############################################################################### # IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms # # Server for # # AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Sun Solaris, Windows, and Linux on System z # # README # # Release # # May 5, 2017 # # # # 5724-J33 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2017 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ############################################################################### Welcome to the Installation Notes for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server. For the latest information about IBM Content Manager OnDemand, visit the product web site at: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/ondemand =============================================================================== Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Installation Notes 1.1) Upgrade Notes 1.2) Upgrade Steps 1.3) ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE 1.4) Update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System tables indexes 1.5) Update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Report Distribution definitions 2) Server Change History 2.1) Notes 2.1.1) Enhancements Change to the System Log Messaging Application Defaults added to the Batch Administrator Batch Administrator return codes Updated PDF Text Search 2.1.2) Platform Changes Removal of Oracle support on HPUX Windows Clients only fix pack Content Manager OnDemand Server and ODWEK only fix pack 2.1.3) Separately Priced Feature Enablement 2.2) APARs Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.3) AIX Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.4) HP-UX Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.5) Sun Solaris Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.6) Windows Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.7) Linux Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.8) Linux on System z Server Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3) IBM Content Manager OnDemand Testing 3.1) Currency Testing 3.2) Testing Environment 4) Reference -----------------end of Contents----------------------------------------------- 1) Installation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1) Upgrade Notes Note: The IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server 9.0 no longer supports Clients prior to 8.4. This includes, but is not limited to, the Windows Client, ODWEK CGI/Servlet/Java APIs, CICS, etc. Ensure the clients used to access your IBM Content Manager OnDemand server are at currently supported levels. The IBM Content Manager OnDemand 9.0 Server will only accept administration requests from the Windows Administrator V9.0 and V9.5 or ARSXML V9.0 levels. IBM Content Manager OnDemand 9.0 Clients (Windows, ODWEK, etc) will only work against an 8.4.1 or later server. The IBM Content Manager OnDemand 9.0 Windows Administrator will work against any V8.5 server or later. Note: When upgrading the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server to the current version, you will need to upgrade any Object Servers and any servers used for remotely loading data to the same version as well. You will also need to upgrade the Windows Administrator Client to the same level as the Server. Before upgrading to IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9, you should backup your database and make sure you have a copy of the currently installed version of IBM Content Manager OnDemand. You should backup your configuration files, too. The IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms 9.0 installation now uses InstallAnywhere. This installation will remove any previous InstallShield install before installing IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms 9.0. The default install directory path names have changed for IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server. The default install path is now /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.0 for AIX, Sun, and HP and /opt/ibm/ondemand/V9.0 for Linux and Linux on System z. The Windows install path is now C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand for Windows\V9.0. Customers can now install to the default path or specify an alternative one. If you choose to install in a different directory other than the default, you will have to add the new install lib64 path to the library search path using the environment variables LIBPATH for AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the other UNIX platforms. IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server now requires the installation of the 64bit IBM Global Security Kit Version 8. See the section below for each platform for more information about how to install this component. Any ACIF exits that use ICU will need to be recompiled with version 4.8.1. The exits will also need to properly locate the ICU Dat file in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand server installation directory. For more information, read the WBTS Technote, 1620754 "Upgrade Guide for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server V9.0.0" available on the web at http://www.ibm.com using the Technote number as search criteria. 