IBM Support

Tivoli Log File Agent, Version 6.3.0 Fix Pack 07 (6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0007)


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This fix pack resolves the APARs and defects listed in section 2.0 "Problems Fixed" section below and includes the superseded fixes listed in section 2.4.

It updates the IBM Tivoli Monitoring framework components to v6.3.0 Fix Pack 07 Service Pack 6, including the IBM SDK Java® Technology Edition Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the IBM GSKit Security Interface.

See section "3.2 Windows prerequisites for this fix" for more details about prerequisites of ITM 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6 and later.

Download Description

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2022
All rights reserved.
Component: Tivoli® Log File Agent, Version 6.3.0
Component ID: 5724C04LF
Fix Pack: 0007, 6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0007
Date: February 21, 2022
1.0 General description
2.0 Problems fixed
3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
4.0 Image directory contents
5.0 Installation instructions
6.0 Additional installation information
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
8.0 Additional product information
9.0 Copyright and trademark information
10.0 Notices

1.0 General description
This fix pack resolves the APARs and defects listed in section 2.0 "Problems Fixed" section and includes the superseded fixes listed in section 2.4. It updates the IBM Tivoli Monitoring framework components to v6.3.0 Fix Pack 07 Service Pack 6, including the IBM SDK Java® Technology Edition Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the IBM GSKit Security Interface.
See section "3.2 Windows prerequisites for this fix" for more details about
prerequisites of ITM 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6 and later.

2.0 Problems fixed
The following problems are addressed by this fix.
  2.1 APARs
  APAR:  IJ31008
  Abstract: On Windows, update Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributatble (runtimes).
  Additional information: Update Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (runtimes) used for IBM Tivoli Monitoring Log File Agent for both 32 and 64 bit components on
    Windows from VC++ 7.1 (32-bit) and VC++ 9.0 (64-bit) to VC++ 12.0 (both 32 and 64 bit).  
    NOTE: See section "3.2 Windows prerequisites for this fix" for more details about prerequisites of ITM 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6 and later.

  APAR: IJ31042
  Abstract: Log File Agent can hang indefinitely at agent shutdown.
  Additional information:  The Log File Agent can hang indefinitely at agent
    shutdown. The problem has been observed rarely on Red Hat Linux 8.
    Attempts to stop the agent using command "itmcmd agent -o <INSTANCE_NAME> stop lo"
    can fail with error:
    KCIIN0205E Unable to stop agent or process...
    If this issue is experienced, a new environment variable needs to be set  
    in one of the configuration files and the agent will use an alternate method to stop the agent:
      $CANDLEHOME/config/klo_<instance>.ini (UNIX/Linux)
      %CANDLE_HOME%\TMAITM6<_X64>\KLOENV_<instance> (Windows)
    Another environment variable, CDP_DP_SHUTDOWN_TIMER_SECS, can be set to indicate
    how many seconds the code should wait for the shutdown to complete when
    CDP_DP_SHUTDOWN_MODE=V2 has been set. The default is 10 seconds but can be between
    1 and 20.  For example:

  2.2 Defects
  Defect: 219217
  Abstract: Update the Log File Agent Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) client jar file
     certificate (klo_resources.jar) expiration.  The certificate will now expire on
  2.3 Enhancements
  2.4 Superseded fixes
  6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0006 - not shipped
  2.5 APARs and defects included from superseded fixes

