.xml will be in the directory if there is an attachment for a client application.

Here is an example of a clientPolicyAttachments.xml that shows a client attached to the ATwoWayUnt policy and is using the default bindings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<psa:PolicySetAttachment xmlns:psa="" xmlns:ps="">
<psa:PolicySetReference name="ATwoWayUnt" id="1806">
<psa:Resource pattern="WebService:/HelloSvcClient.war:{http://hsamples}HelloService"/>

Here is an example of a clientPolicyAttachments.xml that shows a client that is attached to the "WS-Security default" policy and is using a the myClientBinding application-specific binding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<psa:PolicySetAttachment xmlns:psa="" xmlns:ps="">
<psa:PolicySetReference name="WSSecurity default" id="">
<psa:PolicySetBinding name="myClientBinding"/>
<psa:Resource pattern="WebService:/echoSvc.war{http://esamples}EchoService"/>

Here is an example of a clientPolicyAttachments.xml that shows a client attached to the ATwoWayUnt policy and is using the "Client sample" general bindings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<psa:PolicySetAttachment xmlns:psa="" xmlns:ps="">
<psa:PolicySetReference name="ATwoWayUnt" id="1806">
<psa:PolicySetBinding scope="domain" name="Client sample"/>
<psa:Resource pattern="WebService:/HelloSvcClient.war:{http://hsamples}HelloService"/>


I attached a policy and bindings to my client application, but no Security headers are in my SOAP message

When no policy is in effect for a client application, no Security header will appear in the SOAP message. If the partner provider is secured, you will get a SOAPFault in response.

If you think that a policy and bindings should be attached to your client application, but there appears to be no policy in effect at runtime, see The policy or bindings that is in effect does not appear to be what is configured later in this document.


I attached a policy and bindings to my provider application, but the provider is acting as if there is no policy attached

When no policy is in effect for a provider application, unsecured messages will pass without error and secured messages will result in a MustUnderstand failure:

Must Understand check failed for headers: {}Security

If you think that a policy and bindings should be attached to your provider application, but there appears to be no policy in effect at runtime, see The policy or bindings that is in effect does not appear to be what is configured later in this document.


The policy or bindings that is in effect does not appear to be what is configured

You can use this troubleshooting procedure to troubleshoot the following problems:

  • You think policy A should be attached, but it appears that policy B is in effect at runtime.
  • You think that a policy is attached, but no policy appears to be in effect at runtime.
Do the following:
  • If your application was deployed with an assembly tool, such as IBM® Rational® Application Developer for WebSphere® Software (RAD):
    If you run into this condition and you have deployed your application with an an assembly tool, such as IBM® Rational® Application Developer for WebSphere® Software (RAD), the first thing that you should do is check to see if the publishing settings in your application server definition in RAD is set to 'Run server with resources on Server'. Do the following in your assembly tool:
    • Window > Show view > Servers
    • In the Servers pane, right click the server > Open
    • On the right, expand 'Publishing settings for WebSphere Application Server'
      • If it is currently set to 'Run server with resources within the workspace', do the following:
        1. Change the setting to 'Run server with resources on Server'
        2. Click File > Save
        3. After changing to 'Run server with resources on Server', you must uninstall, then re-install the application. Just doing a redeploy will not fix the issue. Do the following:
          1. In the Servers pane, right click the server > Add and Remove...
          2. In the Configured section on the right, select your application
          3. Click Remove
          4. Click Finish
          5. In the Servers pane, right click the server > Add and Remove...
          6. In the Available section on the left, select your application
          7. Click Add
          8. Click Finish
        4. You can now go back and reattach your policy and bindings to your application in the administrative console.
      • If you already have 'Run server with resources on Server' set and you know that you installed the application after choosing this setting, proceed to the next section.
    • If your application was not deployed with an assembly tool:
      If your application was not deployed with an assembly tool, or you completed the assembly tool section above without relief, do the following:
      1. In the administrative console, view the policy and bindings attachment for your application:
        • For a provider navigate to Services > Service providers > (appName)
        • For a client, navigate to Services > Service clients > (appName)
      2. Look at your attachment checkmarks on the panel and ensure that the attachments conform to this rule obtained from the Attaching a policy set to a service artifact topic in the IBM Documentation:
        • Avoid trouble Avoid trouble: Do not select all of the entries on the panel. The artifacts are Service, Endpoint and Operation. Only select the top-level parent of all artifacts that have the same attachment. For example, if all endpoints and operations are attached to the same endpoint, only select the Service entry. If you have more than one endpoint in your service, and the endpoints have different policies and all operations within each endpoint have the same policy, only select the parent endpoint for each set of operations that have the same policy attachment.
      3. If your attachments do not conform to the rules shown above, fix them, save the updates, restart your application and retest.
      4. If your attachments appear to conform, go back and view your attachments through the Applications path to see if you notice anything amiss there:
        1. Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > (appName)
        2. Navigate the client or provider page:
          • For a provider click Service provider policy sets and bindings
          • For a client, click Service client policy sets and bindings
    • Check the trace for a policy/binding load failure:
      From a trace that was gathered using the specification from Collect data, do the following:
      [1/30/17 20:33:43:891 UTC] 00000070 WSSecurityBin 3 Exception caught in loadCustom(). Error while loading PolicySet Bindings. Exception is: CWWSS7328E: Did not find a token generator for the supporting token of type [].
      There is additional debug information about the loadCustom error in the I created a general binding by copying my app specific binding on the file system and now my app won't runtopic later in this document.
      1. Search for the string "Exception caught in loadCustom()"
      2. If you find that string in the trace, note the exception, for instance:
      3. Fix the error that is causing loadCustom to fail then retest.
    • If none of the items above solve your problem, see the section titled How can I see what policy and bindings are attached to my application without the admin console? earlier in this document.