1.2) Upgrade Steps These steps are only required if you are upgrading from the previous 8.5 version of IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server. Before upgrading to IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9.0, you should backup your database, configuration files, and make sure you have a copy of the currently installed version of IBM Content Manager OnDemand. To upgrade the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Database for use with IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9.0, log in as the IBM Content Manager OnDemand instance owner and run the following commands after installing V9.0 and any fix packs. This is mandatory. Stop the IBM Content Manager OnDemand server arssockd stop [] Install the base IBM Content Manager OnDemand See the section on your specific platform Apply the current fix pack See the section on your specific platform Update the database using the following command: arsdb [-I ] -uv Then perform database maintenance arsdb [-I ] -mv for Oracle arsdb [-I ] -sv Start the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server arssockd [] Where OD_INSTANCE is the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Instance Name. If this is not specified, the default is ARCHIVE. To take advantage of the new date support in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System Log and System Load Folders and Application Groups, you can run the following commands. To take advantage of the new date, date/time formats, you must use one of the V9 or V9.5 clients. This includes, but is not limited to, the Windows Client, ODWEK CGI/Servlet/Java APIs, CICS, etc. To update the System Log Application Group and Folder arssyscr [-I ] -l -u To update the system Load Application Group and Folder arssyscr [-I ] -a -u Once this is done, older Clients will not be able to display the newer date format. 1.3) ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE - Configuration changes needed for database codepage support - A new ars.cfg parameter, ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE, is now required. When upgrading IBM Content Manager OnDemand for MP V8.5 from a pre-V8.5 IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms instance, this MUST be set to the codepage the pre-V8.5 IBM Content Manager OnDemand server was running in. Failure to set it will prevent the IBM Content Manager OnDemand server from starting. SETTING IT INCORRECTLY WILL RESULT IN DATA CORRUPTION. Example failure to start message which will be sent to the console: DB Error: STARTUP -- SQLSTATE=1. ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE is not defined in ars.cfg. Run arsdb -u -I to determine setting of ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE, SQLCODE=0, File=arssrvr.c, Line=7892 - Steps to set the value of ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE - UNIX Servers Run arsdb -u without ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE in the ars.cfg for information on the proper setting for ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE. An example of running the arsdb -u -I command without ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE in the ars.cfg is: arsdb: Unable to initialize environment. The return code is -1. If this is a new (created in 8.5) instance, then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE=819 in ars.cfg. Otherwise, if this is an existing instance (created prior to 8.5), then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE=923 in ars.cfg. Once set, ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE must never change. Edit the ars.cfg file and add the ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE parameter set to the appropriate value determined by the arsdb command. - Windows Server Run arsdb.exe -u -I for information on the proper setting for ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE. An example of running the arsdb.exe -I -u command, where OD_INSTANCE is the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Instance name, without ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE set is: arsdb: Unable to initialize environment. The return code is -1. If this is a new (created in 8.5) instance, then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE with a value of 1208 in the registry. Otherwise, if this is an existing instance (created prior to 8.5), then define ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE with a value of 5348 in the registry. The registry setting should be placed in the following section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM \OnDemand for Windows\@SRV@_)\CFG. Once set, ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE must never change. IMPORTANT: This README contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, read the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986/EN-US/ ) Use the regedit.exe command to update the Windows Registry Key specified in the output of the arsdb command and add the ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE string value set to the appropriate value determined by the arsdb command. 1.4) Update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System tables indexes - Customers should run the arsdb commands to drop and recreate the indexes for these tables. Drop the indexes: arsdb [-I ] -efv Create the indexes: arsdb [-I ] -rv Then you will need to update the statistics on all the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System tables. arsdb [-I ] -mv Or, for Oracle arsdb [-I ] -sv 1.5) Update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Report Distribution definitions - Customers who are using the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Report Distribution Feature should run the arssyscr command to redo the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Report Distribution definitions. This is to correct the folder field to application group field mappings that are required by current code changes. Redo the definitions: arssyscr [-I ] -r -------------end of Installation Notes----------------------------------------- 2) Server Change History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1) Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.1) Enhancements Specify custom installation directory The IBM Content Manager OnDemand and ODWEK installation programs are modified to accept an installation directory other than the default installation directory. If you choose to install in a different directory than the default, you will have to add the new install lib64 path to the library search path using the environment variables LIBPATH for AIX or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the other