  APAR:  IJ29525
  Abstract: On zLinux, Log File Agent does not start.
  Additional information:  On zLinux, the Log File Agent does not start.
    The following message is in the agent log file <hostname>_lo_<nnnnnnnnnn>.log:
    /opt/IBM/ITM/ls3266/lo/bin/kloagent: error while loading shared
    libraries: cannot open shared object file:
    No such file or directory  
  APAR: IJ26350
  Abstract: On Windows, NUMEVENTSTOCATCHUP=-1 skips messages if the monitored
     log file was reset while the agent was not running.
  Additional information: On Windows, when using NumEventsToCatchUp=-1 to have
     the agent process all data written to the monitored log(s) while the agent
     was not running, the agent incorrectly skips messages written if the
     monitored log is smaller than it was when the agent last read records.   
     The problem could occur on the Log File Agent versions 6.30 FP2 - 6.30 FP4.
  APAR: IJ25990    
  Abstract: Log File Agent does not install on zLinux with newer z/OS hardware.
  Additional information: Log File Agent 6.30 FP4 does not install on zLinux
    on newer z/OS hardware (z15).  The installation loops due to issues with
    GSKit which is included in the image.
  APAR: IJ25980
  Abstract: Java 8 Webstart client fails with klo_resources.jar having a weak
  Additional information: When using Java 8 to launch the Webstart Client, it
    fails with the message "The following resource is signed with a weak
    signature algorithm MD5withRSA and is treated as unsigned:
  APAR: IJ25629    
  Abstract: Logname for syslog not compatible with old TEC Adapter.
  Additional information: Logname for syslog not compatible with old TEC adapter.
    The TEC adapter used a Logname (filename) SysLogd. Currently the Log File Agent
    uses SysLogD.                                        
   In order for this APAR to be in effect, a new variable needs to be set in the
   .conf file, named SyslogFilenameTEC. When set to "Y", then the Logname
   attribute for the syslog will be SysLogd instead of SysLogD.   
   If the environment variable is not set, or is not set to "Y" then the code will
   continue to use SysLogD.
   APAR: IJ25628
   Abstract: On Linux, sighup does not cause rsyslog to reread syslog.conf file.
   Additiional information:  Starting around Red Hat version 4, when a new instance
     of the Log File Agent is configured/started and the instance has been
     configured to automatically initialize UNIX syslog to read messages from
     the syslog, the agent will not receive messages written to syslog until
     the rsyslog is restarted.  This is because the SIGHUP command which the
     agent has used to force the syslogd to re-read the conf file update does
     not work with rsyslogd.
     This was previously documented in technote:  

  See 6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0004.README for a list of APARs and fixes included from
  superseded fixes.
3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
This fix is supported on all operating systems listed in the Tivoli
Log File Agent User's Guide, version 6.3.0.
The following link is for the Tivoli operating system and application
support matrix. Please refer to this matrix for the latest
certification information.
Please refer to the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR)
for the latest operating system certification information:
  3.1 Prerequisites for this fix
  This fix pack is a complete install image and as such, can be
  installed on a pristine system.
  This fix is also cumulative, and can be installed on any fix level for
  this version, release, and mod level above the prerequisite version
  6.3.0 FP7 SP6 of Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA/gl) Framework on
 Windows or 6.30 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries (ax) on UNIX.
        - Windows systems:
          GL        KGL(64-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework
                       WIX64 Version: Build: d0316a
         - Linux or UNIX systems:
          ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
                   li6263  Version:
                   lx8266  Version:
  For details, see the Troubleshooting Wiki:
  3.2 Windows prerequisites for this fix
  On Windows, starting in ITM 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6, framework components and the Windows OS Agent shipped runtimes built using VC++12.0. In this fix pack for Log File Agent 6.30 FP7, the same is done via APAR IJ31008. As a result, when installing this fix on a system with other agents (e.g. Windows OS Agent) or server components (e.g. TEMS, TEPS), the runtimes must match how they were built (VC++12.0) or there can be
  compatibility issues. Because of this, the framework files must be at the ITM 6.30 FP7 SP6 (or later) level as a prerequisite for this fix pack.
  The installer included in this fix includes APAR IJ37912, which checks if if the system is running multiple components and if so it must be at ITM 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6 (or later) and if not it will stop and display a
  message (or write to the log in the case of remote deploy) indicating:
    SP06 or greater framework install needed to continue
   When installing the fix on a system running only the Log File Agent, the installation can continue and the shared components will be upgraded to the ITM 6.30 FP7 SP6 level.
  In summary:
  • If installing this fix on system where only the Log File Agent has been previously installed or on a new system, the installation can continue.
  • If installing this fix on a system where other agents or server components are installed, the framework must first be upgraded to ITM 6.30 FP7 SP6 (or higher) before this Log File Agent Fix Pack 07 can be installed.   
  • If installing this fix using remote deploy, the remote system must be at ITM 6.30 FP7 SP6 (or later).
NOTE:  See section "7.0 Known problems and workaround" for more information on a known problem running remote deploy to a system running the 32-bit version of the Monitoring Agent for Windows OS when upgraded to 6.30 FP7 SP6 (or later).