    CWWSS5043E: One Signature element is required.

    You will get this message when a SAML token consumer is configured to require a Signature, but a token was received that does not contain a Signature. The SAML token consumer requires a Signature by default. The SAML token processing code is common to several WebSphere components. You may get this error from the following WebSphere components:

    • WS-Security SAML token consumer
    • SAML Web Single Sign-On
    • SAML Web Inbound
    To resolve this problem, do one of the following:
    1. Change the configuration of your SAML token consumer to not require a Signature.
      • If you are consuming a SAML token in a SOAP message:
        Set signatureRequired=false in the SAML token consumer callback handler.
        See Web services security SAML token custom properties for more information.
      • If you are consuming the token in the SAML Web SSO TAI:
        Set the property sso_<id>.sp.wantAssertionsSigned=false for the SAML Web SSO TAI.
        See SAML web single sign-on (SSO) trust association interceptor (TAI) custom properties for more information.
      • If you are consuming the token in the SAML Web Inbound TAI:
        SAML Web Inbound requires that the SAML token be signed.
        There is no configuration option to turn off signature verification for the SAML Web Inbound TAI.
    2. Ensure that a Signature gets added to the inbound SAML token.
      If you want a Signature added to the SAML token, the Signature must be added at the token's point of origin. The configuration of the application that created the token at the point of origin must be modified to add the Signature:
      • Did your partner obtain the token from a security token service (STS) or identity provider (IdP)?
      • Did your partner generate the token itself?
        • Did your partner receive the token from an upstream call? Wrong length: 634

    If you have both asymmetric signature and encryption configured get an error like this in the SystemOut.log:

    [11/2/15 17:36:24:486 GST] 000000b4 EncryptionCon E CWWSS5601E: The
    following exception occured while decrypting the message:
    Wrong length: 634
    at at
    Try adding the following JVM custom property to see if it resolves the problem:

    I created a general binding by copying my app specific binding on the file system and now my app won't run

    If you're in this section, you're probably experiencing an error like one of the following:

    [9/23/16 14:05:34:292 CDT] 0000001b WSSecurityBin 3 Exception caught in loadCustom(). Error while loading PolicySet Bindings. Exception is: CWWSS7337E: Can not find encryption bindings for specified confidential parts for an inbound message in the default bindings.
    [9/23/16 13:23:57:915 CDT] 000000d1 WSSecurityCon 3 Unable to process inbound SOAP message. PolicySet not loaded properly. CWWSS7327E: Did not find a token consumer for the supporting token of type [].