UNIX platforms. Integration with IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management IBM Content Manager OnDemand now provides support for IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management. Full text indexing IBM Content Manager OnDemand now provides support for full text indexing. Security enhancements The following security enhancements were added: You can now specify user IDs and passwords through encrypted files (stash files), instead of specifying them through the command line or a file. IBM Content Manager OnDemand now tracks the following login activity: The number of times a user attempts to login. The last time a user logged in. The last time a user changed his password and number of times he changed his password. You can use this information to enforce security policies; for example, forcing the user to not reuse the five most recent passwords. Changes in format of date and time fields for folders and application groups The date- and time-related fields have been updated to support a broader range of dates. Support for the previous format remains and the name of the field types have been renamed to include the string "(old style)" to help differentiate between the previous format and the new format. To take advantage of the new date, date/time formats, you must use a V9 client. This includes, but is not limited to, the Windows Clients, ODWEK CGI/Servlet/Java APIs, CICS, etc. The number of indexer fields has increased to 128 The indexers have been enhanced to allow you to specify up to 128 fields as indexes. Support for the DB2 database type automatic storage has been added When you create the IBM Content Manager OnDemand databases, you can specify automatic storage as the data type. The Windows Configurator has been improved The Windows Configurator has been enhanced to improve functionality and usability. The graphical indexer has been improved The graphical indexer has been enhanced to improve functionality and usability. New command parameters: ARSSOCKD New parameters have been added to the ARSSOCKD command to start, stop, and display IBM Content Manager OnDemand process and configuration information. New command: ARSAFPD The ARSAFPD command has been added, which provides information about the format of an input file and displays AFP documents in a readable format. ARSDOC, specify a different character to be the delimiter in parameter files You can now specify a pair of characters other than the left and right bracket as the delimiter characters in parameter files for the ARSDOC command. OS/390 indexer support on AIX You can use the OS/390 indexer to extract index data from and generate index data about line data and AFP reports. In addition, other data types, such as TIFF images, can be captured using the Anystore Exit. The OS/390 indexer extracts indexes and stores documents in a single pass of reading the input data. The OS/390 indexer indexes reports based on the organization of the data in the report. Change to the System Log Messaging The way that IBM Content Manager OnDemand server adds messages to the System Log has changed. There is now a thread that will collect the messages and insert them into the System Log every 4 seconds. This change will eliminate contention when updating the IBM Content Manager OnDemand System Log. Application Defaults added to the Batch Administrator The Batch Administrator program, arsxml, now provides default values for the following optional attributes of the preprocessParm object of an application object if they are not specified in the input XML file when adding an application: loadIDName - the default is the same as dbName embedded - the default is ",." for numeric data types and "" for other types divideBy - the default is 100 for decimal types 1 for other numeric type and blank for other types format - the default is %m/%d/%Y for date types only Batch Administrator return codes The Batch Administrator program, arsxml, has been enhanced to report warning and error conditions with non-zero return codes. 0 -- success 1 -- warning 2 -- syntax error 3 -- error 4 -- unrecoverable error Previously, the return codes were 0 (false) and 1 (true), with 1 issued on errors. Updated PDF Text Search Added support for searching for partial strings using server based text search of PDF documents. 2.1.2) Platform changes Removal of Oracle support on HPUX Oracle is no longer supported on the HPUX platform. Windows Clients only fix pack The fix pack was only to address problems with the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Windows Clients. Content Manager OnDemand Server and ODWEK only fix pack The fix pack includes fixes for the IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server and ODWEK packages. Support for the Windows Clients has moved to V9.5. 2.1.3) Separately Priced Feature Enablement In order to use any IBM Content Manager OnDemand separately priced feature, you must now install the appropriate feature. The install images for Enhanced Retention Management, PDF Indexer, Report Distribution Facility, and Full Text Search are available through Passport Advantage. You can now run the Report Distribution Feature remotely (on any supported platform) against any IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server. 