4.0 Image directory contents

This fix image contains the following files:
-  6.30-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0007.tar.gz
-  6.30-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0007.checksum
5.0 Installation instructions
  5.1 Before installing the fix
  • The prerequisites listed under section 3.1 entitled 'Prerequisites for this fix' must be installed before this fix can be installed.
  • For the purpose of this README, the symbol <CANDLEHOME> is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory. The default value for CANDLEHOME is '/opt/IBM/ITM' on UNIX systems and 'C:\IBM\ITM' on Windows systems.
  • Before installing this fix on UNIX systems, set the environment variable CANDLEHOME to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.
    For example:
    > export CANDLEHOME  
  - Because there is no uninstall utility for this fix, make sure to
    perform a backup of your environment before installing this fix.
  - NOTE: Before installing the LO Windows x86-64 bit agent, you must
    un-install the WINNT 32-bit version of the agent and the 32/64
    bit compatibility package.

  5.2 Local agent update
   For installation instructions, see the Log File Agent User's Guide v6.3.0:
  1. The PowerPC little-endian installation image is located in the PPC_LE
       directory of the installation image. Invoke ./  from this directory.
  2. On Windows systems, when the installation completes, the Readme.txt
       displays "Welcome to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3.0 Fix Pack 7." This is
       the installer level and Readme and is not an error.
  5.3 Remote agent update
    1. Transfer the archive file 6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0006.tar.gz to a
     temporary directory on the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
     Server system.  For the purpose of this README, the symbol <TEMP>
     represents the fully qualified path to this directory. Note: On
     Windows systems, this path includes the drive letter.
  2. Expand the archive file using the "tar" command on UNIX systems or
     an extract utility on Windows systems. This step creates a directory
     structure that contains fixes for all of the supported platforms.
  3. To add the agent fix bundles into the remote deploy depot, use
     the "tacmd addBundles" command found in $CANDLEHOME/bin on UNIX
     systems or in %CANDLE_HOME%\bin on Windows systems. For more
     information on the "tacmd addBundles" command, see the IBM Tivoli
     Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
     1. The prerequisite Log File Agent bundles will be loaded into the
     bundle using the addBundles command below.
     2. Previous 6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP000<n> bundles can be removed from the
     depot when no longer needed, using the "tacmd removeBundles" command.
     For example: tacmd removeBundles -t lo -v 06300000<n>
     On UNIX systems,
     if the fix was expanded to <TEMP>/KLO_DVD-202202111727-20421:
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd addBundles -t LO -i <TEMP>/KLO_DVD-202202111727-20421/unix
     On Windows systems,
     if the fix was expanded to <TEMP>\KLO_DVD-202202111727-20421:
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addBundles -t LO -i <TEMP>\KLO_DVD-202202111727-20421\WINDOWS\Deploy
         -i is the directory that contains the deployment bundles to be
          added to the depot.
  4. To log in to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring server, and deploy
     the fix to the appropriate nodes where the agent is running, use
     the following "tacmd" commands.  For more information on the
     "tacmd login" and "tacmd updateAgent" commands, see the IBM Tivoli
     Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
     On UNIX systems:
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
                                   -u <itmuser>
                                   -p <password>
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems
     The output shows the Managed System Name for the OS agent on the
     remote system to be updated. Use this value as the target of the
     "tacmd updateAgent" command.
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd updateAgent -t lo
                                         -n <Managed system name>
                                         -v 06300700
     On Windows systems:
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
                                     -u <itmuser>
                                     -p <password>
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems
     The output shows the Managed System Name for the OS agent on the
     remote system to be updated. Use this value as the target of the
     "tacmd updateAgent" command.
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd updateAgent -t LO
                                           -n <Managed system name>    
                                           -v 06300700
     - The component (-t) for the "tacmd updateAgent" command is
       specified as two characters (LO), not three characters (KLO).
     - The node (-n) for the "tacmd updateAgent" command is the managed
       system name of the operating system (OS) agent to be updated.
       The target node for the "tacmd updateAgent" command is always
       an OS agent.
  5.2 Agent support update
  This fix pack includes updates in the agent support files which need to be
  installed.  Install the updates to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server,
  Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, or Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop. For more
  information about installing application support, see Installing and enabling
  application support in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
6.0 Additional installation information