    First it will be helpful to know the rules for how bindings WS-Security are loaded:
    1. When there is no binding explicitly attached, only the default binding will be used.
    2. When an application-specific binding is attached, both the application-specific and the default binding are used.
      • The application-specific bindings are applied first, then the default bindings are used to complete the gaps.
      • Example: If a policy is defined to use a SAML token and an LPTA token, the SAML token generator can reside in the application-specific binding and the LTPA token generator can reside in the default binding (or vice versa).
    3. When a general binding is explicitly attached, the default binding will not be used.
      • When a general binding is specifically attached, since the default binding is not available to be used, unlike an application-specific binding, all binding configuration information that is required to satisfy the policy must be contained within the general binding.
    4. Portions of the configuration that reside in either an application-specific binding or default binding must be encapsulated.
      • Example: If a policy is defined to use XML Digital Signature and it picks up the sign part from the default binding, everything related to the sign part (X.509 token consumer, truststore, etc) must reside in the default binding. The sign part in a default binding cannot pick up an X.509 token consumer that has been configured in an application-specific binding.
    5. The encapsulation rule does not apply to a Caller configuration.
      • Since the Caller configuration refers to a token type and not a binding reference, a Caller configuration can reside in an application-specific binding when the token consumer for the token it refers to resides in the default binding and vice versa.

    Further information on this topic can be found in the IBM Documentation at">General JAX-WS default bindings for Web Services Security.

    From these rules, you can see that, if your application-specific binding does not match your policy 100%, when you copy your application-specific binding to a general binding, the gaps will no longer be filled. Therefore, unless your application-specific binding covers your policy 100%, you cannot attempt to use it as a general binding and expect it to work.
    Copying application-specific bindings to general bindings on the file system is not recommended. The best practice for WS-Security bindings is to copy an existing provider or client sample binding in the administrative console, then update the copy. After making a copy of the sample bindings, only customize the settings of your new copy to suit your purposes. Do not remove anything from your binding copy, such as token generators, token consumers, sign parts, or encrypt parts. You can add things to your binding copy if needed, but deleting information can cause unanticipated errors at run time.

    My Kerberos client identity isn't being propagated in a cluster environment

    To ensure that the Kerberos identity of the client is propagated and delegated for clustered Web services application providers, you must configure Kerberos to generate a forwardable and addressless ticket.

    To configure Kerberos to generate a forwardable and addressless ticket, modify a Kerberos configuration file, such as the krb5.conf or krb5.ini file. For more information, see the Kerberos configuration information in the IBM Documentation: Kerberos (KRB5) authentication mechanism support for security.


    Interoperation with SOAPUI is not guaranteed

    IBM support does not debug interoperation issues with anything other than a customer's target production runtime.  SOAPUI is one of the most prevalent SOAP testing systems in use and it does not always behave as a WS-Security runtime should. 

    image-20230726153059-1 If a problem is discovered via SOAPUI or any non-production testing tool, it must be reproduced with a production runtime before it can be submitted to IBM support for service.

    WSEC0130W: Prompt CallbackHandler with no basic authentication information specified in the binding is not supported for application running on application server.

    This warning is emitted by the JAX-RPC WS-Security runtime. It is emitted when the LTPACallbackHandler does not have basic authentication information (username and password) configured in the binding. If the basic authentication information was intentionally omitted from the binding because the application is expected to be able to obtain the LTPA token from the runAs identity, you can ignore the warning and no further action is needed.

    If the application is not expected to obtain the LTPA token from the runAs identity, you must update the binding information to include basic authentication information.

    CWWSS7062E: Failed to check username [user] and password in the UserRegsitry: password is null

    If you get this error, you are receiving a UsernameToken that does not include a password.  If you intend for your UsernameToken to not have a password, your username must exist in the user registry, or you must take action to configure WS-Security to not check the registry, see Configuring a UsernameToken caller configuration with no registry interaction 

    Take the following steps to remediate this problem:

    1. Set in the UsernameToken callback handler custom properties:
      1. In the administrative console, open the bindings definition for your application.
      2. Navigate to WS-Security > Authentication and protection > (UsernameToken consumer) > Callback handler
      3. Under Custom properties, click New
        • Value=true
      4. Click OK
    2. Perform one of the following actions:
    3. Save your configuration and retest.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Web Services Security","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0;8.5.5;8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"Base;Network Deployment;Single Server","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    26 July 2023