2.2) APARs Release ( PM44732 - Sample ACIF Input Exit Used with ARSYSPIN PM61547 - ARSDOC GET -X (bulk) returns incorrect number of docs PM62103 - ARSDATE -m miscalculates adding and subtracting months PM62357 - If AG MSG USR EXIT LOG, ARSSOCKD crashes on LINUX w/long query PM62376 - THERE IS A RISE IN CPU WHEN ATTEMPTING TO OPEN THE USERS IN THE ADMIN CLIENT PM63220 - ARSSOCKD crashes due to fail AG search w/fix length string PM64765 - XML ADD of USER doesn't allow UID to be specified PM68099 - Custom messages referenced by arsldap.ini are not used when password expires or when account is locked. PM68951 - arsdb -vi fails importing 8.4.1 Release ( PM71349 - ARSXML UPDATE of the SYSTEM LOAD App Group fails PM72133 - arsload notcpip loads wrong floats PM72908 - for DOC reports, when the GROUPMAXPAGES value is PM73809 - HIGH CPU IN ARSSOCKD PM74182 - PDF IDX - MASK with "%" can't find FIELD w/trailing blanks PM74327 - USING FULL TEXT INDEX SEARCH CAN CAUSE A LOOP PM75135 - XML ADD fails if APP has format="%Y/%m/%d" and default value PM75155 - Server DEADLOCK causes intermittent CMOD Server hangs PM75386 - PDF library fails writing temporary files to memory PM77392 - V85 RD send email has no content if '.' in OD UID PM78007 - Trigger not found message when multi-word trigger is used PM79323 - INVALID DATA CAUSES REPORT DISTRIBUTION TO CRASH PM81316 - Query AG with Turkish 'i' in DB field can fail Release ( PM70280 - ARSLOAD fails, ACIF IDX treats x'5A' as structured field PM76739 - Convert new message from PM50057 to use the standard message catalog PM77907 - OS/390 Indexer - remove PAGE TABLE limit PM80689 - TCP Connection reset results in server unable to receive client requests PM81498 - Multiword TRIGGER with colon ':' fails PM82180 - ARSADMIN UNLOAD command does not delete from ARSLOAD_REPORT PM82604 - Insufficient TSM sessions & ARSDOC GET BULK may cause crash PM82660 - Allow ARSLOAD to use native upper/lower casing functions PM83664 - Verify TRIGGER=BASE works with # sign PM83904 - Load w/annotations fails THE OBJECT DOES NOT EXIST error PM84059 - XML UPDATE fails to del/upd dbValue longer than 60 chars PM84096 - With AG DATE/TIME TZ SEGMENT field load based RD Dist fails PM84097 - TSM Connection Pooling fails when duplicate node ids exist PM84562 - RUNSTATS fails if the DBNAME in SYSTABLES has blanks PM85146 - SIGSEGV when running ARSOBJD in OnDemand PM86206 - Enhance Large Object line count processing PM86531 - Enable PDF lib initialization options to prevent repeating PM87850 - ARSDB -UV fails to create arshold/arsholdwork indexes PM89428 - PORT=-1 to force SSL-only environment fails PM88584 - ARSDD generates 'Segmentation fault' error & core dumps Release ( PM93340 - ARS_MESSAGE_OF_THE_DAY > 1024 PM93441 - arsdoc query -X with new style dates finds no docs PM93624 - ERM flag gets turned off in applgrp PM96775 - arsload fails with a 2000 char field & ARS_USE_OLD_STYLE_CASE=1 PM97567 - XML UPDATE Cannot change a logon user's own password PM98770 - ARSADMIN UNLOAD DOESN'T UNLOAD APPLGRP DATA TABLE ROWS with 0-0 PM99685 - Can't create new SYS LOG table with DB2 PE & partitioning PI04732 - ARSPDUMP coordinates fail - 'Field x not found' error PI04851 - Uninitialized memory in large object header for linecnt PI05706 - ARSSOCKD crash using query restriction w/macros PI05921 - ACIF hangs while processing invalid BDT triplet PI06875 - RD does not free SQL statement handles after Queries PI07426 - Failover from message thread to DB Server in case of error does not work Release ( PI07517 - PDF INDEXER AND ARSPDOCI ABEND PI08296 - ARSXML defaultDate limit PI10297 - Arsload can crash when indexing PDF files larger than 150MB PI11209 - Running arsload as a started task fails and hangs PI12377 - Running arsload with the OS/390 Indexer fails and hangs PI16755 - OS/390 Indexer loads that should fail are not PI17011 - OS/390 Indexer GROUPMAXPAGES issue PI17168 - OS/390 Indexer STREAM Page-Count issue PI17791 - cacheData value changed to no when docDataLen is searchCache PI18182 - Documents incorrectly merged under certain circumstances for IN PI19145 - ARSDD multi-disc burn issue PI19747 - Arsload shows msg 87 while zero rows inserted in the DB PI21603 - Unloading data leaving empty directories in cache PI26669 - The failure of arsload UCS2 AFP Report PI26849 - Incorrect page count calculation when using the OS/390 Indexer PI27002 - V9 Copy ODF distribution error invalid use of param marker PI27263 - ARSSOCKD crashing when declaring a record in P8 PI27471 - arsload of LO AFP Data core dumps on Linux RH PI29330 - In CMOD V9.0, arsload -t may run into time out PI29621 - OS/390 Indexer reading load file from a path using STREAM file PI29884 - Unable to start ARSSOCKD on Linux when Oracle instance uses Oracle Internet Directory LDAP as database naming resolution Release ( PI38617 - Error Code 536936462 when running PDF Indexer PI38517 - Invalid start_dt and stop_dt for tables using new date format PI38247 - Incorrect date matching when date/time near DST change PI35839 - Indexing large, single-page doc fails w/ACIF mem error Release ( PI43921 - ABEND S0C4 at ARSASTOR+DA2A. R14 is bad PI44584 - Enhancement to ODF recipient lists using wildcards in the SQL statement PI45584 - OS/390 Indexer - Unable to load data from spool output class if there is blank number in a doc style report PI45715 - Burst column in JES output queue not showing value of yes PI46630 - ARSLOAD does not properly calculate the end of year julian dates PI46714 - CD-ROM ARSDD fails with error "Unable to register the resource" PI47061 - ODF - erroneously marking the distribution complete before all output is processed PI48540 - ARSLOAD fails to load a generic index file with Large Object support and GROUP_LENGTH=0 PI49340 - ARSADMIN UNLOAD does not unload APPLGRP data table rows PI50742 - OS/390 Indexer performance improvement PI52559 - Loop in ARSZSTDR when using ANYEXIT PI53798 - Load fails with ARS1127E message PI55412 - Load fails with ARS1176E message after applying the fix for PI52559 PI56578 - ARSM064E message attempting to edit an entry in the OD Monitor PI57664 - ACIF segmentation fault when collecting more than 65K overlays in a resource file PI57594 - Enhancements for recipient list processing and OD Monitor PI58070 - Daily ODF distributions for TOD / TOS / Top may run more than once a day PI60252 - CMOD document graphical annotations not supported Release ( PI60746 - Character Set Name Changed in MCF Structured Field PI62112 - PDF Indexer changing values PI65405 - The arsload command does not report the correct time for DST in the UTC+1 Timezone PI72946 - PDF Server Text Search fails when search string has a period -------------end of Notes------------------------------------------------------ 2.3) AIX Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - AIX 6.1 TL7 or later - Database - DB2 V9.7 or later - Oracle 11g or later - Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 or later - IBM COBOL for AIX Runtime 4.1.0 or later - Installation - Unix installs are now packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported. - Pre-reqs - 400MB of free space in /tmp and 400MB in /opt. - To install from the command line - odaix.