IBM Support

Tendering with a Dynamic Carrier List

Question & Answer


Tendering with a Dynamic Carrier List


Tendering with a Dynamic Carrier List

About this task

Use this procedure to create a dynamic carrier list andthen tender a shipment to the carriers on the list.


  1. In Execution click the Capacity Center tab.
  2. Search for carriers that have trucks available in the areawhere you need the shipment picked up.
  3. In the results table select the carriers you are consideringto take the load:
    • Only select the carriers that you have a relationship with inSterling TMS. These carriers are marked with the CarrierRelationship Carrier Relationship icon on the Capacity Center tab.When you tender the shipment to the dynamic carrier list SterlingTMS only submits the shipment to these carriers.
    • The Capacity Center tab may also display non-profiledcarriers. These are carriers your organization does not do businesswith in Sterling TMS. These carriers are not marked with the CarrierRelationship Carrier Relationship icon on the Capacity Center tab.Do not include these carriers in the dynamic carrier list becauseSterling TMS will ignore them. If you need to tender the shipmentto a non-profiled carrier you can perform a Tender Override and offerthe load directly to that carrier.
  4. Click Create Carrier List. SterlingTMS creates the dynamic carrier list and refreshes the CapacityCenter tab.
  5. Open the Shipments tab.
  6. Search for the shipment you want to tender using a broadcastfor capacity.
  7. Click Carrier Selection. The CarrierSelection page opens.
  8. Click Override Tender. The OverrideTender page opens.
    1. Select the Broadcast for Capacity option.
    2. On the Override Tender page select *Dynamic CarrierList from the Carrier List.
      Override Tender Dynamic List

      If needed click CapacityCenter to open the Capacity Center page. You can viewthe carriers that were defined in the original dynamic carrier list.

    3. Indicate your Bid Evaluation Type preferences.
  9. Click Tender to offer the load tothe carriers.
  10. On the Shipments tab the PlanStatus column displays Request for Capacity.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SS73G6","label":"Sterling Total Payments for Financial Services"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 December 2018