  6.1 Update to Shared Components
   Note:  This fix pack includes updates to the following shared components which
   might be installed into the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory
   (for example, CANDLEHOME), if a higher version does not already exist. These
   are the same levels that are shipped as part of 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6. The
   installer is from 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 9.
       - IBM Tivoli Monitoring installer version to
       - IBM Tivoli Monitoring framework (ax/gl) component to version  
       - IBM GSKit Security Interface to version
       - IBM Tivoli Monitoring user interface version to
       - IBM SDK Java Technology Edition Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
         for the JRE installed in the CANDLEHOME directory:
            1.8.0 SR6 FP15 for CANDLEHOME on AIX, Linux, Solaris amd64 and Windows.
            1.8.0 SR6 FP10 for CANDLEHOME on HP-UX ia64
            1.7.0 SR10 FP70 for CANDLEHOME on HP-UX PA-Risc
            1.7.0 SR10 FP70 for CANDLEHOME on Solaris Sparc
            1.7.0 SR10 FP70 for AIX 6.1 oslevel -r less than TL7 (6100-07) and
        AIX 7.1 oslevel -r less than TL3 (7100-03) and for Linux RHEL < 6.0
        and SLES < 11.1.

  6.2 Installation instructions for agent baroc file
  There are no updates to the baroc files included in this fix or any of the superseded fixes.  No additional installation steps are required.
  6.3 Verifying the update
   1. To verify the agent was updated correctly, use the "tacmd" command
     to view the agent's current version after the agent is restarted.
     You are required to log in to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
     Server prior to viewing the agent version.  
     For example:
     On UNIX systems, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
     installation directory, the default location is '/opt/IBM/ITM'.   
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
                                   -u <itmuser>
                                   -p <password>
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems -t LO
     On Windows systems, where %CANDLE_HOME% is the IBM Tivoli
     Monitoring installation directory, the default location
     is 'C:\IBM\ITM'.   
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
                                     -u <itmuser>
                                     -p <password>
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems -t LO
     Note: The component (-t) for the "tacmd listSystems" command is
     specified as two characters (LO), not three characters (KLO).
     When the agent update is successful, the agent version is:
     After the agent is restarted, you can also use the GUI to verify
     the agent was successfully updated.
     For the agent on Windows systems, the version number is            
  2. To verify all the agent components were updated correctly, use
     the "cinfo" command on Linux or UNIX systems or the "kincinfo"
     command on Windows systems. The sample output shows the
     minimum versions of IBM Tivoli Monitoring framework component,
     IBM SDK Java Technology Edition Java Runtime Environment (JRE),
     and the version of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, Tivoli
     Enterprise Monitoring Server, and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
     Desktop systems after this fix pack has been successfully applied.
     Note: The displayed date of the build might not be accurate. This
     is a known problem.      
     On UNIX or Linux systems (except PowerPC little-endian):
    To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
        ./cinfo -i    
     For example:
     > $CANDLEHOME/bin/cinfo -i
     *********** Tue Sep  1 18:08:04 PDT 2020 ******************
     User: root Groups: root
     Host name : parents1     Installer Lvl:
     CandleHome: /opt/IBM/ITMlfa_fp7
     ...Product inventory
     ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
             lx8266  Version:
     gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
             lx8266  Version:
     jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
             lx8266  Version:
     lo      Tivoli Log File Agent
              lx8266  Version:
     ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
             lx8266  Version:
     On Windows systems:
     To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
        kincinfo -i
     For example:
     > %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\kincinfo -i   
     ************ Tuesday, Januray 30, 2022 08:54:18 AM ************
     User       : Administrator         Group     : NA
     Host Name  : WINSERVER             Installer : Ver: 063007120
     CandleHome : C:\IBM\ITM
     Installitm : C:\IBM\ITM\installITM
     ...Product Inventory
     IN        Install INS/Windows Install Component
               WINNT Version: Build: 202112071309
     IN        TEMA(32-bit) INS/ITM 6.x Agent Install Component
               WINNT Version: Build: 202112071309
     IN        TEMA(64-bit) INS/ITM 6.x Agent Install Component Extensions
               WINNT Version: Build: 202011121117
     AC        KAC(64-bit) CMA/32/64 Bit Agent Compatibility Package
               WIX64 Version: Build: 202011121117
     GL        KGL(64-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework
               WIX64 Version: Build: d0316a
     GL        KGL(32-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework
               WINNT Version: Build: d0316a
     GS        KGS(64-bit) GSK/IBM GSKit Security Interface
               WIX64 Version: Build: d0283a
     GS        KGS(32-bit) GSK/IBM GSKit Security Interface
               WINNT Version: Build: d0283a
     IN        KIN(32-bit) INS/IBM Tivoli Base Windows Installer
               WINNT Version: Build: 202011121117
     JM        KJM(64-bit) JVM/Embedded JVM
               WIX64 Version: Build: 202010091045
     JM        KJM(32-bit) JVM/Embedded JVM
               WINNT Version: Build: 202010091045
     LO        KLO(64-bit) CMA/Tivoli Log File Agent
               WIX64 Version: Build: 202201041056
     UE        KUE(32-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
               WINNT Version: Build: d0316a
     UI        KUI(32-bit) CLI/Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
               WINNT Version: Build: 202011121117
  3. To verify the agent you are running contains the updates from the
     fix, see the following lines in the agent log                    
     <hostname>_lo_<instance>_kloagent_<timestamp>.log located in
     $CANDLEHOME/logs on UNIX systems and
     %CANDLE_HOME%\<tmaitm6 or tmaitm6_x64>\logs on Windows systems:
     <timestamp>      Component: ira
     <timestamp>      Driver: DEV:202110150948/5178383.3
     <timestamp>      Timestamp: Oct 15 2021 10:09:07