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.0/_uninst900/uninstallod -i console - Read the Installation Documentation online at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cmod/v9r0m0/index.jsp for further information. - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 The GSKit install media must be accessible to the installation programs. Although the SMIT program can access the install media via a read-only device (such as a CD-ROM), the recommended method is to copy the GSKit media to the local file system first. A good place for this is /var/spool/pkg or alternatively /tmp/gsk8. The AIX packages are distributed in a compressed tar file. To gain access to the software packages that will be recognized by native install tools you first need to uncompress them. This can be achieved as follows: zcat gskcrypt64- | tar -xvf - zcat gskssl64- | tar -xvf - This will decompress the RTE install packages for AIX. The following installation instructions assume that you have decompressed the installation packages and are working with them directly. Installing with SMIT GUI tool Do the following: 1. From the command line, run inutoc in the directory containing the GSKit packages. This creates a table of contents needed by SMIT. /usr/sbin/inutoc /tmp/gsk8 2. Invoke the SMIT application by entering smit on the command line. 3. Choose "Software Installation & Maintenance". 4. Then choose "Install Software". 5. Select "Install and Update Software by Package Name". 6. On the device/directory window specify the directory that contains the installable software. 7. Select packages GSKit8.gskcrypt64.ppc.rte and GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte from the Multi-select List. 8. Select the file sets of the software package to install. 9. Mark the options appropriate to your installation requirements from the options window. Note: Set the "install all prereqs" options to "yes" 10. Confirm to complete the installation. Installing with installp command line tool To install GSKit 8 for PPC64 systems using the installp command, the following chain of commands would need to be executed: 1. inutoc /tmp/gsk8 2. installp -acgqw -d /tmp/gsk8 GSKit8.gskcrypt64.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte See the installp man page for more information about the command line switches. Removing Packages with SMIT GUI tool Do the following: 1. Invoke SMIT, by entering smit on the command line. 2. From the menu, choose the "Software Installation and Maintenance". 3. Then select "Software Maintenance and Utilities". 4. From the Maintenance window select "Remove Installed Software" to open the "Remove Software Product" dialogue window. 5. Enter the name of the installed GSKit SSL software package (e.g. GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte). 6. Turn the flag for "REMOVE dependent software?" to "YES" to instruct the system to automatically remove the GSKit Crypt software package. 7. Confirm the procedure to complete the removal of the software package. Removing Packages with installp command line tool Use installp to remove all of the GSKit packages. To remove GSKit 8 for PPC64 with the installp command: installp -u -g -V2 GSKit8.gskssl64.ppc.rte \ GSKit8.gskcrypt64.ppc.rte Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 APARs: PM81071 - PDF docs not retrieved if ARSSOCKD started in "/" on AIX Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 APARs: PI30318 - ARSPDOCI crashes when trying to load Adobe Libraries PI33002 - User disabled when USER LOGIN INACTIVITY value is exceeded PI33680 - UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, THE OS/390 INDEXER MAY NOT STORE THE LAST FEW PI34166 - ABEND S0C4 PROGRAM UNIT: ARSASTOR ENTRY: ARSASTOR STATEMENT: OFFSET ... INCORROUT ARSASTOR Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 APARs: PI69635 - Excessive amounts of ARS5430E messages loading AFP PI79665 - The arsload command crashes due to un-initialized pointer -------------end of AIX Server------------------------------------------------- 2.4) HP-UX Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - HP-UX V11i v3 or later - Database - DB2 9.7 or later - Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 or later - Installation - Unix installs are now packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported. - Unix installs are now packaged with InstallAnywhere MP - Pre-reqs - 400MB of free space in /tmp and 400 MB in /opt - To install from the command line - odhpit.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.0/_uninst900/uninstallod -console - Read the Installation Documentation online at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cmod/v9r0m0/index.jsp for further information. - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 In a temporary directory, uncompress and untar each of the compressed packages using the following command: zcat gskcrypt64- | tar -xvf - zcat gskssl64- | tar -xvf - Installing using SAM GUI tool Do the following: 1. Type sam at the prompt to start the System Administration Manager. 2. From the SAM Areas window, double-click the Software Management icon. The Software Management window appears. 3. Double-click the Install Software to Local Host icon. The SD Install window appears and opens the Specify Source pop-up window. 4. From the pop-up window, specify the source host name, source depot path and click OK to return to the SD Install window. 5. From the SD Install window, do the following: a. Select the GSKit Crypt package (gskcrypt64). From the Action pull-down menu, select Mark for Install. b. Select the GSKit SSL package (gskssl64). From the Action pull-down menu, select Mark for Install. c. Select Install (Analysis) from the Action pull-down menu. d. Click OK to start the analysis. When analysis is complete, the SAM tools display a ready status. e. Click OK to start the install. When install is complete, the SAM tool displays a completed status and the Done button is active. f. Click Done to end the installation and select close from the File pull-down menu. Installing with swinstall command line tool Do the following: 1. Run the swinstall command to install each GSKit component as needed: swinstall -s /tmp/gskcrypt64 gskcrypt64 swinstall -s /tmp/gskssl64 gsk8ssl64 Removing Packages using SAM GUI tool Do the following: 1. Type sam at the prompt to start the System Administration Manager. 2. From the SAM Areas window, double-click the Software Management icon. The Software Management window appears. 3. Double-click the Remove Software icon. and then Remove Local Host Software icon. The SD Remove - Software Selection window appears. 4. From the SD Remove window, do the following: a. Single click to select the GSKit SSL package. From the Action pull-down menu, select Mark for Remove. b. Single click to select the GSKit Crypt package. From the Action pull-down menu, select Mark for Remove. c. Select Remove (Analysis) from the Action pull-down menu. d. Click OK to start the analysis. When analysis is complete the SAM tools display a ready status. e. Click OK to start the remove. When remove is complete, the SAM tool displays a completed status and the Done button is active. f. Click Done to end the installation and select close from the File pull-down menu. Removal using the Command Line Interface Do the following: 1. Run the swremove command to remove the GSKit SSL and GSKit Crypt packages. swremove gskssl64 gskcrypt64 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 -------------end of HP-UX Server----------------------------------------------- 2.5) Sun Solaris Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - Sun Solaris V10 Update 9 or later (SPARC only) - Solaris 10 linker patch 117461-08 - Database - DB2 9.7 or later - Oracle 11g or later - Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 or later - Installation - Unix installs are now packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported. - Pre-reqs - 400MB of free space in /tmp and 400MB in /opt - Make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set appropriately - To install from the command line - odsun.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.0/_uninst850/uninstallod -i console - Read the Installation Documentation online at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cmod/v9r0m0/index.jsp for further information. - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 Note: The Sun installer has some unique behavior such that the expected directory permissions of system directories (for example /usr/bin and /usr/lib) can be noted by the installer if specified by any package being installed (for example most of the Sun packages specify the required permission). The last installed package to require a specific permission sets this expectation for all subsequent installs that do not specify an exact required permission. This can create problems if the system administrator changes the directory permissions of system directories outside of the install database as they will be inconsistent with the installers expected state. Although GSKit does not require specific permissions for these directories the installer may, during the install, require that the permissions be changed to the state that it expects. This behavior is by design and it is expected that system administrators of Sun systems are aware of this behavior and should keep the actual permissions of the system directories consistent with the expected state in the installer database. For interactive install, the user will be prompted for the action to take. For silent install, the standard GSKit install will fail. There are two known workarounds for this issue for the silent install. Sun system administrators may likely know of more. 1. Use an admin file (as documented by the pkgadd install tool) with the following setting added or changed to: conflict=nochange This will leave the conflicting directory permission attributes unchanged. 2. Use an admin file (as documented by the pkgadd install tool) with the following setting added or changed to: conflict=nocheck This will change the directory attributes to agree with the install database. This is considered the most appropriate option. Note: By default Solaris sets a 9-character limit on the package instance names. As such there is a discrepancy between the naming conventions used in the GSKit package files and the system package instance name. This was necessary to accommodate the character restrictions. The table below shows the relationship between the package name (pkgname), and the package instance name (pkginst). Package Name Package Instance Name gskcrypt64-.sun..tar.Z gsk8cry64 gskssl64-.sun..tar.Z gsk8ssl64 In a temporary directory, uncompress and untar each of the compressed packages using the following command: zcat gskcrypt64- | tar -xvf - zcat gskssl64- | tar -xvf - For GSKit Crypt 64-bit gsk8cry64 would be the decompressed file. The following installation instructions assume that you have decompressed the installation packages and are working with them directly. Installing with admintool GUI tool Do the following: 1. Start the admintool application by entering admintool at the command prompt. 2. Select Software from the Browse pull-down menu. 3. From the Edit menu choose Add to add the software package to the system. 4. Depending on the Software Location chosen, enter the directory or CD Path or Mount Point that contains the installable package. 