7.0 Known problems and workarounds
If running a remote deploy to a system running the 32-bit verison of the Monitoring
Agent for Windows OS that has been upgraded to 6.30 FP7 Service Pack 6 (or later),
there could be an issue due to "APAR IJ37883: Windows OS Agent 32-bit (6.30 FP7 SP6
and later)stops when processing event log messages".
When the APAR occurs, the Windows OS Agent stops running. If attempting to do a
remote deploy to the system, the remote deploy will fail if the agent stops. There
are a two workarounds listed in the APAR.

8.0 Additional product information

9.0 Copyright and trademark information
A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright
and trademark information" at

10.0 Notices
Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied
warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not
apply to you.
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical
errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these
changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM
may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the
program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States
and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States,
other countries, or both.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service
marks of others.
Third-Party License Terms and Conditions, Notices and Information
The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for
details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party
software code included in this product, and for certain notices and
other information IBM must provide to you under its license to
certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and
other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that
any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is
provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the
licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file,
is the official version.
Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you
may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities
(collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below
are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and
- the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis
- IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims
  related to the Excluded Components
- IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
  special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect
  to the Excluded Components.


The prerequisite level for this fix is version 6.3.0 of Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA/gl) Framework on Windows or IBM  Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries (ax) on UNIX.
        - Windows systems:
          GL        KGL(64-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework
                    WIX64 Version: Build: d3052a                  
        - Linux or UNIX systems:
          ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
                   li6263  Version:
                   lx8266  Version:
This fix pack is a complete install image and as such, can be installed on a pristine system. This fix is also cumulative, and can be installed on any fix level for this version, release, and mod level above the prerequisite.

Installation Instructions

Please refer to the full readme file contained in the Download Description section above for general installation instructions.

[{"DNLabel":"6.3.0-TIV-ITM_LFA-FP0007","DNDate":"18 Feb 2022","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"4101489076 B","DNPlat":{"label":"AIX","code":"PF002"},"DNURL":" Tivoli Monitoring&source=dbluesearch&platform=All","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTFXA","label":"Tivoli Monitoring"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001f3sAAA","label":"LogFile Agent"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.3.0"}]

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
18 February 2022