5. List the instances: From the displayed list of package instances, identify GSKit Crypt (gsk8cry64). 6. Repeat steps 3-5 however this time add GSKit SSL (gsk8ssl64). Installing with pkgadd command line tool To install GSKit 8 with pkgadd the following commands need to be run: 1. Run the pkgadd command to install each GSKit component as needed: pkgadd [-G] -d /var/spool/pkg gsk8cry64 pkgadd [-G] -d /var/spool/pkg gsk8ssl64 Use the -G option to install GSKit to the current zone only. 2. Run pkgchk to check the accuracy of the installed package. pkgchk gsk8ssl64 Removing Packages using admintool GUI tool 1. Start the GUI application by entering 'admintool' on the command prompt. 2. From the Browse pull-down menu select Software. 3. Mark the package to delete. 4. Select Delete from the Edit menu on the Admintool:Software main window. From the window displayed, confirm to execute the package remove operation. Removing Packages using pkgrm command line tool The procedure to remove a previously installed or partially installed GSKit package is given below. The dependencies are checked before any package is removed. If a dependency exists, the action taken is defined in the admin file. 1. Run the pkgrm command to remove each package as needed. To remove installation completely from a system using pkgrm you need to run: pkgrm The default mode of the command is interactive, meaning that prompt messages allow you to confirm the actions being taken. A non-interactive mode can be requested with the -n option. However, the command will exit if there is a need for interaction. If you require a completely non-interactive installation to take place, you will need to create an admin file and use option -a. See the pkgrm man page for more information. Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 --------------end of Solaris Server-------------------------------------------- 2.6) Windows Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows 2008 64bit or later - Database - DB2 9.7 or later - Oracle 11g or later - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 or later - Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 or later - Installation - Pre-reqs - 800MB of free space on C:\ - To install from the command line - odwin.exe - To uninstall use Add/Remove Programs - Read the Installation Documentation online at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cmod/v9r0m0/index.jsp for further information. - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 The GSKit Crypt and SSL components are installed automatically. Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 - Enhancements The GSKit has been updated to version Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 - Enhancements The GSKit has been updated to version APARs: PI74516 - PDF Indexer performance improvement for Windows Only -------------end of Windows Server--------------------------------------------- 2.7) Linux Release ( - Pre-reqs - Linux RedHat (RHEL) 5 Update 6 or later - (2.6.18-238 kernel) - Linux SUSE (SLES) 10.3 or later - (2.6.22 kernel) - Database - DB2 9.7 or later - Oracle 11g or later - Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 or later - Installation - Unix installs are now packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported. - Pre-reqs - 400MB of free space in /tmp and 400MB in /opt - To install from the command line - odlinux.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/ibm/ondemand/V9.0/_uninst900/uninstallod -i console - Read the Installation Documentation online at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cmod/v9r0m0/index.jsp for further information - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 The installation must be performed as the user root. The -nodeps flag should not be used unless specifically called out in the instructions below. Installing with RPM command line tool Do the following: 1. Use the rpm command to perform the installation as follows: To install in the default location: /usr/local rpm -Uv gskcrypt64- rpm -Uv gskssl64- Removal using the Command Line Interface Note that the rpm command run with the -qa option will provide a list of installed packages. This may be used to determine the exact names of the currently installed GSKit packages. For example, rpm -qa | grep gsk Do the following: 1. Run the rpm command to remove the GSKit SSL package followed by the GSKit Crypt package. rpm -ev gskssl64- gskcrypt64- Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 APARs: PI43369 - Content Manager OnDemand does not take into account reserved block count when determining which cache system to use PI50140 - PDF Indexer in V9.0 CMOD on Linux fails to process files over 2GB PI57099 - Crash may occur when seg date is date(old style) and incorrect format is used to specify the seg date range Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 -------------end of Linux Server----------------------------------------------- 2.8) Linux on System z Server Release ( - Pre-reqs - Linux RedHat (RHEL) 5 Update 6 or later - (2.6.18-238 kernel) - Linux SUSE (SLES) 10.3 or later - (2.6.22 kernel) - Database - DB2 9.7 or later - Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 or later - Installation - Unix installs are now packaged with InstallAnywhere. The native installs using SMIT, swinstall, pkgadd, or RPM are no longer supported. - Pre-reqs - 400MB of free space in /tmp and 400MB in /opt - To install from the command line - odlinux390.bin -i console - To uninstall from the command line - /opt/ibm/ondemand/V9.0/_uninst900/uninstallod -console - Read the Installation Documentation online at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cmod/v9r0m0/index.jsp for further information. - Installing the IBM Global Security Kit Version 8 The installation must be performed as the user root. The -nodeps flag should not be used unless specifically called out in the instructions below. Installing with RPM command line tool Do the following: 1. Use the rpm command to perform the installation as follows: To install in the default location: /usr/local rpm -Uv gskcrypt64- rpm -Uv gskssl64- Removal using the Command Line Interface Note that the rpm command run with the -qa option will provide a list of installed packages. This may be used to determine the exact names of the currently installed GSKit packages. For example, rpm -qa | grep gsk Do the following: 1. Run the rpm command to remove the GSKit SSL package followed by the GSKit Crypt package. rpm -ev gskssl64- gskcrypt64- Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 APARs: PI43369 - Content Manager OnDemand does not take into account reserved block count when determining which cache system to use Release ( - Pre-reqs - Previous install of IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9 -------------end of Linux on System z Server----------------------------------- -----------------end of Server Change History---------------------------------- 3) IBM Content Manager OnDemand Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1) Currency Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Content Manager OnDemand has been currency tested with: AIX 6.1, 7.1 DB2 V10.1, 10.5 DB2 pureScale SQL Server 2012, 2014 Oracle 11.2, 12c Linux SUSE Enterprise Server 11 Linux RedHat Enterprise Server 6 TSM 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1 KVM Hypervisor Windows Server 2012 -------------end of Currency Testing------------------------------------------- 3.2) Testing Environments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms is tested in 15 configurations on 9 different platforms. The following is a list of the environments in which IBM tested the latest fix pack. AIX: AIX - 6.1 DB2 - 9.7 Oracle - 11g TSM - 5.5 HP-UX: HP-UX - B11.23 (11i v3) DB2 - 9.7 TSM - 5.5 SunOS: SunOS - 5.10 DB2 - 9.7 Oracle - 11g TSM - 5.5 Windows: Windows - 2008 DB2 - 9.7 Oracle - 11g SQL Server - 2008 R2 TSM - 5.5 Linux on x64: RedHat - RHEL release 5 U6 SuSE - SLES 10.3 DB2 - 9.7 Oracle - 11g TSM - 5.5 Linux on System z: RedHat - RHEL release 5 U6 SuSE - SLES 10.3 DB2 - 9.7 TSM - 5.5 -------------end of Testing Environments--------------------------------------- -----------------end of IBM Content Manager OnDemand Testing------------------- 4) Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find information updates by searching the Web Based Technical Support web site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/ondemand/mp/support.html You can find the following additional documents by entering the document # or title in the search field: Document # Document title 1597246 IBM Content Manager OnDemand V9.0 LDAP Authentication Process 1599768 Globalization Updates 1599772 Administration Updates 1606259 Indexing Updates 1606305 Best practices: Full Text Search with IBM Content Manager OnDemand 1610510 IBM Content Manager OnDemand V8.5 and later LDAP authentication to active directory server fails with an error 1611495 IBM Content Manager OnDemand defined macros in SQL 1613984 Configuring arsload to process downloaded files with non-standard names 1618982 IBM Content Manager OnDemand server issues the message "ARS0188E Unable to create thread. The return code is X" and exits 1618988 DB Error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL0101N received because the statement is too long 1620763 The arsdb -cv command fails to create the IBM Content Manager OnDemand database with DB2 Version 10 1620754 Upgrade Guide for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server V9.0.0 1620771 The arsdb -uv command fails to update the IBM Content Manager OnDemand database when upgrading from older versions to V9 1623416 Update required for Report Distribution Facility Deliveries and Bundles Folders Definitions 1623537 IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms fails to create new tables after upgrading to DB2 V10 1625849 IBM Content Manager OnDemand filename indexing fails when only one field is defined for application groups 1627793 Data access issues with TSM Connection Pooling when duplicate storage node names 1631713 Preserving case-switching behavior when migrating from IBM Content Manager OnDemand Version 8.4.x to Version 8.5 or Version 9.0 1640940 ACIF issues message APK299 and stops processing 1645926 Considerations when using cron jobs to schedule Content Manager OnDemand commands 1655281 Large object line data document views with incorrect line counts 1648999 Security Bulletin IBM Content Manager OnDemand GSKit Vulnerability (CVE-2013-0169) 1657158 ODServer.xmlParse core dumps on Solaris with Java 1.5 1661918 How to format server trace using ARSTFMT on Content Manager OnDemand 8.5.x.x and 9.0.x.x on Windows platform 1664089 Using PDF Internal Indexes/Page-Piece Dictionary 1666846 System log error CLI0102E: Invalid conversion with SQLSTATE=07006 1670832 Is DB2 Purescale supported by Content Manager OnDemand? 1671580 IBM Content Manager onDemand error Unable to create symbolic link 1676059 Retrieval of ICC4SAP files stored in IBM Content Manager OnDemand 1677989 More information about arsload messages ARS1407W, ARS1408W, ARS1409I, ARS1410W, ARS1411W, and ARS1412E 1679628 Possible data loss can occur when using the OS/390 Indexer with Content Manager OnDemand Multi-Platforms and/or Content Manager OnDemand z/OS products 1681258 OS/390 Indexer - what is the order of precedence among INPEXIT, INDEXIT, and the ANYSTORE exits? 1688078 Introduction to ACIF Indexing 1688494 Content Manager OnDemand arsload service/daemon might fail loading all data 1693181 Security Bulletin: TLS padding vulnerability affects Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms (CVE-2014-8730) 1694054 How to search the OnDemand System Log using arsdoc query when the SQL query string contains a date or date range 7036188 Content Manager OnDemand V9.0 new date types for Date, Date/Time and Date/Time (TZ) -----------------end of Reference----------------------------------------------